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Little-known Member Facts

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


This entry will be dedicated to as many members as my Veggietales-obsessed mind can think up. You all remember my "little-known member fact of the day"? I'm going to write down as many as possible, some of which you may recognize. If you think up any I missed, feel free to add them!


I have more up!


Still, I can't know every little-known fact. If there's something about yourself or your friends which few members know about, such as your skills in anim8or or the fact that you started a fad, please, go ahead and tell me, and I'll add them to the content block!







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Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar likes to be called either TNTOS, Nuhrii, or Toa Nuhrii.

Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar does not like being called by his full name.

Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar does not live in LEGO HQ, unfortunetely.

Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar hears voices in his head and is currently trying to get them out of his head, but hasn't had much sucess.

Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar laughes at the simplest things.

Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar has a bucket.

Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar is 100% awesome and 0% unawesome.


And that's all the little-known facts about me(I think. There might be more, but I'm not sure since they're so little known).



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Guest kopakanuva13


KoS is triple-jointed

KoS rarely speaks in public

Kos once had a crush on Lady K :P (but not anymore, it was when I was a newb :blush:)

KoS is not afraid of heights, death, or anything normal, but is rather afraid of cicadas and syringes filled with mutagen.

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Little-Known Member Fact: Laughin'Man knows (not just thinks, knows) that Turakii is the undeniably greatest, most awesome person to walk the earth in the past 100 years.


Little-Known Member Fact: Laughin'Man loves cats. <3


Little-Known Member Fact: Laughin'Man has memorized just about every Newsboys song he's heard.


Little-Known Member Fact: Laughin'Man, at various times, has claimed to be a plushie, has claimed to be a ferret, has claimed to be a human, and has claimed to be a Matoran that can transform into a meeper. In truth, he is actually a plushie of a ferret-like meeper that wears a Kanohi Kakama and can turn into a human.

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Torynii is known to be very quiet in real life.

Torynii has a little sister who also has a Bzpower account.

Torynii has been known to type in pink sometimes.

Torynii is a Death Note Fan.

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little known fact ahatop can free verse on 15 insruments and plays the tuba in band aand can speak russian harrrrrrrasho!

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Ghosti is a competitive swimmer.

Ghosti is Cuboido's friend. (but now he's Not TMH)

Ghosti hates Saturday, because he has to wake up at 5:30 A.M.

Ghosti has a sister.

Ghosti is mature for his age.

Ghosti is only 10.

Ghosti dislikes physical contact.

Ghosti's birthday is October 6.

Ghosti's room is always a mess.

Ghosti <3's Bitil.

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Bfahome has the nickname "Beaver", given to him by Bioran23.


The first three letters of Bfahome is an acronym.


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In real life, AngelFlame is often called "Angel", "DeathAngel", Malakai, Malky or just "M" by his friends.


AngelFlame wears at least one black item of clothing a day.


AngelFlame loves the colors Black and Red.


AngelFlame likes Broadswords and Scimitars a lot.


AngelFlame is Half English, and Half Brazilian.


AngelFlame is Eleven and mature for his age.


AngelFlame has a temper that Tahu would be proud of, but seldomly shows it.

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Toa Tarkana wants to be featured on Turakii's "Little Known Member Facts" content block. :P


Toa Tarkana once tried to infiltrate McDonald's as a chicken and barely escaped with his life.


Toa Tarkana was once frozen by Kopaka while defending Turakii after she taped a bunch of toothpicks to his armor.


Toa Tarkana wishes he had money so he could become a Premier Member.


~ :t: :a: :r: :k: :a: :n: :a:

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Um...I know ~Po~ on another website, I have voice chatted with a certain member on BZP by the name of Wind-Rider several times, and just broke every single bone and then some in my right hand two seconds ago by trying to write like Ray Bradbury. >.< Also, I am making a Bionicle movie, I'm writing a book, and I am writing a story that involves BZP.


Yep. I'm so un-original, it's original. (Say THAT five times fast.)


(^That was to try and get into the quotes section, you know?)

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Some about me:


I am a guy, but I've had my hair far past my shoulders =D

I'm of 100% Russian Heritage =3

I used to own (and be skilled at playing) a real Ocarina!


Fact about YOU lolz:


You're very dedicated to your content blocks and profile, and thus end up having text blocks that are thousands of words long O.o




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-MX- is the secret sixth Beatle. :P


My blog is devoted to the Beatles.


I'm huge compared to the rest of the seventh grade at my school.





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Aquatic Lewa is sorry if he comes off as creepy by finding Turakii's blog.

Aquatic Lewa is 16

Aquatic Lewa can be a bit random...


Is this how this works?

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Yay, member facts! I'll even catagorize them!

Mushy -

Xenronn likes to watch romance movies

Xenronn can only go to sleep if he's hugging a pillow.

Xenronn thinks that blue eyed brunettes are HOT.


Strange -

Xenronn has rebuilt his MOC of himself about 29 different times.

Xenronn likes to eat his Snickers Bar with a fork and a knife.

Xenronn has an alter ego named Ceris, whose name arose out of a really bad typo of the word "Steak"

Xenronn is actully an acronym for Xenon Robot-suit Onyx Nine, which is the name of Xenronn's body armor.


Internet -

Xenronn had a collection of short-lived comics, which failed because no one read them.

The search term "Xenronn" will get you about 635 results on Google.

Xenronn is actully a widely used name, created by his... well, creator, Josh. His creator (aka ME) uses the name as a collective online identity.

Xenronn likes to browse the internet, looking for anything and everything to do with the Metroid Series.

Xenronn has the biggest favorites folder of his entire family on the internet browser, containing exactly 80 links.


Life -

Xenronn is very shy

Xenronn has never had a girlfriend.

Xenronn likes to make fun of turkeys in November.

Xenronn's favorite Movie EVER in the ENTIRE WORLD is Treasure Planet.

Xenronn is incredibly long-winded when it comes to description

Xenronn can only remember about half the things he reads, 3/4 of the things he sees, and all of what he hears.

Xenronn has a phonographic memory


Believe it or not, Xenronn does not talk about himself in the third person all the time. Except when it's raining. Xenronns don't like rain...



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-Edward Elric- is not really Edward Elric.

-Edward Elric- is Turakii's #1 Fan.

-Edward Elric- wishes to join the ranks of Turakii and Laughin' Man.

-Edward Elric-'s favorite meal is Roast Beef, Mashed potatoes and gravy.

-Edward Elric- seems to be somehow related to Roxas of KHII.

-Edward Elric- has a little brother, but he is NOT a suit of armour.

-Edward Elric- has no idea what you're talking about. :)



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VakamaTK's birthday is exactly a week after Halloween.

VakamaTK is not a morning person.

VakamaTK's eighteenth birthday is the day after the 2012 US presidential election.

VakamaTK does not like his username, but is terrible at thinking of Bionicle names, especially one he would like to use as his own.

Around 99% of VakamaTK's Bionicle stuff is not lost. The other one percent is either shredded with a lawn mower or in an unknown location.

VakamaTK would have joined BZP when he discovered it in early 2007, but he didn't have an email address. He got one, but forgot about BZP until October 2007.

VakamaTK got his first Bionicle set when he was six and a half. The age requirement is 7+. Please don't tell anyone.....

VakamaTK has a TV with a messed up screen, causing everything at the top to stretch out and everything at the bottom to shrink down. Therefore, everyone on the TV look short with big foreheads.

VakamaTK is not obsessed with Vakama.

VakamaTK has never been stung by a bee, or broken a bone.

VakamaTK is one of those lucky people that doesn't need braces.

VakamaTK can type very fast. That's why his posts are sometimes long.

VakamaTK lives in ____ ______, ______.

VakamaTK is an only child.

VakamaTK has his own computer.

VakamaTK has his own digital camera.

VakamaTK just got a Gamecube, because all of his friends had them. Now all of his friends switched to Wiis, and VakamaTK just spent $100.

VakamaTK's name spelled backwards is KTamakaV.

VakamaTK is slightly good at writing things without looking at the paper.

VakamaTK has read the dictionary. Just not the whole thing.

VakamaTK found a spider nest in his Antroz Phantoka Jutlin, which was on Antroz Phantoka's face. He's pretty sure Antroz didn't like that very much.

VakamaTK is 14 as of this typing (November 10, 2008).

VakamaTK once used a green Rhotuka spinner in a green field. He didn't use his brain much, did he? He lost the Rhotuka. See fact about lost pieces.

VakamaTK lives somewhere in the Milky Way galaxy.

VakamaTK got Legends #11 on its release date.

VakamaTK thinks this list is getting long.

VakamaTK typed these facts.

One of these facts is not true.






Interwebsitial portal to Brickshelf

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Nidman is completely obsessed with the RampAge music.

Nidman has 2 Motorized Bulldozers (heh heh. :P)

Nidman has an urge to criticize everything in the BIONICLE Lego gallery on Lego.Com.

Nidman is listening to the RampAge music, right now.


Well,that's it.




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Toa Dave can't eat a pineapple


Toa Dave enjoys eating small children


Toa Dave constantly wishes he had a pet seal named Jim


Toa Dvae can raed tihs, can you? I konw taht smoe polepe can


Toa Dave secretly wants to be a girl...but don't tell anyone that. :lookaround:

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