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bad habits

Taka Nuvia


blog-0256885001446472260.jpgGetting rid of them is surprisingly hard. So is changing eating habits. :/ Something of the sort is necessary though, because at the current rate of developments I can see the destination of the travel, and that's.... not where I'd like to be.

In more clear words: I really need to lose weight. Got a plan figured out though, and I'm sticking to it. Still, it's a bit of an annoying topic for me.

I mean no, I don't think I'm ugly or anything, and yes, I've always been on the heavier side, but this constant increase is bad, so something has to change.


On the positive side, though: replacing internet trash time with drawing was one of the best decisions I've made in the past month. So was being more active at BZPower again. And for the rest... we'll see. :)

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all you have to do is put your mind to it as if your loved ones' lives are on the line .


that would be kinda weird though: someone forcing you eat salad or else your like ... idk ... hamster, or something, gets it .




I am so sorry

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 Start with the small things, before you go and change everything right off the bat.


 Skip the Coca-Cola and get the water. Get the salad side instead of the french fries. Little things.


 If you jump from consuming all this sugar, salt, and fat to low sugar, low salt, and low fat almost over night, you will not succeed. We are wired, as a species, to look for sugar, salt, and fat, so you need to wean yourself off them.


 Don't count calories either. You'll drive yourself insane and it doesn't work.


 Use the stairs instead of the elevators for some starting exercise. I HEAVILY suggest running or walking at least three times a week to lose weight. That is the best exercise you can do without any big dollar purchases to lose weight the fastest. I can help you set up a walking/running guideline if you like.


 Sources: 10+ years of my own weight struggles and successes.

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General advice: Don't starve yourself. Instead of cutting out things, replace them with healthier alternatives. Avoid those diet plan things. Spoilers ahead: They don't work. And also they're expensive. Also remember that, alone, altering your eating habits is not enough; you need exercise, too.


I've found that it helps if you make your exercise enjoyable, as well. If possible, go somewhere nice to walk-- a park, say. Watch your favorite show whlie you work out. No reason for you to stare at a wall for an hour while you're on that treadmill. Music is good, too.


*Snaps fingers*

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I've been on a diet for some months now, and it's not that simple. It's not a strict diet, but the fact of 'not being able to eat whatever I might want to' makes me actually want to eat more, even if normally you wouldn't. In times the rules I set to myself tend to become more elastic, eventually too elastic and every exception to the rule makes a precedent. I realized that trying to stick to the plan as long as I can is the only solution for me.

On one hand a diet (made by a dietist) grants you a balanced intake of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and such) and "scheduled" results, but on the other hand you are no longer free to decide by yourself what to eat.


As someone said, there are a few little but very important changes one can make, such as reducing the consumption of coca cola and beverages and the intake of sugar and bread/cookies (not cutting them out completly, just assuming less).

When one is away from home most of the day it gets difficult to choose what to eat, so I tend to bring my lunch from home.


For me it's very important that my brother follows my same diet, doing it together makes it much more bearable. So, my advice is to do all this with someone. A sibling, a friend. It really helps making it all way more acceptable ^^

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As someone who once endured a none too enjoyable diet ('twas supposed to give me more energy, though it failed to deliver,) I can sympathize. On the bright side, you don't have to observe six other family-members eating much more enjoyable fare (though my father was also on it, so a lot of dinners were diet-friendly.)



Exercise is a beautiful thing. If, like me, you enjoy gloomy weather (something of a rarity for me, right now) then I imagine that you'll have plenty of incentives to go walking. If not, then you'll just have to focus on the greenery. =P


Anyhow, keep up the good work, screw your courage to the sticking place, don't get discouraged and [insert platitude here]!


On a non-facetious note, you'll be in my prayers.

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I'm familiar with the feeling. Ever since I moved to Canada my diet has gotten very noticeably worse, and it's pretty tough to cut down because it just isn't an option what with being limited to food from the dorm canteen only. The soda is the one thing I need to stop with, but that's the kind of thing I've had an addiction to since I was young. It's hard to swap to just water when I'm used to the fizzy tang. 


And yeah, exercise is important. I've started hitting the gym recently, though only on a sporadic basis, it does at least propose a start. I do commend the decision to spend internet waste time drawing though. That's productive and will help an awful lot. I ought to do the same thing with writing, or with continuing art practice. 

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It's hard to swap to just water when I'm used to the fizzy tang.


I don't know how much they cost, but I think there are products you can buy that carbonate water. Might be an investment to look into for your health, if you want to give up soda but crave the fizziness.


*Snaps fingers*

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It's hard to swap to just water when I'm used to the fizzy tang.


I don't know how much they cost, but I think there are products you can buy that carbonate water. Might be an investment to look into for your health, if you want to give up soda but crave the fizziness.


*Snaps fingers*


You can't go wrong with a gasogene!


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