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*sits Back*

Got my homework done, I'm doing fine...   Apparently my sense of humor recently has crossed the bounds of a few more strict-minded people. Fine with me, I'll restrict that sort of thing, I really wasn't sure about the assisted suicide joke thing, but it was certainly better than alternatives I was also considering. I'll have to keep certain tidbits of my biting sarcasm out of here, and I'll also clarify when I'm going to be sarcastic, as it seems people with different views had trouble telling




My day, to describe it vividly, was like being in a blender, only the pain is mental and the blending is super-slo mo so I'll suffer further waiting for it to end. I was rather irritated by today. But I had this dream some time during my sleep, where I was looking at some Jhonen Vasquez books that were familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. It's not clear what happened in the dream, but I went on some sort of travel or adventure... I'm ranking it among my best dreams coz it kinda makes me fee




I'm in my computer fun class right now, and playing some games while I type this. *yawns* I'm bored.




I'm up, and here typing. I hope I can make it through today without snapping.     At least it's Thursday. The end of the week is so near, that's nice.   Oh yeah, I forgot to say, I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail on DVD a few days ago with my dad. Comedy genius. I've always loved Monty Python, their acts are hilarious. "We found a witch, may we burn her?" "Is it an African or a European swallow?" "Um, uh, I don't know!" *launched into Gorge of Death* "Bring out yer dead!" "Oh! C



Back From School.....

Interesting note: I'm already used to school again. Not even the miracle drug we call vacation cured my readiness for marching out of bed, going to school, laboring over stupid things for hours (Who the *insert swear of preference* needs to know how many apples Timmy got from his stupid neighbor?!), getting homework, and dropping in my bed to sleep fitfully for only a few of the hours my body needs.   Now, onwards, I got to dissect a fish in Science today! It was kinda smelly coz it had been d




And tired. I dunno how much sleep I got but I'm hazarding the guess it wasn't enough. Ah well, I have school to go to. Oh boy. *yawns*




Whee, testing out a few title things, mostly because I'd like certain things to stay lowercase in the title. Just because I feel like it.   Oh, and I must say, I like messing with people's heads, although I do it unintentionally sometimes. Here's one example of it, when I was trying to cheer somebody up on another site (which of course I won't mention): -Removed by me to follow rules-   I'm not good at cheering people up, I've noticed. However I am thinking of taking up a career as a motivat



Back To School...

*cries* Well, my vacation's over and I must go back to school. Ah well, I only have a four day week! But I only got ten days of vacation... I wish vacations were longer... Oh well.




I went to see 'Night At The Museum' earlier today with my dad. It wasn't awful, but some parts were just downright pathetic. Bahrag Kal wrote a song parody, see here. Really fits what I felt.   Huh, just noticed that entry I wrote Saturday the 23rd was edited for 'baseless judgements'. I don't even remember what I wrote, I bet years from now I'll be perfectly able to recall every significant or absurd detail about BZP except what I wrote in that entry, and I'll think I have some sort of brain/



Into This New Swath Of Deluding Ourselves We Go

Happy (if you can call it that) New Year to everybody who realizes this is just another year before each person dies, as the world around us slowly decays and kills itself. If you didn't realize this, by accident or just downright ignorance, no happy new year for you!   And so we plunge into a new age of degrading ourselves, all within the measure of a unit of "time", which as has been said by me before, is an illusion chemically created by our feeble, instict driven cerebral meats. And it's p



*pushes Baby New Year Down Flight Of Stairs*

Title's just for the heckuvit, folks, although it does have something to do with the subject.     Deux-zero-zero-six hath almost ended. Twelve months, three hundred sixty five days, fifty-two weeks... A year of my life. It's been almost a year since I sat on the couch waiting for the new year, reminiscing on how it had been a year since I was with my father reminiscing on how it had been five years since the new millenium began. Geez, where does the time go? *Sigh* Wow. I can remember so many



I'm Aliiiiiive!

Guess who's back?   Back again?   GMan's back, he ate your friend.       Mhm, yeeeeees, you want to hear about my vacation? Well, we drove for nearly twelve hours starting at 6:00 AM on Wednesday, and reached the place in Ohio where our relatives lived around half past three. We kinda played around, unpacked, etc. I watched Invader Zim on DVD for most of the trip to Ohio. It was great being in Ohio again, I got to see my grandfather on my mother's side of the family, who had his 83rd birth




I'm going to be in Ohio from tomorrow to Sunday. So I won't be able to respond to PMs while I am gone, of course. I will be visiting relatives on my mom's side of the family, such as my grandfather, and my mother's sister and her family. We will be driving all day tomorrow, and then Sunday we will drive home. So yeah, I won't be here. Anarchy Kitten will be watching to make sure you behave here........ I spent over an hour packing.




I'm gonna get steak and mashed potatoes from Picadily Pub... Mmmm... And the whole b-shelf gallery thing is solved, nothin' bad goin on now. *belch* I like Kalmah, it's a good set. The tentacles are neat, I think I'll buy a spare one if I have the money... I am planning to rebuild Kalmah in the construction of Takadox, so I'll need another Hakann, a Jaller, and maybe a spare Kalmah... But I'll probably just snap photos of it and then put Kalmah back together. I have similar plans to rebuild sets



And I Thought It Was Over...

Outright plagiarism again... It's not nice at all that that person knowingly stole the photos and images I scanned. I've contacted him and I hope he removes the images. *sigh* I specifically warned in my gallery that the images were not to be stolen... Ragh.




I didn't really care that BZP was down for Christmas yesterday, as I was at my relatives' house celebrating and all, so I wouldn't have been able to use it much. I had fun seeing my relatives again, and I must say, I'm addicted to Baked Lays and onion dip. We were there til about 5:30 PM, then we drove home and got home at about 6:47 PM. And I stayed up til 11:00 PM without noticing how late it was(caffeine and chocolate does that to you). So I slept in til about 8:30. And I got around to writin



Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Hurrah!   No snow this Christmas, but I enjoyed it SO MUCH! I'm here with my family, it's a wonderful holiday, and I feel awesome! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! Have a good one, everybody out there! I'm listening to some Trans-Siberian Orchestra music right now, "Wizards in Winter", and it fits the holiday mood well.   I hope you're all with family and friends, in the comfort of your home, and whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you all have a good time and



Oh, And...

Merry Christmas! Have a good one! Tis the season to be jolly! Yes, I am aware of how strange that sounds coming from me. Ah well, MERRY CHRISTMAS! *smorp* Still no snow though... *cries*



Strange Captions...

I started coming up with weird things in my head and decided they'd be hilarious captions to accompany an image... But I wasn't up to drawing the images, so I decided to just post them.   "The chainsaw-wombats would be back the next night, Steve knew, but for now he slept comfortably with the hedge clippers at his bedside."   "...All that was found of poor Lloyd after the hideous incident involving mittens were two fingernails and half of his left foot."   "The group heard a loud, ominous




...From church. It was okay except for the fact that it was full of small, talkative, whiny children. So I survived the babble of the children, partook in the usual activities, and got home a while ago. Then I checked up on BZP and elsewhere. And now here I am typing this.     ...       .............     STILL NO SNOW! RAGH! And on top of that, there's the inhumane battery of horrifyingly sappy, tacky, stupid, or offensive commercials, the political correctifying of the holidays, and the fac




Awake and alive... Been perusing BZP, doing some spriting stuff, looking around other places, etc. Gonna hafta go to church in a little...     So it's Christmas eve, wow. Seems like just yesterday it was Christmas... Time goes by so fast... Whatever, the commercialism just sucked the life out of me... It's bad enough everything became politically correct, but what's worse is there's also corporate greed tearing at Christmas... Oh boy, the death of yet another beloved family holiday!       *B




I went to see 'Happy Feet' at the nearby Jordan's Furniture IMAX theater. Good movie. But I had to go with my dad, who didn't feel well, and my whiny, stupid sister, and my sister kept throwing tantrums and we nearly went home several times, even after we bought the tickets. The movie was wonderful and I liked it, but I had to wait for over an hour in a large, noisy building, with my moody sister, the building being full of nitwitted, whiny, hyperactive kids, and it was a pain in the neck. And H



Thoughts On The Latest Rpg Contest......

No, don't worry, no whining from me. It looks like Bionicle Kingdoms: Downfall will win, and in my opinion, that's a good thing. Too many RPGs that won previously have built up large fanbases, so I was hoping for some new meat. Technically, Bionicle Kingdoms is old, but it kinda died prematurely, and I remember how detailed it was, so I hope it wins. Blegh, y'know? Monolith RPGs kinda get irritating, not because of quality, they just keep winning, no offense to the people who made them. I hope s




On vacation, oh boy. But right now it just feels like a normal Saturday...... Nyeh. But I'm on vacation, that has to count for something, right? I mean, three months of school with only days off and a four-and-a-half day weekend? Now I get a blissful week or so to vegetate and think my thoughts without many people to interrupt them. Ahhhh...... Wait, I have to go visit my evil little cousins in Ohio a few days after Christmas, oh Elder good no....... *left eye twitches*   Well, listening to mu




Nyeh. I'm okay. I existed and browsed the wonderful Interweb, then I had delicious, kinda spicy, roast beef for dinner. Then I went back to perusing my computer, and made myself a spiffy av for somewhere else. Then I carried on with my aimless wandering about the web. Then, I got my Squee! trade paperback and began reading. Afterwards, I began drawing. I won't say what I'm drawing, but it's Squee-related. You'll see what it is.   I wish I had JTHM: Director's Cut. I would have gotten it off of



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