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Ze Polls! Ze Polls!



As I've realised that I've never stated any prizes besides the 6 month PMship thing for first place, I've decided to elaborate on them before I put up the polls (don't worry, the polls are gonna be right after the prizes). Anywho:

For first place: 6 month Primier Membership, a blog award stating you came in first, and a banner saying the exact same thing.

For second place: A blog award (or an avatar if you have no blog) sayong you came in second and a banner saying the same thing.

For third: A blog award (or av) saying you came in third and a banner saying the same thing.

And that's it as prizes.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the Polls:

Poll 1






Poll 2

4 DQ'd for Breaking a Voting Rule (See the very last rule for details)





If you haven't noticed, I've removed all the words and symbols from the pics. And I've resized them. So this is how this voting is gonna work:

First, anyone can vote in this poll, but there will be different rules for different people. The rules:

-Entrants cannot vote for their own entry
-Entrants must vote for two entries in each polls
-Non entrants must only vote for one entry in each poll
-Entrants votes will be worth more than non entrant votes. They will be worth 75% to the non entrants 25%
-You must state the number of the entry you're voting for
-Entrants (if they have a blog) will be DQ'd if they make a "Vote for me" entry in their blog. They can link to the poll all they want to, but if they tell others to vote for them, it'll be a insta-DQ.

So vote away.



Recommended Comments

Would this PM I recieved from Toa_Ausar be allowed?:


Hey, just thought I'd drop you a quick line and ask if you could please vote for me in the Prime Time Blog Challenge.


My entry can be found in the Second Poll under the #4 but :lookhere:


Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please do this for me when you have some spare time and be sure to vote for one entry in the First Poll as well, otherwise your vote for me won't count.


Thanks in advance.


~ Åusår


Vote Second Poll #4 (but vote first poll also)


Because you say that blogging to say "Vote me" is illegal.


Assuming it is allowed,


Poll 1: Entry 1. Oh, how perfect . . . I really like the color scheme, which was what this was all about. So . . . And it was executed well and I like Mechas a lot now, so the choice was easy. Sorry, ~Ballom~.


Poll 2: Entry 10. It was interesting, interesting, different. Sadly, this section was uninteresting in their color schemes. So I chose white. But this MOC was . . . different. I liked it. Sorry, Toa_Ausar.



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Hey, just thought I'd drop you a quick line and ask if you could please vote for me in the Prime Time Blog Challenge.


My entry can be found in the Second Poll under the #4 but rtfm.gif


Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please do this for me when you have some spare time and be sure to vote for one entry in the First Poll as well, otherwise your vote for me won't count.


Thanks in advance.


~ Åusår


Vote Second Poll #4 (but vote first poll also)


Nicely done, Ausar. :uhuh:

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Hey, just thought I'd drop you a quick line and ask if you could please vote for me in the Prime Time Blog Challenge.


My entry can be found in the Second Poll under the #4 but rtfm.gif


Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please do this for me when you have some spare time and be sure to vote for one entry in the First Poll as well, otherwise your vote for me won't count.


Thanks in advance.


~ Åusår


Vote Second Poll #4 (but vote first poll also)


Nicely done, Ausar. :uhuh:


Oh dear lord. I was WONDERING what was going on with #4.



Has anyone else been doing...eh... "this" too?



Wait a minute:

"Vote Toa_Ausar, Aug 22 2008, 04:04 PM "


"Hey, just thought I'd drop you a quick line and ask if you could please vote for me in the Prime Time Blog Challenge.


My entry can be found in the Second Poll under the #4 but rtfm.gif "


How come this one says it's from "Toa_Ausar", but yours says "Strong Ausar"?


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1 and 8.

4 should be removed from the contest due to popularity mongering. It's kinda ugly too.



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Hey, just thought I'd drop you a quick line and ask if you could please vote for me in the Prime Time Blog Challenge.


My entry can be found in the Second Poll under the #4 but rtfm.gif


Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please do this for me when you have some spare time and be sure to vote for one entry in the First Poll as well, otherwise your vote for me won't count.


Thanks in advance.


~ Åusår


Vote Second Poll #4 (but vote first poll also)


Nicely done, Ausar. :uhuh:

Didn't Primus say not to advertise your MoC? Yeah way to go... :uhuh:


And lolz at Sora/Neku

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