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Set News



A few pieces of news today --


1) I finally got a look at a pic of Mazeka today -- looks from the photo like he's an Onu-Matoran.


2) The Jan. 2009 sets are in our showroom now. Gotta say, very impressive. The new mask pieces are particularly cool shapes and the weaponry is slick too. On the whole, they manage to stay recognizably BIONICLE while still looking nicely different from past sets. I think the new pieces will probably be good for those who like to MOC, too. I will tell you up front, having only seen pics up to now, the pics do not do the sets justice. They are much more striking in person.


I am definitely inspired to do a Club building contest once those come out, to see what fans will build out of them.


3) 2010 story conference next week, so we can clear the decks and I can get moving on the screen treatment for 2010 movie.


4) I am going to be signing up for something on the Scholastic site where teachers and librarians can find authors to come speak at their schools/libraries. Not sure it will produce anything, but at least it will put me out there for folks who might want to do a BIONICLE event as they did in Coventry. So maybe there will be more school/library appearances in the Northeast in future, we'll see.




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The 2009 sets sound good. I can't wait to see them(Of course, I think I should wait untill I have all the sets I want this year before I get excited about next year's sets).


Oh, and what kind of mask does Mazeka wear?



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Good to finally know about Mazeka. It'd kinda be hard to write a serial if you about him if you hadn't seen him, eh? Good to hear 'bout the 09 sets, too. Oh, and I hope you do go to a library somewhat near me (I'm the northenmost southern state :P ). Perhaps you could reveal 2008's ending and the new direction of 2009? (Yeah right).

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1) I finally got a look at a pic of Mazeka today -- looks from the photo like he's an Onu-Matoran.




2) The Jan. 2009 sets are in our showroom now. Gotta say, very impressive. The new mask pieces are particularly cool shapes and the weaponry is slick too. On the whole, they manage to stay recognizably BIONICLE while still looking nicely different from past sets. I think the new pieces will probably be good for those who like to MOC, too. I will tell you up front, having only seen pics up to now, the pics do not do the sets justice. They are much more striking in person.






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Cool I had expected Mazeka to be a Le- or a Ko-Matoran, but a good choice to make him an Earth character though black is not the top seller. I am really anxious fo the summer serials to start. I think the storyline will split up even more on really important events during the final battle. Oh man, I love 2008.


Yay, there will be masks in the "new" Bionicle! Maybe I should stay around....


Oh Greg that seems like you'lll have pretty much to do over the next year. I hope the story conference for 2010 will be productive.

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Whoo! Onu-Matoran! :D


Anyways, on the 2009 sets: they sound wonderful. Although I hope this newer style won't clash with the old pieces in MOCs. -_-



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Didn't see him being an Onu, thats a surprise, especially since he'll probably be flying.


But the sets...they just sound great from that brief description of the masks and tools, so does that confirm that masks will be like the previous years, remaining on sets?

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*hopes the 2009 sets have new limb/body parts*

*hopes weapons aren't oversized silver monstrosities*

*is hoping for way to much*

All the same, I'm looking forward to the next story arch.

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Yay! Mazeka is a Matoran of Earth! ^_^


The 2009 sets sound interesting and I can't wait to see what you mean by different masks. :)

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Mazeka's an Onu-Matoran. Cool.


And now I CANNOT wait for the 2009 sets. *Goes onto brickshelf to look for leaked images*

*tells PK that it's too early for even leaked images :P*


The sets have masks? That's good. And I hope the weapons are as cool as you say. *hopes they will go back to the old socket mold even though it's probably not gonna happen*


Mazeka is Onu? That's good. I expected red or green, since special editions have mostly been red and green (with one exception from '06, all from '05 and beyond were red or green mainly). I was hoping for white since we've had three black titans already from '04 beyond (Roodaka, Nivawk, Hydraxon) and this year will mark the first white titan (Taka) and another white set wouldn't hurt.


Still, Onu is good. I hope he's black and his secondary color is not dark grey or silver (both are overused). Preferably dark grey over silver.

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*hopes the 2009 sets have new limb/body parts*


*hopes weapons aren't oversized silver monstrosities*


*is hoping for way to much*


All the same, I'm looking forward to the next story arch.




We seem to agree ona lot of things...


As always, MOCing parts are good.

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Seeing that it's a set exclusive and a non-evil Matoran...


It's going to have a Black (probably) : Solek, Tanma, Photok, Lewa, Kopaka, Pohatu, Tahu, Gali mask (HIGHLY doubt it's Onua's :P )


Anyway, I'm really glad we're getting a Onu-Matoran (I wanted them more than Ta-Matoran or Ga-Matoran). Good to see we'll have 4 different types of good Matoran.


I hope it's going to be a Solek Mask...I think most Matoran masks look better than Toa masks in 2008.


Getting us hyped for 2009, eh, Greg?

Can't wait.

Hopefully there'll be some more news buzzing about them by November.


Good to see there's going to be Masks.



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It's going to have a Black (probably) : Solek, Tanma, Photok, Lewa, Kopaka, Pohatu, Tahu, Gali mask (HIGHLY doubt it's Onua's :P )



Note that Vultraz has a new mask.



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It's going to have a Black (probably) : Solek, Tanma, Photok, Lewa, Kopaka, Pohatu, Tahu, Gali mask (HIGHLY doubt it's Onua's :P )



Note that Vultraz has a new mask.



Note Vultraz is not a store exclusive like Mazeka and store exclusives rarely have new molds (last store exclusive with new molds was the Hagah).




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The way Greg describes the 09 sets...


Sorry. I'm a bit happy.

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Oh, i hope Mazeka has a new mask... I'm crossing my fingers for him.

As for 2009, it all depends on three things:

1) The one "very familiar" character.

2) And the set designs, Greg made them sound like the best thing since the Toa Metru Double U socket.

3) And three- the masks, Kanohi or not, masks + Toa + Teridax = A year of BIONICLE.

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1) I finally got a look at a pic of Mazeka today -- looks from the photo like he's an Onu-Matoran.

Based on the mask, yes. There's a built version a few feet from my desk, it looks very good. I know BZPers have been interested in this set, and I think it's going to be popular.


2) The Jan. 2009 sets are in our showroom now. Gotta say, very impressive. The new mask pieces are particularly cool shapes and the weaponry is slick too. On the whole, they manage to stay recognizably BIONICLE while still looking nicely different from past sets. I think the new pieces will probably be good for those who like to MOC, too. I will tell you up front, having only seen pics up to now, the pics do not do the sets justice. They are much more striking in person.

Yes, there are some really good sets and pieces. It's been very interesting watching the evolution of the sets since last fall, seeing the iterations presented at weekly meetings. Even neater, I've been able to talk with the set designers and share my thoughts about what the fans are looking for. I've especially been vocal about adding as many connection points to a new piece as possible - specifically weapons. Not sure how much I've influenced the design, but at least it's something. I think Greg's right, there are some good parts to MOC with - especially a new part that Greg hasn't seen yet ;)


3) 2010 story conference next week, so we can clear the decks and I can get moving on the screen treatment for 2010 movie.

Can't wait. I'll be in Copenhagen with some others for the conference.


- Bink

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