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Everyone post your worst MOC



Was talking about bad mocs with Brickeens and Bfahome and thought I'd bring this to BZP.


Post your worst moc that you have pictures of here.


Mine is probably this ... thing ...




(1.4 MBs)


Aw heck, I've got a whole gallery of bad mocs.


I'm glad I've improved since. Though I really miss all the design experimentation I used to do, even if it was terrible.


YOUR TURN. :biggrin:


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Oh gosh, I'm having a hard time deciding even out of just the stuff I have posted to Brickshelf.


http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Lyichir/BionicleMOCs/zieg1.jpg : Generic Toamod.


http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Lyichir/BionicleMOCs/ladyk3.jpg : An attempt at a more feminine imitation of a Toa Mata body structure that failed. Badly.


http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Lyichir/BionicleMOCs/nokama2.jpg : Even ignoring the shallow hormonally-charged nature of the work, the biggest failure here is that I managed to misremember my proportion rules for this MOC, making the legs the same length as the torso when they should be the same length as the torso plus head.

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So, Chols, this guy: http://www.brickshel...y.cgi?i=4985889 was in your 'bad MOCs' folder. Maybe I'm just ignorant of bad design, but it looks like a pretty good build to me. What don't you like about it?

It wasn't intended to be a "bad moc" folder when I made it; it's really just a dumping ground for mocs I made before getting a Brickshelf account, though most of it is terrible. Though I'm not really fond of that model since its structure is ripped almost entirely from Brutaka. Looks good, but in the end it's nothing great. I do still like the flamethrower though. :3


http://www.brickshel...OCs/nokama2.jpg : Even ignoring the shallow hormonally-charged nature of the work, the biggest failure here is that I managed to misremember my proportion rules for this MOC, making the legs the same length as the torso when they should be the same length as the torso plus head.

Ooooooh dear.

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While I don't have pictures, my friend and I used to put a Rahkshi head on one end of a Bohrok arm and a Toa Mata foot on the other (it stood on the foot). We called them "hoppers". They still bring back terrible memories. Especially that time we exchanged the Bohrok arm with a Toa Nuva leg.

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i don't even want to think about the sheer horror that is my old creations


but here is my old folder of MOCs, and i deleted a lot of the really bad stuff off of there

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CAUTION: May Cause horrible convulsing

All of these... First one I'm still not sure why the green hand-for the neck, Second the colors, and Third...


Sadly, these were what I considered the 'good ones' to put in a brickshelf.


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