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Is this thing on?

Akaku: Master of Flight


Apparently now that I'm finally a premier member, this means I now am also in possession of a Blog.


So... Hello? How're you all doing? Just letting you all know now, I have no idea how to drive this thing!


I'll probably post art and things once I figure this all out.... Cheers!


--Akaku: Master of Flight

Edited by Akaku: Master of Flight

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If the red light is on, then it should be working, just speek directly into the microphone.


If it's flashing binary messages to you in purple and gold, unplug your computer and then run away, just to be safe.



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If the red light is on, then it should be working, just speek directly into the microphone.


If it's flashing binary messages to you in purple and gold, unplug your computer and then run away, just to be safe.



Oooh! Like this? :D ....Wait, what if it does both? o.o



don't crash into thAT WALL AAAAAAAAAAA




I hope you have insurance.




*is incredibly blog-sick in the backseat*

Not the seats! I just got this thing!



Do you have a spare? I think you need one...

Bah, who needs four tires anyways? ...Unless your talking about my Blogmobile itself, weeeeellll-- Wait, is that the cops? Everyone be cool!



Sir, I'm gonna have to see your Blogger's License.

Ma'am, I assure you, this is completely unnecessary. -hands over crumpled piece of paper with poorly written information and drawn face of self colored in with green crayon-


--Akaku: Master of Flight

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