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A Reminder

Takuma Nuva


ANYONE with ANY sort of questions, concerns, comments, criticisms, or otherwise is always more than welcome to send me a PM. Even if it's something you think I'm doing wrong. There's nothing I'd like more than to lay any concerns to rest.


Besides, unlike some of the other staff, I get nearly zero PM's, so I should be able to get back to you in a very reasonable amount of time.


Have I not always been completely open and honest? (You're welcome to PM me your response to that as well.)


I only ask one thing if you do.


Be rational.




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>Evil Blog Master>Totally approachableI jest. :P

Of course! First I lure them in. Then I CONSUME THEIR ASTRAL ESSENCE.


Is there an Ask Anonymously option?

If I'm not mistaken, you're talking about those entries I've seen floating around where the questions and answers are posted?


That's not what I'm actually talking about. :P This isn't an "ask me" entry. Just a reminder that people needn't hesitate to message me. I like to keep an "open door policy" as it were.

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It would be a big help if all staff members were approachable. Every time a BZP-related question pops in my head, I get nervous about asking it because of misconceptions staff members have of me. Besides, I see a lot of moderation, but no friendly posts in topics like "What's your favorite Toa" and such. It seems as though job comes first, and then that's it. :/

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Besides, I see a lot of moderation, but no friendly posts in topics like "What's your favorite Toa" and such. It seems as though job comes first, and then that's it. :/

To the Nether with that! I may not say much in LEGO-related forums anymore since I don't have the time/money for them, but if I'm not on BZP to enjoy myself then why the heck waste my time?

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I am not talking about you personally. :P

I know you enjoy BZP because you blog and are active. I can see that for sure. For others though, it's not like that. I can't tell if they enjoy BZP because you don't see them doing anything but work related stuff, or you just don't see them at all. Just because they are there doesn't mean we (regular members) know you enjoy it. How do we get to know the real you if you're behind the scenes doing stuff, but not doing anything publicly. It's just tough getting to know some of the people who are moderating this site. This may not apply to the majority, which it probably doesn't, but for sure it applies to a few.

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I am not talking about you personally. :PI know you enjoy BZP because you blog and are active. I can see that for sure. For others though, it's not like that. I can't tell if they enjoy BZP because you don't see them doing anything but work related stuff, or you just don't see them at all. Just because they are there doesn't mean we (regular members) know you enjoy it. How do we get to know the real you if you're behind the scenes doing stuff, but not doing anything publicly. It's just tough getting to know some of the people who are moderating this site. This may not apply to the majority, which it probably doesn't, but for sure it applies to a few.


i know right


i find a lot of staff members really intimidating to approach and i'm staff as well :(

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I am not talking about you personally. :PI know you enjoy BZP because you blog and are active. I can see that for sure. For others though, it's not like that. I can't tell if they enjoy BZP because you don't see them doing anything but work related stuff, or you just don't see them at all. Just because they are there doesn't mean we (regular members) know you enjoy it. How do we get to know the real you if you're behind the scenes doing stuff, but not doing anything publicly. It's just tough getting to know some of the people who are moderating this site. This may not apply to the majority, which it probably doesn't, but for sure it applies to a few.
i know righti find a lot of staff members really intimidating to approach and i'm staff as well :(

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Turakii is absolutely terrified of Sixxer. That's the impression I've gotten anyways. :P

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I am not talking about you personally. :PI know you enjoy BZP because you blog and are active. I can see that for sure. For others though, it's not like that. I can't tell if they enjoy BZP because you don't see them doing anything but work related stuff, or you just don't see them at all. [\quote]

yeah, it seems like the staff are hard to aprroach, especially the higher-ups. but it just seems like some staff are too busy moderating that they barely (or never) actually post.

take Black six for example, I've never seen him post something other than "close topic", "moving to [insert forum name here]", etc

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^^Black Six does absolutely tons around the forums, so I think it's understandable that he doesn't post. He may come across as intimidating, but he is a great guy, really.


Anyway, as for me, I know I don't post too often, but when I do, I try to be friendly. I really hope people don't have trouble approaching me, or find me cold.

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No, I will not treat you rationally. You're a big fat meany head and a no-good good-doing do-gooder. :angry:


And a brony. Bronies are evil. :angry:

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No, I will not treat you rationally. You're a big fat meany head and a no-good good-doing do-gooder. :angry:And a brony. Bronies are evil. :angry:

Fellow Toast Busters need not heed. B)

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