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Rant: People Who Drink Noisily



Yep, it's time for me to once again use this blog for the intended purpose of all blogs: to passive-aggressively rant about minutia in every day life.


Today's topic: people who drink loudly.


Everybody drinks; if you didn't, you'd be dead. Whether you're drinking water, soup, coffee, juice, pop, or what have you, for the love of all things liquid, COULD YOU PLEASE DRINK IT QUIETLY?!?!


SERIOUSLY! How hard is it to ingest liquid without slurping it loudly, gulping it down loudly (especially the gulping!), then letting forth a loud sigh of relief before slamming down your cup, waiting a few seconds, and starting the tortuous process all over again.


I mean, it's not acceptable when you eat. You'd be thrown out of a restaurant if you ate your food by saying OM NOM NOM NOM NOM. It's rude and disgusting is what it is and I won't have it.


What's worse is people who do this in tests and exams. Excuse me, but in case you haven't noticed, this isn't a who-can-drink-the-loudest-contest, IT'S AN EXAM WORTH AN UNFAIR AMOUNT OF OUR MARK AND IT'S REALLY HARD TO REMEMBER MY LAST-MINUTE CRAMMING WITH YOUR OBNOXIOUS SLURPING, GULPING, SIGHING, AND SLAMMING RIGHT IN MY EAR.


So please, spread the message about drinking as quietly possible to everyone you know or I'm going to lose it. Tune in next time when I rant about people who put random songs blaring in the background of Internet videos for no apparent reason. Pro-tip: if I have to hit mute to watch your video, you've done something wrong.


Also, I'm still not posting yet. :nahnah:


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>Yep, it's time for me to once again use this blog for the intended purpose of all blogs: to passive-aggressively rant about minutia in every day life.

>to passive-aggressively rant about minutia in every day life.

>rant about minutia in

>minutia in


I think you mean "minute"? :P


I sigh a lot after drinking a good amount of water after coming in from a hot day(much like this one), but aside from that I don't sigh from drinking very much.

And aside from that, you wouldn't like being around me when I'm drinking then. Because I drink like you listed most of the time("most of the time" meaning whether or not I have a straw).

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I think you mean "minute"? :P

Minutia means 'minute/trivial details'.


Anyway, those sip-top water bottles are the worst. No matter how you drink out of them they always make an obnoxious amount of noise.

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Heh, yeah. My parents like to eat some citrus fruits by slurping on them, and it's annoying as can be. And then they complain if I slurp on soup or something.


Never really had this problem with taking a test; in most of my testing environments, food and drink aren't allowed anyway. (I've even had teachers who told me to lose my baseball hat cause they think I might write notes on the bill) BUT what really irks me during tests are people sniveling and snuffing from colds or whatever. So distracting!



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