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Random Updates On Random Things

My cold's finally getting better – now hopefully I won't have just jinxed it by saying that. I had thought I was doing okay on Wednesday, but then I wasn't feeling so great in the afternoon. Then yesterday I did go to school, but I only stayed until 3rd period so I could go to Greek for review (my last class ever with Katie! I was so sad!), then spent much of the rest of the day miserable on the couch. But today I finally felt actually good, or at least definitely did not feel bad, and I actuall

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Shasa And The Ko-matoran

Shasa would really be a fascinating character to find out more about. Think about her. She spends most of her time sitting in her hut weaving and talking about how nice it is that everyone cooperates whenever someone comes by, but evidently she has some skill with weaponry as well, or else she (and Amaya) wouldn't have been set to guard Ga-Koro in the MNOLG. Just that peculiar combination alone makes her far more interesting than I had thought she was.   One could come up with all sorts of expl

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

They're Back

Spring has fully come, absolutely everything has become properly green again, the weather is amazing, and that means it's time to go outside and take some more Tohunga pictures. As well as some gardening stuff on the side. I really can't get enough of them.   First, we have Jala – actually the Tohunga I've had for the longest, since 2003, after Nuparu and his Boxor. I really like the picture on the left; it's one of the few instances I've gotten a good close-up shot where my camera focuses prop

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Amazing Day

It's going to be so weird next week when we actually meet for Latin (not that we're doing anything but watching movies). By an odd combination of circumstances, we haven't had it since Monday, and it's been awesome... actually, this needs an introductory explanation.   Introductory Explanation: our AP Euro and World History teacher, VMC, is retiring this year. She is amazing. So awesome. Everyone loves her. She's the emblem of an eccentric history teacher. She's obsessed with the Mona Lisa. She

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Next Year Already?

It's been a while since I made a proper Life entry, one that doesn't have to do with APs...   ... although I can't help but bring them up. I have so much free time now that they're over. It feels weird. No more hour-long Bio notes, reading for Euro, occasionally impossible Calc problems; the only regular homework I have is Astronomy and Greek... But I should really be taking advantage of this to work on the literary magazine. Eh.   Anyway, we got our (preliminary but more or less definite) sch

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

I Get A Funny Hat

Or at least according to Bloom County I do. I don't even like that style of hat that much, but I do love the little tab of paper stuck into it...   We should have something like that for Yearbook. ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Orange Blasphemy

:: ::  A treatise on orange and Pohatu Phantoka:   I have come to the conclusion that, given certain conditions, orange can be quite a good color for Pohatu Phantoka. Now, before you all jump on me and accuse me of heresy, allow me to explain.   The problem with his color comes from the Adaptive Armor. Without it, his color scheme could just be yellow-orange and reddish-brown (the color that replaced brown in 2004, which Avak had) and things would be simple and everyone would be pleased. Bu

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Et Iam Finis Erat

~ Aeneid 1.223   Done with AP Latin, which officially makes APs in entirety over. YAY. The multiple choice was hard but fun, and the essays were so easy. The translations were both passages I had read last night, completely by chance, and then the essays proper were all on pretty simple sections, one of which I predicted would be on it, another that Leigh Ann did...   So now I have almost nothing to do for the rest of the year. My only real classes now are Astronomy, English, and Greek, no hom

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

God Of The Flowing Hair

:: ::  I love Apollo. Or at least the one translation I read that rendered the part where he appears to Ascanius as "Apollo, God of the Flowing Hair", which is an absolutely wonderful description. In fact I like most of the gods and goddesses who show up throughout the Aeneid. They give entertaining speeches and are all dramatic (or at least Venus and Juno are toward each other) or wise and just and awesome.   And yes, the Latin AP is tomorrow. Should be fun. Some things to remember from the

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


(antlers borrowed from the ingenious Arpy)   Don't ask. Don't tell.   Nefarious anemone! ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Done At Last!

Euro and Bio are OVER. At last. Two hardest exams done.   Euro could have been worse; the multiple choice was pretty easy (except for those random questions they always throw in), but the essays were terrible. One of those sets where you look at them and go "...I don't know what to do for any of these." But eventually I managed to pull together what knowledge I had on two of the subjects and got them done with some degree of proficiency... And the DBQ was an easy topic, but I don't think I orga

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Well That's One Of Them Down

CALCULUS IS OVER. Not until next September do I have to do large quanities of math again. Whoo!   The exam itself wasn't so bad, but there were some annoying free response questions about limits that I had no idea how to do. The with-calculator multiple-choice was really easy, and everything else pretty much the same level of difficulty as we had been reviewing... And since we had been reviewing for a whole month anyway, that wasn't really hard.   And now I get to go and panic about Euro on Fr

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Project Nuva :: Kopaka Phantoka

Project Nuva lives again! Oddly, in the weekend before APs, but...   (click for the full image, of course)   Most of it is explained in the picture, except for one thing: the red lightsaber beams. I would have much preferred ice blue, personally, since it completes the icy look, but apparently red is needed to add a flare of color to the neutral scheme. And since he did have one red eye and one blue in MoL, I'm okay with it.   What do you think? ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Took the SAT today, for the first time. It was incredibly easy. There were a couple odd math questions, but I got the answers to them eventually, and then a few of those incessantly annoying questions where it's a matter of preference rather than grammatical propriety as to which option is the best... There's nothing wrong with the passive voice!   But still. Piece of cake. Now to wait a month or so and find out how I did, although I can't imagine I did badly, since it was just as easy as the P

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

At The Moment

There are APs next week. (Advanced Placement exams, for those unfamiliar with the term)   I know by all societal standards I should be freaking out right now, but... I'm not. The only exam I shall freak out for is Euro. Because with just about every multiple choice question the teacher has taken from a real AP and put on our tests, I've had little idea what the answer is. That and the fact that there are too many battles and treaties and people whose names all sound alike and rarely specify wha

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Now Just What Is Going On Here?

Last summer I planted a bunch of things around the back yard. Over the weekend, I noticed that a few of them were starting to grow, I think four out of a row of six I planted. Well, today, I was outside (enjoying the 40ºF weather, eating a banana, and wishing somebody had been around to give me strange looks) and noticed that a fifth of said plant had popped up. Not in one of the remaining two spots.   Yes, I know how that happened (I think some of the plants we got had two shoots coming up), b

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The First Rain Of Spring

Hm hm hm, it finally rained today... went outside in it and enjoyed myself, just got back in a few minutes ago. It reminded me of why I love rain and spring so much – rain turns every color vibrant and rich, from delightful greens to even making asphalt a pleasing shade of deep grey. And of course everything is shiny and sparkling, too, even under a cloudy sky...   And then it's just amazing what can happen in spring. In just three days, the trees have become twice as green, our cherry trees ha

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Sprinkler Did It

Let it be known that one of the great joys of life is running through a sprinkler on a hot day. And getting soaked as a result. My hair was completely drenched afterward because I stood under the spray and walked with it. It got me a lot of entertaining looks and was the worst after Ally's skirt...   *shakes his head and gets water everywhere* ~ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


So, I'm back from vacation. It was very productive, and in a completely unexpected way: I started and finished one short story (seven pages handwritten) within two days after getting the idea, and I also got a very good start on another one whose idea I've had for a while. That second one I've been thinking about for literally years. It started out as a few paragraphs written for an exercise in a writing class two summers ago. Then I wanted to make a proper short story out it, so I've worked on

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Hahli's Theme

You may remember, a while ago, when I decided that Takanuva's theme song in QfLD was One Day, from the Pirates 3 soundtrack.   Yesterday I stumbled upon an idea for what Hahli's theme is, and it's quite grown on me, so now it's official: You Raise Me Up, as sung by Celtic Woman. If you haven't heard it, search for it somewhere, and you'll probably find it. And of course listen to it. It's a great song, and I've been wanting to do a Hahli/Shenyu picture set to it for a while, since it really fit

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Things are slowly actually turning green around here... *bounce* The grass is no longer so yellowish, there are shoots coming up from all the flower beds, the ivy's turned a rich shade of green, and above all there are buds on all the bushes and trees. And it's supposed to rain tomorrow, which will be great in and of itself and will make everything look even better. It's about time, and I still can't wait for the rest to become green with leaves and new plants and everything else...   In other

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Senior Skip Day

My school has a tradition that, one day of the year, none of the seniors come to school. That day is also always the day of the Senior Prank(s). It's usually quite interesting – depending on the quality of the pranks – and then there's always an interesting few minutes halfway through the day when all the Seniors show up in cars and drive around and around the school, horns blaring.   Since half my friends are seniors, and I spent most of yesterday afternoon with a bunch of them (seeing The Mer

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Frazzled Puffball And The Recycled Plant

The Thursday before Easter, Leigh Ann and I found a few of those odd little fuzzy chicken-things around the school and were quite fascinated by them (I think a yellow, pink, and blue one turned up). Then this week, I discovered another one, somewhere between yellow and green, sitting all by itself on a shelf in the Latin room, all battered and frizzy...     Isn't it like a blend of terrifyingly freaky and one of the most adorable things ever? Both its wings are on one side, I think it's suppo

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Covered In Paint

There's paint all over my pants at the moment... which is what comes of sitting on a floor with little half-dried paint droplets all over it. And my hands were the same earlier.   But this is fun. I painted a brick wall backdrop today, and I wanted to stay and do another one, but my dad had been waiting for me for a while and I figured it would be rude to make him come back later. Still, at least I was able to actually contribute something!   I should do set crew more formally than just showin

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

One Of Those Relaxing Days

Today was really quite weird, but in the same way it was one of the best school days I've ever had. I wound up with four free periods, which was just wonderful: we had Astronomy off, because the teacher was still sick and, though present, couldn't lecture us with his voice as it was; Katie wasn't here, so we had no Greek; then the AP Latin class had already decided we would have an "off day," since we just finished through book 9; and I have 9th free every day anyway.   It was fun, once I got u

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

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