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Easy..... Too Easy

Okay, does this make to you:   I'm in High-School, right? French in High-School should be a challenge, right? Well, here was our first homework assignement.   Name: Age/Birthday: One Word to Describe You: Characteristics: Last Movie you saw: Last Book you read: Favorite Food: etc etc...   I mean, I like an easy assignement just as much as the next guy, but... C'mon. That's just ridiculous.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Dose Darn Ellipses (...)

Ooh! Ooh! Yesterday, I saw a turtle, seven really big fish, dozens of birds, four lizards, and a gator in the lake in my grandparents condominium area! Whoopie! Well, I'm leaving my grandparents for West Palm Beach in 10 minutes. So, before I get into the car for three hours, let me tell you a story.....   Once upon a time, there were ellipses.   ...   These ellipses hated mankind.   ...   So the evil ellipses (...) invaded the computers of Earth (...) and caused countless humans to put ".

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Doomsday Is Near

No, I'm not talking about:     With my earlier comment of today being the first day of October, I've come to realize that the timeline has hurtling out of control and towards its impending doom. By Tuesday it will be Thursday, by Wednesday it will be August, and by Thursday it will be the end of the universe as we know it.   So... anyone who was pretty hyped up about Cloverfield... Yeah. I'm bummed too.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want some milk. If you give a mouse some milk, he'll want to add some chocolate. If you let him add the chocolate, he'll become incredibly hyper. If he's incredibly hyper, he'll smash through the walls. If he smashes through the walls, the foundation of your house will crumble. If the foundation of your house crumbles, the entire building will fall. If the entire building falls, it will catch on fire. If it catches on fire, the fire department w

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Doctor What?

Well, tonight at seven is the premier of Doctor Who season 30. Too bad my satellite is down. And I don't live in Britain. Curses. Well, as I cannot actually watch the episode, I'll just have to piece together what I know, and try to make my own version of the episode. OK, the first time it plays, it's really slow. Stick around for when it loops, 'cause that's when it speeds up. It's stupid. I know. It's supposed to be. Also, I'm sorry about there not being any sound.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Diabolically Philisophical Questions:

If the forums hadn't screwed up when I tried to post this yesterday, whould the world be a better place?   If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all of that ACME stuff, why couldn't he buy dinner?   Will I ever ask enough questions?   Why don't cows have beards?   Is there another planet like Earth?   Can black-holes think for themselves?   Is paper alive?   Are fairy-tales real?   Is up down?   What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?   Do video-games rot our brains?   What is lan

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Dancing Space Potatoes!

Dancing Space Potatoes? Not really. That title was just made interesting so that you'd click the link. Ain't I diabolical?   Anyway, in Geography today, we worked on some of the dangers of earthquakes, and what to do if they occur. That's whay I thought that I might share some of my wisdom with you.   And so, without further stalling for time, Norik's Prophecy Proudley Presents:   (P.O.P.'N. W.A.I. is sponsored by the Daleks)   Step 1: Make sure you always care the following with you:  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Current Favorite Song

The Mesopotamians - They Might be Giants   I switch favorite songs so frequently that I thought it was only right to post them here.   Lyrics:   We've been driving around From one end of this town to the other and back But no one's ever seen us (No one's ever seen us) Driving our Econoline van (And no one's ever heard of our band) And no one's ever heard of our band   We're the Mesopotamians Sargon, Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and Gilgamesh   Then they wouldn't understand a word we say

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Cool Shows!

I have added a new content block entitled: 'Cool Shows'. It says what shows I think are pretty cool.     OBEY.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Okay, answer this question within the next 90 minutes. I will then post a new question, answer that one within 80, then the next within 70, 60, 50, 40, etc.   The one for 90 minutes is worth 10 NP bucks. THe one for 80 is worth 20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/50, 40/60, etc.   QUESTION 1, for 10 NP bucks. Answer within 90 minutes:   What weighs more? THe amount of trees cut down for money in one year, or the amount of trains that pass through Grand Central Station in one month?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Companion Contest

Rose, Sarah-Jane, Mickey, Martha, Susan.... it would seem that wherever the Doctor is, his companion is there alongside him. But not me. At least, not yet. I am now having auditions for my TARDIS companion. Anyone who wants in must fill in this form:   Name: Why you should be the new companion: Knowledge of Doctor Who: 5-Expert 4-Knows a bit 3-That's the one with the blue box, right? 2-Doctor What? 1-Doctor Walrus? 0-... Something about a cake? Love of Daleks: Favorite Doctor: Favori

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Comicon: Day One

We arrived at ComiCon at around 4:30. Lucky for us that we got a hotel 3 blocks away. We stood in line for roughly 20 minutes to recieve our pre-paid badges, which let us get into Preview Night. Then, at 6, the doors to the Exibit Hall, and a huge mass of people poured through. I made my way straight to the LEGO area. Remember that giant Hakann they had shown in a LEGO mag/comic? It ws there. So was every 2007 Bionicle, and a bunch of TVs showing Bionicle stuff. Also, Greg Farshtey was there.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Comicon Days 2-3-4

Day 2   Well, I saw that mysterious new movie about a monster in New York. There are no current plotlines, or titles, only the cryptic production codname: "CLOVERFIELD".   I also saw the first ever preview for Iron Man, that was cool. Also a never before seen clip of Hot Rod and Beowulf. Also Stardust.     LOST! THE BIG THINGY!   No spoilers. Just the name of Station 6, The Orchid.   Day 3   Met the guys who write "Cyanide and Happiness". So dang funny.   Saw Lucasarts and Robot Chicken.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Let's talk about the week, shall we?   SUNDAY: Flew down from Boston to LA to visit a friend, and I watched a Simpsons marathon on the plane. MONDAY: Hung out, played Age of Mythology. TUESDAY: Hung out, plyed Age of Mythology. WEDNESDAY: Drove down to San-Diego, slept the whole trip, arrived for ComiCon.   And now..... OMG IM AT COMICON THIS IS SO FREAKIN COOL!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


SPOILER WARNING       Title: Cloverfield Rated: PG13 Summary:   "MULTIPLE SIGHTINGS OF CASE DESIGNATE 'CLOVERFIELD'"     "CAMERA RETRIEVED AT SITE 'US 447' AREA FORMERLY KNOWN AS 'CENTRAL PARK'"   Movie opens: Rob with a camera, some time in April. Rob walks around an apartment building, revealed to be his girlfriend's place. She's naked in bed. Rob wakes her up, and they talk about random stuff for a while. -- Camera cuts to New York street, cameraman revealed to be Jason Hawkins, Ro

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Chinchillas Are People Too!

This entry is devoted to Chinchilla rights!   Chinchillas should:   1. Have the right to vote. 2. To hold Funerals. 3. Eat at Restraunts. 4. Get hired. 5. Have weddings. 6. Own property. 7. Have fair trials. 8. Have notification if their homes are to be bulldozed. 9. Run for office (governor, mayor, pres, etc.). 10. Have the right to choose between public educations or home education. 11. Be recognized in school texbooks and otherwise as official citizens of the U.S or otherwise. 12

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Can I Transform Too?

As some of you may have guessed from the title, I'm going to go see Transformers in a few hours. And, let me tell you, IT'S GONNA BE SO FREAKIN' SWEET!!!!!!   Yeah.   But remember, the title to this entry is a question, and I'll ask it right here:  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, I should be at school right now. But I'm not. You see, in a few hours I'm getting my top braces put on. It's no to gum for good. Oh, god, help me! How can I enjoy the meal before the exocution?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Bob, The Pyromaniac Squirrel

Intersting title, innit? Anywho, whenever I come out with a drawing at school, I run it by my friends. Today, one friend said: "Hey, NP*, you don't draw Squirrels. Let's have a Squirrel with a rocket launcher!"   So I said, "okay".   This is what I drew:   Yeah. Whadya think?     *Well, they called me by my real name. But I won't say it.   Oh- and by the by, please rate my blog, if you have a chance.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I'm home sick today. Went into class for 15 minutes, then got sick. Yeah. Luckily, I missed a history test and an english presentation. Yeesh- my braces are KILLING ME! Argh!!!! *splat*   ....   On another note, today's member of the day is......   Drakhan!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Birdie Cannibalism

Walking past my school's football field today, I couldn't help but notice all of the hungry seagulls pecking for garbage (which shouldn't be there*). So I took out some extra chicken from my lunch and tossed it to the birds**. They immediately swarmed the food, pecking at it until there was nothing but bones, which were then carried away by the straggler of the group***. So, in a way, I forced a small community**** of birds to eat a fellow member of their species*****. Huzzah.                  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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