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Movie Recommendations

Black Six


Every now and then in conversation someone will mention a movie they love that I haven't seen. There's also a bunch of films from the past few years that I wanted to see but never got around to. So I've decided to finally make a list of all these films to keep track of and help motivate myself to actually watch them.


Below is the list I have so far, but I'm sure it's not complete. That's where you guys come in. What are some of your all-time favorite movies, or movies that you think are worth seeing for their artistic or storytelling merits?


Please make your suggestions in the comments. If there are movies people suggest multiple times that I've already seen, I'll make a separate list of those to help with duplicates.


To Watch:

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Terminator Salvation

The Hurt Locker

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

X-Men: First Class

BZP Lovers 3

The Dark Knight Rises


Wreck-It Ralph


A Good Day to Die Hard

Monsters University

The Wolverine

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

X-Men: Days of Future Past




The Imitation Game

Kingsman: The Secret Service


Thanks everyone!


Recommended Comments

Under Siege staring Steven Segal

The Replacements


But more seriously, if you haven't seen American Hustle you should watch that one.

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Under Siege staring Steven Segal

The Replacements


But more seriously, if you haven't seen American Hustle you should watch that one.

Was that the name of that movie?


And yes, I've seen American Hustle - it was pretty amazing.

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Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader is not a very good movie. It's a great book, but the movie changed too much of what made the book good.


Prince Caspian, however, is a must-see. It's up there with the 2008 Iron Man and The National Treasure in terms of being a good movie - and if you haven't seen either of those, put 'em on the list. (But you probably have. :))

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Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader is not a very good movie. It's a great book, but the movie changed too much of what made the book good.


Prince Caspian, however, is a must-see. It's up there with the 2008 Iron Man and The National Treasure in terms of being a good movie - and if you haven't seen either of those, put 'em on the list. (But you probably have. :))

I figured I should add Dawn Treader for the sake of completeness.


I've seen all of the Iron Man movies and definitely the first National Treasure and at least one sequel.

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The Founding of a Republic.

Dragons Forever.

Rumble in the Bronx.

Wheels on Meals.

Drunken Master.

Drunken Master II.


Police Story 2.

Police Story 3: Super Cop.

Police Story 4: First Strike.

New Police Story.

Armour of God.

Armour of God II: Operation Condor.

City Hunter.

Kung Fu Hustle.

Shaolin Soccer.

Enter the Dragon.

Bran Nue Dae.

The Wind Rises.

Digimon: Our War Game!

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So I've decided to finally make a list of all these films to keep track of and help motivate myself to actually watch them.


Man this is such a dangerous thing to do. Before you know it you'll end up with a list of movies that's hundreds of titles long and just keeps growing until one day you realize that life is just too short for all those movies.


(1001 Movies to See Before You Die was both the best and worst Christmas gift I've ever received.)


But I'm going to add to it by mentioning the obligatory The Secret of Kells. It's worth watching for the art style and music alone, but it's narrative is equally moving. Ditto for The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, and actually pretty much anything distributed by GKids.


I'm also going to mention Lawrence of Arabia because it's the quintessential movie epic. But despite it's massive scale it never ceases to tell the more intimate story of how a man was brought down by his own ego.

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I'm not in a great position to be recommending movies since there are so many I should see that I haven't. But here are some I really enjoyed:


The Adventures of Tintin


Pan's Labyrinth



Temple Grandin


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I'm also gonna add Whiplash to that list.


A movie that came out a few years ago, but blew me away (although I feel like you'll either love it or hate it) is This Must Be The Place.

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I'm not in a great position to be recommending movies since there are so many I should see that I haven't. But here are some I really enjoyed:


The Adventures of Tintin


Pan's Labyrinth



Temple Grandin


I saw Stardust and Up - both excellent.


Have you watched Snowpiercer or District 9? Those are both movies I highly recommend.

District 9 was great, and I've heard good things about Snowpiercer.
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I really like both of the 'How to Train your Dragon' movies. If you haven't seen them yet, I would recommend them a lot. 


I also liked the last two Star Trek movies. Especially Star Trek into Darkness. I really enjoyed that movie. 


Other movies I recommend are: Godzilla (the 2014 one), Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2, and American Sniper. 


Edit: I forgot to mention this earlier, but Nightcrawler was a really good film too.

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Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader is not a very good movie. It's a great book, but the movie changed too much of what made the book good.


Prince Caspian, however, is a must-see. It's up there with the 2008 Iron Man and The National Treasure in terms of being a good movie - and if you haven't seen either of those, put 'em on the list.

For me, Dawn Treader is actually the weakest of all the Narnia books for its episodic nature, which doesn't translate well into film. Strangely, I like the film more than the book, and I didn't mind the changes because, from a filmmaker's point of view, they were necessary.


It's exactly the opposite with Caspian—the book was very good and they put in all of these extraneous details in the movie. It was a massive disappointment to me after the remarkably faithful adaptation of Wardrobe.


(This is, of course, all coming from someone who read the books a few times each before the films came out, so perhaps I'm not giving Caspian enough credit; in general I have a hard time judging book-based films on anything other than their faithfulness to the original text. The one advantage of not reading the book first is that it lets you be free to judge the movie on its own merits, as book-based films are held to a slightly different standard.)

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Have you seen Dead Poet's Society? I'm quite fond of that one.

That's exactly the kind of movie I'm looking for! Popular films that 'practically everyone' has seen but I've somehow missed over the years. Thanks!

I really like both of the 'How to Train your Dragon' movies. If you haven't seen them yet, I would recommend them a lot. 


I also liked the last two Star Trek movies. Especially Star Trek into Darkness. I really enjoyed that movie. 


Other movies I recommend are: Godzilla (the 2014 one), Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2, and American Sniper. 


Edit: I forgot to mention this earlier, but Nightcrawler was a really good film too.

I saw the first HTTYD, but not the second, good catch.


I'm a Star Trek fan, so I've seen both of those.


Thanks for the other recommendations!

The Last Unicorn?

I had never heard of this movie, but reading about it makes it sound right up my alley.
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This one is a bit older, but 12 Angry Men(1957). One of my favorite movies since I first watched it. The writing is so strong, and it is just incredible. Seriously great story, great cinematography, great blocking, urrggg.


I just love it a whole lot. 

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This one is a bit older, but 12 Angry Men(1957). One of my favorite movies since I first watched it. The writing is so strong, and it is just incredible. Seriously great story, great cinematography, great blocking, urrggg.


I just love it a whole lot. 


Just wanted to drop by and say that I totally, totally second this if you haven't already seen it. Such an incredible movie. :)



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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (beautiful visuals)

Life is Beautiful (Italian film that is just wonderful and heart wrenching at the same time)

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Have you heard of a movie called Bionicle: Mask of Light? It's pretty underground I'm sure most people here haven't seen it.

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Avengers 2, Tomorrowland, and any Charlton Heston epic, such as Planet of the Apes, El Cid, Ben Hur, or The Ten Commandments.

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I've got a list like this myself, and I must warn you, this will explode, fast. But anyways, here are my suggestions:


Cloud Atlas


Ex Machina

Under the Skin


John Wick

Battle Royale

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