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Entries in this blog

Electone Exam: How It Went

The electone exam was a disaster in the making.   If there was any time Murphy’s Law could have kicked in, it was in the exam. It always happened to me, every time I step into the exam room, I get a nervous breakdown of some sort.   Old mistakes disappeared, but new mistakes would occur. Scales that were perfect would fumble to a halt. Sight-reading, it was a mess from the start and would still be. It was exacerbated when the sight-reading score was hand-written with fat notes that I could not



Youth Society, And My D-day

Recently, I noticed something quite… disturbing, or interesting, of late.   No, it's not that my electone exam is a day away. I already noticed that a long time ago.     I noticed now that children and teens were flocking full force out of the house and into the malls.   It's their school holidays, but the polytechnic students are still at school. It's their great opportunity to take over the town.   In the recent MRT rides, more teenagers in their shorts, Birkenstock-imitate sandals or croc



Dolle Project Ii

Electone exam's coming in: 4, more accurately 3, days.   Link to older image   Next up on the board: My little sister.   By the glance, you could tell that she's pretty. You bet she is. She's the one with the looks among us three sisters. Slim too.   But, she’s the most bubbly of us lot. If I were to think of our group of sisters as a juxtaposition of the Powerpuff Girls (but we all would cringe at the thought), my twin would have been Blossom and this one would have been Bubbles. That wo



Dolle Project

Yesterday was a day of achievement for me, and it was not just the SSC#4 Honourable Mention.   - I got my results for two major tests. Both clinched ‘A’s. - My 'students' passed. One even cried his thanks out loud, with the teacher watching on.     But, now... oh gosh, the electone exam's a-coming, in 6 days!   I should be practising right now, but there're people my parents invited over downstairs and they're discussing in the room where the electone is.   That and my electone is a safety



I Can't Believe It

I... won... I won in a BZP contest...   For the first time, in my three years on this little site and hidey-hole on the Net, I finally won a BZP contest.     OK, it's an honourable mention, but it's better than nothing!   I'll be honest that I thought my songfic would get somewhere, but I had not expected a winning position at all!   I'm dumbfounded, speechless, well... genuinely surprised. I checked the topic after my 8am test, with my friends around me.   Everyone laughed when I squeaked



The Brain Juice Flows

Listening to: Dave Grusin – Peter Gunn Theme     Well, I feel the brain juice coming back, but how I got it back is some story.   Today, I wasn’t feeling so jolly, but at school that promised to change. I started every morning in the school canteen, laptop booted up and running amok in BZPower, FanFiction, and the sort.   Well, I turned my morning tune to Enya tracks, lulling and ambient mood music selected to start my day on a positive note, then turned up some ‘good feeling’ pop.   To thi



My Brain Has Gone Numb. Again.

After coughing out the sixteenth chapter to my epic here, I realised something really worrying.   When I stared at the computer screen, I realised that my writing sense had gone numb. Seriously numb.   It's so bad that I don't think I can write any stories or prose for a good long while.   But at least blog entries don't need everything to be grammatically correct...(see, it already sounds funny!) or at least I can be pardoned.   Meanwhile, I'm trying to console myself about this sudden lo



Lack Of Inspiration

The test is over, and I am glad to say that I over-burned my brain studying but held my head and brain upon my shoulders to do the paper.   However, due to the test, the following classes for that subject were cancelled for the week to let the lecturer mark the papers.   That subject would have taken up most of our time for today's lessons.   It was a void of at least seven hours now.     It was more than I could ask for. I needed it to complete the big REMT and MIDI assignments. Cubase, th



Tiring Day

The wooden door swung open to reveal an empty room, much to her delight. She had a most tiring day, dealing with her music assignment with it blasting her ears off twice after both lecturers adjusted the volume of her headphones to unbelievable intensities.   After her ears were 'boxed', the music assignment done, she found herself with enough time to complete her assignment. Taking the advantage, she settled herself at the Mac and proceeded to work on the report that was to be handed in with t



End Of E-learning, Start Of School Days

T: +9   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = DONE ET (Ear Training) = DONE ACTS (Acoustical Science) = DONE CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE   SS3 Entry (You should know what this means!) = DONE   Electone Exams Practice = Sight-reading is confirmed, down the drain. Three pieces are improving, but still need some finetuning. Practising tonight, so



Ss3 Entry

I did my SS3 entry at one shot. I'm glad to say that the story seemed to write itself out, with thanks to the song and mood music.   I Hope You Dance   I loved that song ever since I heard it as a young girl, but I never really knew what it was until recently, when I stumbled upon a Ronan Keating CD my maid bought and she and I listened to it.   It's also my first try at songfic writing. Honestly, I don't think I'll get very far with the story, but it's bittersweet and is memorable as my fi



I'm Done!

T: +6, -3   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = DONE ET (Ear Training) = DONE CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE   Look at that! Ain't that beautiful?   ACTS was removed as I decided that studying for a test could be done days before a test but not a week before. I would forget everything about it and lose the grasp.   Put aside for later: SS3 E



E-learning, Day 5 Plus A Studio Tour

This is a reality ranting. You have been warned.     This morning, I reached the polytechnic earlier than my tutee. She turned out to be fifteen minutes late, for her cat was not ready to let go of her servant so early in the morning.   We sat at the canteen, where she showed me her assignment and together we pieced up her report that pleased her quite well.   At that point in time, our lecturer for that particular subject I was helping Serene with appeared. He waved to us and Serene and I



E-learning, Plus A Little Promise And Musings

To make myself feel good about today:   T: +4, -5   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = 1/4 done ET (Ear Training) = DONE ACTS (Acoustical Science) = yet to start studying CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE SS3 Entry (You should know what this means!) = An idea blooms. Electone Exams Practice = Sight-reading is still down the drain.   If you did a



E-learning, Day 3

So the count goes...     T: +3, -6   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = 3/4 done MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = 1/8 done ET (Ear Training) = DONE ACTS (Acoustical Science) = yet to start CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE SS3 Entry (You should know what this means!) = An idea blooms. Electone Exams Practice = Sight-reading is down the drain.     There's PROGRESS!   And... *points



E-learning What?

Think about this:   What if you were told not to go to school? No lessons on campus, no practical, none whatsoever in school?   Instead, you are given a whole chunk of assignments and told to do them online?   How about doing that for a week? (And the week after that, back to school you go!)   That’s what I rooted at home to do for this week. E-learning week is what this week has been termed as.   It’s going to be so boring. The tasks and assignments given aren’t as much as the previous E-l




Recently, I've been given a whole lot more responsibilities, tasks and the sort. A lot more than I bargained for, really.   I'm now part of a Student Portal Conceptual Design committee in the polytechnic, or the school in the polytechnic. I don't know how the teachers picked me to represent DMAT, but here I am. The Creative Writer's Club gave me a bit of news: It's not really a club, it's really an informal gathering - for now. Decisions are being made whether it would be a club or not. It s



Happy Day

I thought my mother would take a second go at mauling me for coming home late. I glanced at my watch and realised that it was fifteen minutes past five. The little meeting going on around me did not seem close to any conclusion.   That meant that I'd reach home at around... seven, if the meeting would drag on.   For the Writer's Club meeting today, held at thirty past three, there were only three people who attended it: Pradhu, the other writer with the same writing style as I, Ms Chng but we



Spin Me A Web: The Last Moon

Today is Halloween, but not many people care of it. Me, well, I'm taking today as a good excuse to attempt a weak, a really weak, cosplay style.   I came today in red and black, a red top with the edges trimmed black and black pants, as a character I like. Anyone remember G1 Sideswipe from Transformers?   Oh wait, some others like to celebrate Halloween cosplay today, though. I see before me three hooded ghost people. Pretty sure they're other boys, but their red-trimmed and tattered coats, h



Spin Me A Web: Second Spook

Here we go at story number two!   And here is a term to remember: kampung - village ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   There are many remote islands that make up Indonesia, what is approximated to be nine hundred little islets or larger pieces of land surrounded by sea.   Most of them are not open to the world, but I knew a classmate who came from there.   He had a story to tell me.       He lived on a large island, one thick with rainforest, flora and fauna. His kampung lived a nice a



Spin Me A Web: First Weave

I now had a better thought of this little ghost-story project: I don't think I'll mind if there's an audience or not, even if replies are nice to get. It's all in the name of fun, and to flex my writing skills a little more. Besides, I need to write a new story for the Creative Writer's Club.   Here's Tale number one. Please, may I warn you, these tales are entirely fictional! All right, I may say that some of the living mortals in here are true 'cause I met them, but what happened to them here



Spin Me A Web: Halloween Tales?

Well, the day's fast approaching for many to keep the cobwebs, to find all the black and orange paint, to find large pumpkins and prepare a good stash of candy to give trick-or-treaters or to give your haunted house a good prep and run-through.   I don't celebrate it, but I find it really fun. Even if I miss out on the action, and Singapore really doesn't dig Halloween so much as some big exams occur right after it. (For those in the know, it's the A Levels and O Levels, all important to get y



Assignment Hassles.

Lookit me, Ma! Look what I did!   Thisssss   Oh, delicious.   I did that in a moment of intense stress, if you'd like to believe that.   I am now bogged under three assignments: One's an argumentative review on an article I found, another's a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) assignment to create a music piece out of FM (frequency modulation)-synthesized sounds, and the last is the only one I've completed so far: Make a 'song' out of at least four MIDI instruments, and one live rec



Watch The Time

I'm glad I didn't chicken out of the DJ Club.   Today was its first workshop where we finally start learning what's in a mix and what's with the get-up of turntables and mixers. It was scheduled at 5:45pm, and the last school class ended early at 11am.   Taking my liberties, I had lunch at the most popular food court the school had to offer. I missed the crowd and I'm glad I did. The place was packed, packed when I finished.   Allowing my pal to leave first, I tried to do some homework but th




Something light-hearted for a change.   I'm one of many here that access MSN Messenger on a daily basis, no thanks to the automatic log-in that comes with it. Immediately after startup I get a smack from the MSN Messenger window, along with the onslaught of red and the mercifully small amount of green.   It's not that I don't like many people, but I wouldn't think I would be able to handle the onslaught of conversation windows at one go. I don't know how people manage that, but I'm not confid



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