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Takumacraft Reboot Survey

Takuma Nuva


Right, so, the "in favor"s have been overwhelmingly the only response I'm getting. We're going through with it.


That said, I'd like to keep the carry-over to a minimum (kinda defeats the purpose otherwise. If you'd like to have a building, items, or some-such carried over to the new world, you may request it and I'll do my best to take care of y'all.


Anyways, what would you guys like to see/get out of the do-over? Mods are out of the question, before you ask. Either way, I'll start us off on the list of suggestions. Feel free to provide more and/or comment on current ones.



1. Spleef Arena and other games (could possibly MCEdit in some community-made stuff if it's not too big or complicated, suggest stuff)


2. Designated area for "art". Whether this is through setting up a system to spawn blocks, a button for switching to/from creative, or strictly "legit" will have to be discussed.


3. Teleport hub to/from everyone's bases? Railways are too much of a hassle.


4. A new "Industrial Zone". A place set aside for everyone to build farms/farming mechanisms for everyone to use. (As opposed to spreading them out across the whole world.)


5. Ender Ender (after defeating Ender Dragon)


6. Obstacle/Parkour Course


7. Themed "towns" instead of random bases?


8. What the heck is Chol's Rainbow Farm?


9. Large Biomes (not a bad idea)


10. Town Hall







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Suggestion: We port over the Ender Ender, but leave it out until the dragon is dead. So it can be "unlocked", so to say.

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I like how Mat thinks. Besides, having it ported while the Dragon's alive makes little sense anyway. =P


The Spleef arena sounds cool. Maybe something for Parkour, for those who want to practice different techniques for getting around the world easier, or the like?


An area strictly for art would be pretty cool, I have to admit. My base will hopefully have such a concept too. =P


Definitely. I mean, it's not as if that'd be bad; and if need be, it could be just outside, if people have privacy concerns. =P


Something like that would be pretty cool, yeah. =D


As for more suggestions... Maybe have different sorts of towns in different places, so that there could be themes in there or the like? Not to scatter people, but rather to add variety. =)


Also, a question, provided we got the materials to GET to the Nether, could we have a sort of building project there? Would likely take forever, but still. =P

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As for more suggestions... Maybe have different sorts of towns in different places, so that there could be themes in there or the like? Not to scatter people, but rather to add variety. =)


I like this idea and I was even going to suggest it but couldn't find the right words but yeah let's do this

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You for got 6. PROFIT :P

Dangit Bamble, stop stealing my joke ideas >:c


But yeah, teleport hub sounds good. Community farms/mines for newcomers, mebbe?

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suggestion: use that large biome (or whatever it's called) setting when generating the map. that could be fun and would allow more space to claim per biome, so nobody infringes on anybody else's terrotory.

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Another suggestion: We have like a town hall at Industrial we could convene at and have the spawn point in the middle of it, along with other amenities.

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Pretty iffy on big biomes. While it means more space, it also means having to travel a loooot farther if you want a particular one...

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Pretty iffy on big biomes. While it means more space, it also means having to travel a loooot farther if you want a particular one...



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Pretty iffy on big biomes. While it means more space, it also means having to travel a loooot farther if you want a particular one...




And I'll be playing vanilla, so who's to say I'll get one right away?


They aren't perfect either... Can't go through water and navigating jungles is likely a pain.

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We need a clocktower. Maybe as part of the town hall.


A base in the nether would be nice, perhaps with ZPigmen/WSkele farms.


I like the idea of the Industrial Zone.


This is the Rainbow Farm.


Large Biomes would be nice. Unless we got stuck with Taiga .-.


Parkour course would be fun. Also maybe pig/horse racetrack? And a PVP arena? Minigames zone?




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A clocktower that counts the number of minecraft days it's been. That would be cool.


I'm down for the themed towns. I've already got ideas. =P


I'm with ET on the large biomes. Oceans will be incredibly annoying to go through, as will Jungles.

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knowing MI and his horse-finding, horse-breeding obsession, everybody on the server will probably have an army's worth of horses within a day or two. =P

still feel like the pros (more people being able to live in a single biome without infringing on each other's lands, more space in which to build, more available resources per biome) outweigh the cons which are more like personal peeves anyway.

if it's too easy it won't be any fun.

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