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Hey, woah, I exist

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer




So I was at Brickfair and realized, "Woah, BZP still exists, and so do I, so maybe our existences should coincide more often."


Anyways, I have a story! *Ahem.* Once upon a time there was a member named Turakii who got married to a member named Toa Lhikan Hordika and moved to Santiago, Chile (in South America!) (speaking of which, Chileans get very offended if you call yourself an "American" because they technically are too, so you have to basically call yourself a "United Statian") (Actually, that wasn't really on-topic at all, so just ignore all these parentheses and move on).


Now, Turakii's mother (Macku: Toa of Bubbles) was a very wise bubbly Toa, and she always told Turakii, "When you're shopping, you should never leave your purse in the cart, because someone can just walk by and take it and you won't even notice until you reach the checkout line."


And the very first day Turakii was in Chile that definitely did not happen nope not at all.


But if it had happened (which it definitely didn't), then it would have really sucked for the thief. Most people steal stuff hoping to find money or credit cards or diamond belt buckles or gold teeth and other things that people usually keep in purses. This thief, however, was fortunate enough to walk away with:

  1. A cell phone with no coverage in South America (SO MUCH USEFUL)
  2. A passport (and they would only need a tiny bit of plastic surgery to make use of it)
  3. A New York learner's permit (so if they ever happen to visit New York, they'll just have to find a licensed driver over 21 and they'll be able to drive legally! How convenient!)
  4. A couple of books (in English) (the primary language in Chile is Spanish)

But he/she did get my adorable pink purse with the little dead animals printed all over it. =( I just hope they use it well.


Moral of this story: If you're not going to wear your purse on your arm, fill it with all kinds of useless stuff so you can laugh evilly as you imagine the thief sobbing, "Where's the money? Where are the credit cards? Who the heck brings BOOKS to a GROCERY STORE!?"


The End




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Were they particularly good books? Because that would make the tale a tad more tragic. (past the already present tragedy of losing a pink purse with dead animals printed all over it)


- Indefatigable Individual

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I almost forgot how awesome your blog entries are...




But yeah, I dunno. Maybe the thief was like, one of your biggest fans or something who tracked you all the way to South America and just wanted some souvenirs.



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Turakii! You're alive! Congratulations on getting married! I was hoping to say hello and congratulations to you when I was being brought around Brickfair via Skype, but you weren't there at the time. Many best wishes.

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Whoa, I thought you had disappeared into the pit called "real life". Especially after reading you got married.

But you're back! And what a few couple of years it has been. The advertising policy was removed for one, so we can talk and link to sites such as Facebook or YouTube, as long as they meet the community guidelines.

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*massive glomp* I'm glad you two arrived safely, if only to experience the not-really-happening-but-totally-happened purse snatching D:


I guess it means you and TLH need to become vigilantes and stop criminals from doing crimes. I can't think of a name, but you two probably could.

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Were they particularly good books? Because that would make the tale a tad more tragic. (past the already present tragedy of losing a pink purse with dead animals printed all over it)


- Indefatigable Individual

I don't know, because I never got to read them. ;.; One of them was the novel for Warm Bodies... how will I get my sappy zombie romance fix now?

I almost forgot how awesome your blog entries are...




But yeah, I dunno. Maybe the thief was like, one of your biggest fans or something who tracked you all the way to South America and just wanted some souvenirs.



Y-y-yes, sir. *cowers under desk*


Somehow, the thought of an obsessed fan sleeping with my learner's permit under their pillow or placing my dead cell phone in a glass case doesn't at all comfort me...


Turakii! You're alive! Congratulations on getting married! I was hoping to say hello and congratulations to you when I was being brought around Brickfair via Skype, but you weren't there at the time. Many best wishes.

Ten years later, and I still have the urge to add "kolhii-head!" every time I hear "you're alive!"


Aw, man, I missed your call!? D=


Skshajsjaken! Turakii is alive! =O In regards to your purse, maybe the thief liked pink dead animals? You never know!

Who doesn't like dead pink animals?


Whoa, I thought you had disappeared into the pit called "real life". Especially after reading you got married.

But you're back! And what a few couple of years it has been. The advertising policy was removed for one, so we can talk and link to sites such as Facebook or YouTube, as long as they meet the community guidelines.

If Hahli Husky can get married and still exist, then so can I!


Waitwaitwait, what? Okay, in that case... *deep breath*




Man, that felt good.




*massive glomp* I'm glad you two arrived safely, if only to experience the not-really-happening-but-totally-happened purse snatching D:


I guess it means you and TLH need to become vigilantes and stop criminals from doing crimes. I can't think of a name, but you two probably could.



I guess I could just start carrying kanoka and squid launchers and see if they're any good for self-defense...


Turakii has returned. A third era of BZP may very well be coming...


Takuma Nuva

Third? What happened to the first two? DId they die?


Those leech stud earrings were seriously radicool, yo.

Yo man, many thankies, yo' schizzle.


(Yeah, I've got mad gangstah skillz now.)


Yay, you are back! :D Congrats on your marriage. :)


-Gata signoff.png

Thankees! And you still are here! =O How many years have you been active now?


EDIT: Is it my imagination, or did the BB code get even weirder?

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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer back?!!!!!! OMG! Yes. Congrats on the marriage. I miss sending you those sig reports like the olden days. :P Anyways, yes, the BB code got weirder. :)



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Yay, you are back! :D Congrats on your marriage. :)


-Gata signoff.png

Thankees! And you still are here! =O How many years have you been active now?


Got a beautiful eight-year spinny two weeks ago. :P And as you can see, I'm still a Forum Mentor! :D Though university has decreased my activity, but I still check by regularly. ^_^


-Gata signoff.png

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