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I lost my grandfather several years ago. I know it's difficult, but I hope you and your family are able to make it through all right.

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Many condolences and hugs! My step-grandfather died about 7 years ago, and he was my only grandfather I knew. I hope the sadness and hurt now will turn into nothing but great memories and good laughs in the coming year. :)

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My condolences to you and your family. :( When you feel sad, try remembering and being thankful for what he taught you and for the good moments you had with him. :)


-Gata signoff.jpg

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Not trying to make light of this or anything, but I went into this blog expecting something about Batman.


But in all seriousness, I'm sorry for your loss. The deaths of family members are never easy, but hopefully the rest of your family can help you through this (and vice-versa: make sure to be there for your parents as well as any aunts and uncles, who are going through the loss of a father).

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I'm not exactly good at cheering people up because it always makes things worse somehow (:unsure:), but all I can say is that I'm sure he was a great guy, and that he will live on in your memories and your heart :)

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I am sorry to hear about that. I know what it's like to lose a grandparent, so I hope you and your family are able to handle it.



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I still remember the day we learned that my Grandpa on my mom's side died. To make things worse my Mom's Grandma had already passed away, and now all she had in terms of direct family was her Brother and his family. To top it all off all of her familymembers live in different countries.


I offer my sincerest condolences and hopefully things will become brighter in the future.

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