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Facts Are Facts



Lets state them.


1. I am awesome

2. I am a male NOT a female

3. I am NOT insane

4. Pie IS awesome

5. Glasses are WIN.

6. If you cant spell my name your not to bright

7. Oh babeh I like you.

8. Ok 7 is WRONG.

9. 8 is right

10. I don't care if you look at me

11. I DONT wear long sleeve shirts over short sleeve shirts over long sleeve shirts

12. Sweatpants and a shirt is WIN

13. The sun is hot

14. Turakii is a turkey

15. And Laughing Man stole my sprite colors

16. 15 is wrong

17. Dead has no CD

18. if you don't get 17 then..you...are...smart

19. What a game last night was like. It was so good I did not care to watch it LOL

20. If you love someone and you feel something is wrong with them or something to do and you DONT talk about it, your a wuss.

21. Shot through the heart and your too late, babeh you need love in no way

22. :) :blink: :o :unsure: :( :begging:

23. :wakeup2:

24. I want to live in Austria...

25. So I heard you liek mudkipz Dlakii?

26. Well I dont

27. Wrack and Ruin is weird. And I think she is a guy

28. Gender-changers are creepy

29. drinking makes your face red and makes you crash cars

30. Dlakii is a type of soup. And it's yummy

31. shiny pennies...

32. once upon a time..I was an egg

33. once upon a time food jokes made bzp-members laugh


35. I iz the ubber Gavlaz


37. So once I ate an egg

38. And then chicken

39. and then a zamor

40. Dokuma is not better then me (this is a joke on K? No attacking me please)

41. I love the chicken

42. I put a smile on your face

43. Whats that smell?


45. L O L

46. I like the BBQ's with chickens

47. TakaNuvia is the best artist

48. I would not take you too the opera.

49. I'd take you to dinner and THEN the opera

50. These are a lot of facts

51. So once I ate a chicken which was really..a DUCK

52. One day the sun will burn so bright and when it's about to hit the sun the world will look up at the sun and yell: SAVE US! And it will say: NO

53. Don'T walk away, crawl away

54. I love you

55. Do you love me too?

56. No?

57. *slap*

58. Inferna makes AWESOME COOKIES

59. I shall smite you with a sniper rifle in Halo

60. One day Zonis shall become blue from eating chicken

61. And I will laugh

62. Laughing Man's name means: Laughing man

63. Windmill windmill why must I be scared of thy?

64. Dw is getting married OMG

65. will I be invited?

66. Maybe

67. So mudkipz can be eatin right..?

68. After the movie, you will find me more cute

69. So let the chickens FLY!

70. Into my mouth so I can eat them.

71. If the comic Gavla in my comics was a girl..would she look like Bionicle Gavla?

72. Probably

73. Yo Mama is so cool she makes cookies and calls me snuggle pop

74. I threw my brother's soon to be wife out of the house

75. And broke her phone

76. Why so awesome Khols?

77. Are you flying that plan?

78. No I'm right here


80. And cake

81. Almost done now

82. Like...I dunno how many more

83. So once I ate a pie

84. So once I ate a pie is a great book about dogs.

85. No chicken left behind

86. Obama scares me a little

87. Annnnnnndddddd......

88. Almost done...soon my children soon...

89. I make so many comics a day its MY LIFE.

90. Ten more! Almost there!

91. There's no more chicken in the oven

92. Want the chicken that WAS in the oven?

93. Then get in my BELLY

94. Akaku is cool


96. Like..5 more left y'all

97. Sharnak is AWESOME


99. Red and Blue for the win.

99 and a half: one more left

100. INDEED.


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lol obama scares people, eh?

Also....you threw your brothers soon-to-be wife out :P

lol hilarious


Actually, he really did do that.



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It's a joke Dlakii o.O


Half those facts are jokes. Besides what danger would I be in?


Dok has no control over me. I dont even know the guy. The first time I heard his name I said: Dokuma? ...is that sushi..?


I have no fears in Dok or you, or anyone here.


I'm like a stone. Always calm always quiet. besides, if Dok made me mad like Gunnar's fiance did he might get his hand pushed into a brick wall.

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