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The best news in forever



I don't know how often I've mentioned this here, but if you follow me on tumblr you've probably heard me ranting about getting bad headaches every day. But hey hey hey, guess what? We finally know what causes them, and even better, how to fix them. It turns out the muscles down my neck and back have been badly screwed up (for a long time it seems) and have been restricting the blood supply to my head. So little wonder it's been so painful since forever.


But even better, it's quite easily fixed. I've been given various exercises to stretch out the muscles and get the blood flowing properly. It's been about two weeks and the difference is huge. I have way less pain on a daily basis and life is generally easier to cope with. So how about that?


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Awesome, man. It's always good to hear stuff like this. Seems like a pretty good way to start the new year, if I do say so myself.



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Okay actually, this is the most suitable response I could possibly think of


Again it's really fantastic you have a way to counter those headaches now, bro

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