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To get this started, before I get to the subject that elicited my expression of squeaky shock in the title, first some lyrics. -- "Fear", by Disturbed. The song is from their first album, 'The Sickness', and man it's a well done one. The song's beat changes several times, kinda. I really like it coz it elicits nostalgia from me in some aspects.   Anyways, to the topic of this: I think somebody circulated an email to noobs saying they should PM me and latch on to me, coz I've had conversati



Home From School.

My day went pretty okay. I'm still bummed out that the Pats lost. Anyways, I got a pleasant surprise at lunch. An eighth grade science teacher walked up to me while I was reading 'H.P. Lovecraft and Others', and we had a short but cool conversation about H. P. Lovecraft. I find that awesome. I hope I get him as a teacher next year.   Oh, and meet Borgie:   ._: <(Resistance is futile.)




I can't belive it, the Patriots lost! I can't believe it! When I went to bed they were winning! ARGH! Oh I wish I had a time machine....... Argh. Not again... That's just not fair. *cries*     Anyways, I have to go to school soon.




My day's been okay, but boring mostly.     I'm working on lots of art. Lots of Bionicle art for an eventual Bionicle art topic, and two pieces of art for my COT art topic which already exists (see my sig for a link).       And I must exact my revenge on somebody who has wronged me... I will say nothing of it other than that he will suffer dearly. And no it's not on BZP.



Morning... Sunlight! My Eyes! Aaaagh! *hissss*

As evidenced by the title I am not a 'bright and sunny morning' person. YAY night time. Anyways, *belch* I'm listening to 'Shout 2000' by Disturbed right now. "Shout! Shout!" Awesome cover. Meeeeeep.     One of the things I like about Mozilla firefox is that it's got an adblocker, plus I already had one installed.     Now I'm listening to "Droppin' Plates".       Time goes by so fast....... Or maybe the little gnomes in my head are making me think that... Whooooooooooo..... *spooky voice*



Just Watched 'the Great Escape'

It's one of the best movies ever. The story (based on actual fact) was gripping, the characters well portrayed, and I really felt sad for Ives and Blythe. The mark of a good movie is when you really care for the characters and what happens to them. I watched the movie with my dad, and he knows a ton about history so he told me some pretty interesting things. All in all, the movie is a classic.




After two weeks of listening to the System of a Down CD 'Steal this album!', I've just started listening to my other CD, Disturbed's 'The Sickness'. Disturbed is an incredible band, their style's great. Right now I'm listening to 'The Game', and in a little bit I'll be watching 'The Great Escape' with my father. Great movie, I saw fifteen minutes of it but since it was three hours long and it was nearly bedtime for me when I saw it, I didn't see all of it. Now I'll get the chance to. Anyways, I



Saturday, Yay...

Glegh, finally the weekend. Some snow's still out there but there will be more to come... Maybe.   *Random flashback sequence to his childhood* GMan: "Yaaaay! I'm being negatively influenced by tellyvizin and my head's defective! YAAAAY!"           ...     Anyways, I really need to get a Nintendo DS, to buy and play Yoshi's Island DS and Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. *Shocked gasps emanate from audience* Yes, you heard me right, I'm a Pokemon fan. Only the games though, the TV series got lame afte



Oh, Irony Once More...

It snowed during school today, then the evil sun with its genocidal rays of light began killing the snowflakes. BAD SUNSHINE! *cries*       Anyways, my day went pretty dang smoothly. Hoo-ray. Another day of my life spent sitting in a concrete structure memorizing data. Double hoo-ray.



Gotta Run

to catch my bus. It snowed a little, but it'll melt very fast. DANG IT!




... the type of 'laugh at the stupidity of it all' I used in the previous entry was the 'Laugh at the stupidity of it all and then hold your head in your hands out of stress from it all'




My school day was okay, really, after Computer fun I had Assisted Studies, and then in French we watched a movie. Then English was pretty easy and I got to read the Lewis Carroll poem 'Jabberwocky' to my class coz I brought it in a while ago, and the words used in it got my teacher inspired, so she had us do some work about it. Oh yes and watch out for the frumious Bandersnatches I keep here. *THROK* Too late.   Anyways, I gotta say some of the things I see on BZP are funny. I remember seeing o




Yay, I got in an entry on a school library comp and get to write my usual Thursday entry. Hu-zah.   I realized, the normal cycle of all us Bionicle fans having to wait months for pics has been horribly broken. Who knows what will happen... Now a quote from Billy and Mandy: Sir Raven: YOU FOOLS!! YOU'VE MESSED WITH THE NATURAL OORDAAAAAA!!!!!!!




Yyyyep, off to face the world and flip off at it again. Gurg, I'm lumpy and tired.   I can see it hasn't snowed outside, but I bet it'll be icy, cold, and kinda frosty. Blegh... WHY WON'T IT SNOW?! WHY?!     At least I have computer fun class today........



Oh Yeah...

Right after I left for school I saw that it had kinda snowed, but not much, and that it was icy. RAGH! EVIL! EVIL I SAY! I'm being taunted... I'm sure it's the gnomes... It's always the gnomes.




Well my day went pretty good, class was easy. Mostly because I was picked up at 12:40 to attend a charity event. See, in Massachusetts, where I live, several weeks ago in Danvers there was an explosion and the New England Home for the Deaf was damaged by it. My sister was at a friend's for a playdate, and my mom was talking to my sister's friend's mom, and my sister's friend's mom works as an interpreter for the NEHD's residents and they were talking about it and my mom got the idea to bring thi




Finite.   ---   My CD player runs through batteries every few days... Argh, I hate it how they're practically designed to do that... Or it could be that I play it lots... Or both. Whatever. Gonna hafta get some sleep soon...     Before I go, a humorous quote from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac:



Hit With A Moral-freedoms-respect-fairness Paradox

I have a choice to make. And it's a tough one. A few will know what I am talking about. One direction may lead me across a teetering bridge to a safer side or I may fall, the other direction brings me closer in but will it deny me opportunity? Unsureness and doubt riddle any decisions I have nearly made so far. What will I choose? And what do I stand to gain/lose? In the face of change, will I falter?



Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy...

One of the funniest dark-themed cartoons out there. Chock full of morose humor, homages to fiction (such as the episode Something stupid this way comes being a Ray Bradbury homage or The Prank Call of Cthulhu being a homage to the Cthulhu Mythos), and double entendres. One of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen, I wish it would come out on a season DVD... A number of quotes: Grim: And what are you supposed to be? Mandy: I'm a ruthless high-prized executive attorney. Grim: Then what's with th



Oh, Irony...

Right after I made that entry and left for school, I found out it had kinda snowed, melted, froze and stuff. There were even icicles on the bus. But no snow. No snow. No snow. Just some frost and ice. NO SNOW! WHY?! WHY?! *cries again* My schoool day was fine, but when I got out of class, I was taunted by a few weak flurries and cold weather that would have accompanied snow perfectly! BUT NO, IT DIDN'T SNOW! RAGH! ARGH! NRAAARGH! YRRRRRRRRAYRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAGH! *sniffle*         Oh, and if




*yawns* Nyeh, I'm so groggy... I don't even remember what I dreamed about, I don't think I had lots of sleep but I can't really recall whether or not... Yargh... I'm lumpy again... And it still hasn't snowed... *cries*



Updated My Sig...

Yup, I finished my new banner, it's a Marilyn Manson one. For those of you who don't get it, go look it up.     And... This is the third time I've found out by clicking 'Add entry'...     It keeps getting stranger and stranger... I think the little green men are messing with my head... The little voices agree......     Anyways, I had a weird dream a few nights ago: I was in some sort of pavillion or outdoor market place, looking around, and I had a lightsaber, a green bladed one. And for so




Well, I woke up around nine then had to do some homework. Then I got on my comp, BZP's server was down, and I whiled away my time elsewhere online. One of those things was starting on making a Marilyn Manson banner in MS paint. So then I got on and browsed around.     I have just this one single (nonspoiler) thing to say of the pics everybody's talking about: Impressive.     Anyways... Wow, for once my cynical, depressing, bitter mind is at a loss for words. Wait, no... I think I have someth



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