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I'm Tired of Brickshelf and Majhost



They provide a great service but recently they seem to be down more often than they're up.


From now on, I think I'll do what I did with the images in the content blocks and upload elsewhere.

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I'm frankly a bit tired of them too, but I haven't yet found another site I'm quite as happy with that will host things like LXF files. Most of the hosting sites I've seen that are really convenient for casual browsing only host image files and sometimes common document types like .doc, .xml, and .pdf

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I wish more image hosting sites were as simple as these, though. All these flickrs and photobuckets and whatever seem unnecessarily complicated and fancy shmancy to me. All I want is a place to dump my stupid pictures I don't need all this fancy gadgetry or whatever. The simplicity in brickshelf and majhost are their selling points and I wish they weren't so inconsistent with staying up.

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I wish more image hosting sites were as simple as these, though. All these flickrs and photobuckets and whatever seem unnecessarily complicated and fancy shmancy to me. All I want is a place to dump my stupid pictures I don't need all this fancy gadgetry or whatever. The simplicity in brickshelf and majhost are their selling points and I wish they weren't so inconsistent with staying up.


Yeah, this is basically why I use them. Although I might just start using the BZPower gallery for most things, since BZP is typically the only place where I tend to find myself in need of images.

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I use Flickr and Mediafire, and for some reason I have no problems. [/troll]


Although I frequently wish to burn Flickr with fire for its constantly rearranging layout and privacy settings and having to press five buttons to do one thing. But for some reason I feel little desire to switch to brickshelf. 

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I won't lie, it was really weird to see Brickshelf as functional for as long as it was because back in the day it was NEVER up.

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I really am too. :(


But like everyone else, I haven't found an alternative that I like... that isn't needlessly complex/fancy or ugly, ad-ridled, and slow...

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I wish more image hosting sites were as simple as these, though. All these flickrs and photobuckets and whatever seem unnecessarily complicated and fancy shmancy to me. All I want is a place to dump my stupid pictures I don't need all this fancy gadgetry or whatever. The simplicity in brickshelf and majhost are their selling points and I wish they weren't so inconsistent with staying up.

Exactly. I like it because it's little more than a filesystem, plus a bit of tagging. No comments, sharing, fancy UI, blah.

I just wish it worked more often. D:

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I like to support niche services like Brickshelf, and I like the fact that they've endured for so many years with the same formula, but if I want a reliable service it's the last place I turn to. I either use my own server or Imgur most of the time.

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