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Non-Brony List



It has come to my attention that an outstanding number of BZP members are self-professed Bronies.


I, however, refuse to succumb to the pressure from others to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


I like Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (Best Strategy-RPG EVAR). I like Dilbert. I like Apple. I like Metroid. Darn it, I even kinda like Dragon Ball.




If you agree with my philosophy, then join this list:


Non-Bronies of BZPower:


-Ddude the Insane

-Fullbringer Blade




-Am I Poplar Yet?

-The Assassain Archer




That will be all.


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I respect the opinion of others who do like the show. But I just don't really think it's my type of show; so with no offense intended to the others, I'm going to sign this list. =)

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Well, as I say, I have nothing against liking the show, I just don't think I myself would care for it, since it's not really the type of show I typically like; that's all. =P For one, my type of favourite shows would be like Bleach, or DBZ, or something like that. Aka, more action orientated.

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I'm chill with this list as long as someone doesn't decide to turn it into a war. So let's all keep that from happening, yes?



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Hey, I'm fine with anyone who tries it and says "no". It's the haters who hate for the sake of it that bother me.


At any rate, please do NOT sign me up. :D

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@MLP fans commenting on this: The petition isn't intended to attack anyone who likes MLP, it's just intended to figure out who doesn't like MLP around here.


@Emkay: Sorry, you're a Brony, so I can't add you. Bronies are any male person who likes the show, and since you're...wait, you aren't male, are you?


*checks profile*


DARN IT *adds*

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Right so, it's just my obligation to say this but right now this "list" of yours is walking a very fine line between just that and a club/group that involves exclusions (which, as you may recall, is against the blog rules).


Want to make sure that doesn't happen? Then you might consider the following:


1. Your content block. If this is merely an informational list then "supporters" would not apply.


2. If you want to make sure this doesn't get locked down as an illegal club/group, you might want to think about editing the entry contents a little. Right now it sounds more like a mission statement. It might be prudent for you to to re-word it to be more neutral and/or purely informational.


I don't wanna "kill anyone's fun", so that's why I'm leaving this advice as opposed to coming down hard on it. I hope you'll see it that way.

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