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Blogarithm Contest #6 - Tiebreaker!





Oh no, this isn't over yet.


Two entries tied at the end of the final poll - so now it's time for the tiebreaker poll.


Poll closes on Saturday, October 6th at 11:59 Eastern.


Entry One:



Entry Two:

What!? How'd you--!? Oh, well, you may have made it past my plunger locks, the double plunger locks, the laser locks, the electric locks, and the motorized locks, made it past all of my guards and sentries, and broken every BZP rule in the book, but YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT PAST MY TOPIC LOCKS! Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T! I am the Evil Ogel, Sumiki, and I cannot be stopped!




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I keep wondering -- why must there only be one winner? Wouldn't having the same funny closing post get boring and repetitive eventually?

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I keep wondering -- why must there only be one winner? Wouldn't having the same funny closing post get boring and repetitive eventually?

The winner is guaranteed to be used, and will be used first, but it will only be used once. Any runner-ups that I like will be used afterwards.

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Four. I vote four so bad.


It's just...


so cool


(four is the one where you yell "BANHAMMER" and close the topic without any other explanation.)

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I'm tempted to vote for the first, but my love and nostalgic memories for Alpha Team demand I vote the second.

I vote 2.

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