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Global Warming is whenever a little kid sticks a globe in an oven at 375 degrees F.


Right now, I think the kid needs to take us out of the freezer, though. :P

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Uh, I'm not sure what all of you guys are laughing about, But I'd like to say this:

Climate Change is caused by increases in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, not the sun. In fact the sun has actually been cooler than normal lately.


I still want the scientists to tell me why I'm freezing my toes off here in Illinois. :P

Increase in tempature means more moisture in the atmosphere from rising oceans. When normal cold tempatures roll around, you get more snow, which freezes the ground. This lowered temp. takes longer to thaw and the snow longer to melt, keeping the area cooler.

Also, it isn't solely Global Warming. The official term is Climate Change.


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Sounds like an excuse to me. The process is too slow for people to throw a fit over.


I especially hate it when people keep wanting to shut down energy sources. My dad is a reactor operator at a nuclear power plant, and so he is always really annoyed when environmentalists make all these demands to shut down energy plants, and nuclear plants in particular. (for obvious reasons)


He mentioned recently that the media is making so big of a fit that people keep getting worried about water from Japan getting into the Pacific, yet nuclear powered boats have been doing that for years. (Something he also knows about, having once served on a nuclear-powered submarine.)

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Uh, I'm not sure what all of you guys are laughing about, But I'd like to say this:

Climate Change is caused by increases in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, not the sun. In fact the sun has actually been cooler than normal lately.


I still want the scientists to tell me why I'm freezing my toes off here in Illinois. :P

Increase in tempature means more moisture in the atmosphere from rising oceans. When normal cold tempatures roll around, you get more snow, which freezes the ground. This lowered temp. takes longer to thaw and the snow longer to melt, keeping the area cooler.

Also, it isn't solely Global Warming. The official term is Climate Change.

For the record, I already knew that, but the joke's not as funny like that. :P

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Uh, I'm not sure what all of you guys are laughing about, But I'd like to say this:

Climate Change is caused by increases in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, not the sun. In fact the sun has actually been cooler than normal lately.


I still want the scientists to tell me why I'm freezing my toes off here in Illinois. :P

Increase in tempature means more moisture in the atmosphere from rising oceans. When normal cold tempatures roll around, you get more snow, which freezes the ground. This lowered temp. takes longer to thaw and the snow longer to melt, keeping the area cooler.

Also, it isn't solely Global Warming. The official term is Climate Change.

For the record, I already knew that, but the joke's not as funny like that. :P


Thank's for clarifying

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URL: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Infra-Red/Images/approval.png




Okay, if you want to read my views on this, just highlight the text below (it would be misuse of spoiler tags, and not everyone will want to read it)...

I personally think that it's either because of either the sun's solar spot cycle bring a bit messed up or Earth entering a postglacial period. Yes, the end of the Pleistocene was around 10,000 years ago, but that marked the end of the Würm glaciation (which is what people think of as the ice age). It lasted around 100,000 years. Theoretically, we could have been in a postglacial for 10,000. That's one tenth of what this period could become, which probably means that the temperature will rise for many thousands of years.

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If we all leave our fridges open, then it will cool down the world! Duh!

However the motors in the fridges are generating heat and would likely nullify any sort of cooling that would occur from leaving the fridges open.



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If we all leave our fridges open, then it will cool down the world! Duh!

However the motors in the fridges are generating heat and would likely nullify any sort of cooling that would occur from leaving the fridges open.



Not if you put the motor of one fridge inside another fridge... and then the motor of that fridge in another fridge... Eventually you will have a ring of freezing and save the world!

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