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2013 Fan Conventions

Black Six


So what conventions is everyone going to next year?


My current plans include BrickFair Alabama, BrickFair New England, and BrickFair Virginia. I think there's a pattern there... I'm actually going to be the Bionicle Coordinator at New England, so expect me to bug you guys about sending in MOCs.


Anyway, I'm considering seeing if I can squeeze in a fourth event, because I'm crazy and stupid like that. Bricks Cascade is unfortunately out, because they moved it to right around the time that PAX East is, and two vacations that close just isn't feasible. Bricks by the Bay is out too, since that's the week after Brick Fair Virginia. Apparently Brick Magic isn't happening next year, so I guess I can't go there either.


The top two I was considering then were BrickWorld Chicago and Brick Fiesta. They haven't released any details for the latter yet, but I recall hearing it was going to be in San Antonio or Dallas next year. Neither is really high on my list of places to visit, and I've never been to Chicago, so I'm kind of leaning towards BrickWorld.


I'd like to see where other LEGO fans will be though, since that could help my decision.


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Anyways, yeah. I'll be attending Brickworld Chicago as always (due to how close it is); and after the epic shenanigans of this past summer, there's no chance in Karzahni I'll pass up on Brickfair VA 2013.


If you end up attending Brickworld, will you just be a regular attendee, or do you plan on getting a table for BZP MOCs?

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If you end up attending Brickworld, will you just be a regular attendee, or do you plan on getting a table for BZP MOCs?

That is too far in the future for me to say, lol. It'll have to depend on how many other people are going.
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I'm going to see about going to that one in Portland next summer, since it tends to be right around my birthday and I only live like, an hour and a half away from there. We'll see if that ends up happening, though. :P

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I'm thinking I'll stay limited to BrickCon this coming year, since I also have Emerald City ComicCon and a few other ones coming up work-related (I'm actually in the pre-planning stages to travel to a non-LEGO one with the boss in July.)


But hey, congrats on getting the coordinator gig for BFNE.

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BrickFair Virginia is the only one I'm sure about. I might also be at PAX East, seeing as I think that's not too far from where I'll be at college during that time. Also, I've been trying to see if I can arrange to cut Brickfair during the public hours on Saturday to see if I can make it to Bronycon up in Baltimore for a day. But so far no luck.

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I'll be at BrickFair VA. If Bricks Cascade was the same time as last year, I'd be there too, but since they moved it I won't make it there.

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I will be classing Brickfair VA 2013 up with my supply of hats once more.


Also, go to Brickworld Chicago. The city's great.

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New York Comic Con will happen again as it is the easiest for us to go to.


I'd love to make it to Brickfair VA 2013, but we will see how things go here. I might end up missing it again.

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I'll just look at the pictures you take when you get to posting the article, apparently a month or two after the events, on average.

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I hope to fly back for at least part of BricksCascade, and although its too far out for me to be sure, I am also aiming for BrickCon.


Depending on how my internship works out, maybe BrickFair Virgina and BrickFiesta?


But yeah you should go to a new convention this year and spread the BZP love. :D



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I'm hoping against hope that I can get to BrickFair NE. I think it's as close as a convention will ever get to me, but it's also like the day after I go home for summer break, so logistics would be a pain in the neck. Also hoping money won't be an issue, which I never really can tell.


But I am hoping.

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I'm hoping against hope that I can get to BrickFair NE. I think it's as close as a convention will ever get to me, but it's also like the day after I go home for summer break, so logistics would be a pain in the neck. Also hoping money won't be an issue, which I never really can tell.


But I am hoping.

Do it! We can have a Nerf battle!

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Sooo going to Brickfair NE.


I live down in Massachusetts, so unfortunately, I'm usually too far away to actually go to any other lego conventions of the kind.

I hope to see some BZPers there.

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Hm...The only one that I think I will be able to attend is BrickFair VA next year, which might just be for a day again since I don't really have any transportion of my own to use right now.


- JMJ 2012

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