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We may be... could be... probably are getting a Wii in the short future. Which would be awesome to no end.


We'd be getting it from my cousin, who has a bunch of nice games (Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Kart, Monster Hunters Tri, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Twilight Princess) and a nice assortment of ok games. He's got a lot of equipment and such and he's selling it. So we're hoping on buying it.


I really hope we do. ^^




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Monster Hunter Tri yesyesyesyeeeeeees =D


Best game on Wii, hands-down.


Oh hey, and try to get Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber if you ever get onto the Virtual Console. Awesome Strategy-RPG. Ton of depth.

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Good collection of games there. SSBB is pretty addicting if you have a bunch of people to play it with. Be warned, however, Twilight Princess gets a Genre Shift once you hit the sand dungeon. Its a great game, but a bit on the dark magic side, which promptly made my parents make me dispose of it.



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Good collection of games there. SSBB is pretty addicting if you have a bunch of people to play it with. Be warned, however, Twilight Princess gets a Genre Shift once you hit the sand dungeon. Its a great game, but a bit on the dark magic side, which promptly made my parents make me dispose of it.




Uh, I guess your parents are one of those people who have...strong feelings about magic?


Anyways, I think it's an awesome game. I just wish I had more time to play it; Two years after I purchased it, I'm only barely halfway through Zora Temple. I heard that Arbiter's Grounds (the aforementioned sand dungeon" is scary, but pretty fun, though the boss at the end (Stallord) is a bit tough to fight. Also a pretty scary/cool boss. Look here at your own risk...


Actually, after you get past Arbiter's grounds, things are a tad less dark until the end; though you won't have to put up with undead enemies (unless you're playing the optional Cave of Ordeals dungeon).


Anyways, Twilight Princess is the first Zelda game I ever cared enough to play; and it's probably got the best graphics out of all of them. :)

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I've played Twilight Princess a little bit, and helped my cousin beat the game once (looked up maps and stuff, helped him watch for creatures). My family doesn't have an issue with magic; we see it like sci-fi stuff. You can't explain magic, but you also can't explain a lightsaber. Witchcraft is a bit of a different story though...


Anyways, yes, SSBB is my favorite game of the bunch. :D



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I've played Twilight Princess a little bit, and helped my cousin beat the game once (looked up maps and stuff, helped him watch for creatures). My family doesn't have an issue with magic; we see it like sci-fi stuff. You can't explain magic, but you also can't explain a lightsaber. Witchcraft is a bit of a different story though...


Anyways, yes, SSBB is my favorite game of the bunch. :D




SSBB! EPIC! I want it so bad. But it's never at Wal-mart. -_- Anyways, awesome man. Maybe sometime I could come over and play SSBB with you.



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My cousin got his from Walmart... albeit $50, but still from Walmart. Next time you're there, maybe ask someone if they have it?



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Smash Bros Brawl

Twilight Princess (best Wii game to date, IMO)

Mario Galaxy

Mario Galaxy 2

Internet connection, then go on the Wii shop channel and buy Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and A Link to the Past. Then your happiness will truly be complete.


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@Shadonix: Already have SSBB, Twilight Princess and internet connection (wifi =D).


We also plan to get the first 2 Zelda games, because our family used to play them on the NES. Nostalgia... :wub:



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@Shadonix: Already have SSBB, Twilight Princess and internet connection (wifi =D).


We also plan to get the first 2 Zelda games, because our family used to play them on the NES. Nostalgia... :wub:





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Why?? I love that game! Albeit impossible to finish, practically, but it's still fun and hard.



Zelda game ratings:


Zelda: Good, nostalgic, but too confusing seeing as there's never any explanation of what to do. :/

Zelda II: Worst one, IMO. All the complaints from the original PLUS bad graphics and 2D MODE YUCK

Link to the Past: Loved it, personally. Better graphics, a big challenge, and it actually had an explanation. :P

Ocarina of Time: You cannot hope to beat OoT. It is simply the best there is.

Majora's Mask: A good sequel to OoT, but a bit unnecessarily difficult IMO.

Windwaker: A nice one, without a doubt. Graphics and storytelling = win, plus the islands were incredible. Didn't like the ocean though.

Twilight Princess: Not as good as OoT, but pretty darn close. INCREDIBLE graphics, a great story, and an awesome soundtrack. They really don't make 'em like this anymore. :/

Phantom Hourglass: Too much of a Windwaker rehash. Still kinda good, but a disappointment.


Those are the only ones I've played besides Four Sword Adventures, but I was too young o remember that one. :P


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Zelda 1 was EASY. I've beat the entire Quest 1 on a single life, and 1 day. It's not hard.


Quest 2 however is a pain...


Anyways, I know my dad and I both like Zelda 2, so we will probably get it anyways. Knowingly hopeless to beat it :P



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Don't buy Metroid Prime Trilogy. Just buy MP3, then MP2 and 1 for Gamecube. Saves about $60.

$60? The MPT only costs $50, so...you done got ripped off, man. :P


@Kahi-it took me a while to figure out what you were actually referring to. Too bad you never got to finish it. =/ But hey, that's what "playing video games in your basement to practice for the next 30 years of your life" is for. :P


Personally, my parents trust me to stop playing something if I think it's legitimately wrong to do so.


So anyway, here's my list of essentials:


Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber: Did I mention how great this game is? Because it is. Please buy it. It's amazing and it's a giant time commitment and I want a sequel some day. Heck, I'd be willing to work at Square Enix (or whoever owns Quest at the time) just to make that game.


Super Mario Galaxy: This entire game is an achievement in the history of video games. It's not my favorite game, but it's probably the one with the greatest historical impact.


Super Mario Galaxy 2: Now this... this is 30-50 hours of pure joy. This game took everything that made the 3 previous 3D Mario Platformers great, and cranked it up to 10. Great remixes of music, too. Definitely recommend it over the first.


LoZ: TP: Awesome. What else is their to say? Perhaps not quite equal to Ocarina of Time, but definitely the most refined game in the series.


Goldeneye 007: Shooter. Okay, this one you can probably only get if your parents don't mind shooters too much. Graphics are a little bleh, but the gameplay is amazing. Oh, and it's James Bond. And he'll hunt you down and shoot you if don't buy the game.


That would be awkward.


Donkey Kong Country Returns: Amazing Platformer, made by Retro Studios at that. Retro Studios is an, uh, Studio that you take seriously. They haz mad development skills. A bit of an acquired taste compared to Mario, but I personally prefer the way Donkey Kong Controls.


I could probably think of more but I'm getting tired of typing.

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Galaxy 2 is amazing. Just saying. ^_^


Definitely not just a one week project; unless you beat more than one world a day.


Also Throwback Galaxy is win. ^_^

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