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Hitch A Ride To Brickfair!

Black Six


So as you should all know, BrickFair is coming up in August, and you and your MOCs are invited! A whole bunch of BZPower Members and Staff will be there, having fun and enjoying themselves and such. I will of course be there, and it's looking like I'm going to have some extra space in my car. So I'm making an offer to all BZPower Members out there (with some restrictions): If you live nearby or somewhere along the route I'm taking, you're welcome to come along for the ride.



  • You must be 18 or older - I'm not going to be anyone's guardian in the unlikely event that something happens to you, sorry.
  • You must be willing/able to chip in for gas and tolls along the way.
  • You have to find/rent a hotel room for yourself - we can probably help with this, as there are a bunch of BZP people that are looking for roommates.
  • You will have to put up with my music, which, as Smeag will tell you, is awesome.
  • Unless there's more than one person, you will be the navigator.
  • You need to be cool.
Here are the two routes I am considering taking, more or less. I took the first one last year, and there are lots of tolls, which is why I'm thinking about the second even though it's a little longer:

80E -> 287S -> 95S

80E -> 287S -> 78W -> 81S -> 15S


Additionally, I'll be leaving in the early afternoon on Thursday, August 20th and returning on Monday morning, August 24th.


So if you live in New Jersey, the NYC area, Eastern Pennsylvania, or even Delaware, and meet the above requirements and want to come to BrickFair, let me know!


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Aw man... I'm not on the route (and not 18!). :(


It sounds like it would be one heck of a road trip, though.


-Nuju Metru



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Sorry to heard that. You can still come if you can find a parent or guardian (anyone who's 18 or older) to register with you and go.

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Ah well, I'm neither 18 or on that route. Though it would be cool if we got somebody from the east and west coast to do this, like maybe Cajun? :P



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Oh shoot, I'm only 9 months away from being 18 (and a couple thousand miles off route :P)


Oh well, have fun to whoever is going.

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You will have to put up with my music, which, as Smeag will tell you, is awesome.

It is true.



(PS: If you fail in kidnapping wind, I'll burn a copy of the important album and mail it to you)

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If it weren't for the fact that I am seventeen and that my parents would probably never let me go to event like this with a stranger, I met online, and also that I am currently unemployed, I would totally take you up on your offer to hitch a ride with you.


Of course, if you were to pick me up, you have to takes the first route, which heads into Philadelphia and also has more tolls as you say. So, it probably better for you that I can't hitch a ride with you as that means you don't have to worth about all the tolls here.


Hm...Maybe if you do this next year, I could try to hitch a ride over. That is if I am able to find a job by then, since job hunting here has been pretty difficult.



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If it weren't for the fact that I am seventeen and that my parents would probably never let me go to event like this with a stranger, I met online, and also that I am currently unemployed, I would totally take you up on your offer to hitch a ride with you.


Of course, if you were to pick me up, you have to takes the first route, which heads into Philadelphia and also has more tolls as you say. So, it probably better for you that I can't hitch a ride with you as that means you don't have to worth about all the tolls here.


Hm...Maybe if you do this next year, I could try to hitch a ride over. That is if I am able to find a job by then, since job hunting here has been pretty difficult.



Change that to 19 and I fit. Except I'm four hours away...

Still going to try and make it though. :)


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I won't need to hitch any rides or anything, but I'll be at BrickFair, so if you and your group would let me, I'd enjoy hanging out with you at the hotel.



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I'm a doctor, not an Builder!


No, I am, but I live way far off and am 15. I could not do this if I wanted to. Maybe when I get my own car, I'll drive cross country and meet you somewere in the general Brickfair area.

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I MIGHT be able to go. Im in NYC, not 18 though so imma have to ask around.

August 20th? Thats one day after my birthday :) I wouldnt mind going there for a little "birthday" trip :P

Idk, Ill post later on if i can go. Dont count me in though.


Off Topic: I have the same name as you B6 :P Funny.

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I live ten minutes from the one road on the second route and I'm eighteen. But I don't have a job, and I doubt my parents would let me go. >_<


I'd totally go for it otherwise.

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Those locations include northeastern Ohio, right?




Aaaww... =(


Hey if you can make it down to the Dayton airport on that Friday maybe I can smuggle you into my luggage. :P


But whoo I'd love a road trip, but I'm taking a more airborne route, thanks. =D



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Those locations include northeastern Ohio, right?




Aaaww... =(


Hey if you can make it down to the Dayton airport on that Friday maybe I can smuggle you into my luggage. :P


But whoo I'd love a road trip, but I'm taking a more airborne route, thanks. =D



I have a plan! Buy a sarcophagus, stick me in it, and try and pass yourself off as a museum curator! =D

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I MIGHT be able to go. Im in NYC, not 18 though so imma have to ask around.

August 20th? Thats one day after my birthday :) I wouldnt mind going there for a little "birthday" trip :P

Idk, Ill post later on if i can go. Dont count me in though.


Off Topic: I have the same name as you B6 :P Funny.


Hey, we have the same birthday! I was thinking the same thing. Get my parents to take me as a birthday present. That would be beyond epic...I'd love to meet some more BZPers...But other then meeting more BZPers, I'd love to see all the cool sets and stuff. But I can always look at the pics everyone will have. =P And I'm meeting Turakii and Traku in September/October, anyway, so I -still- get to experience both! YAY! ^^


Anyway, if I was 18 and didn't live in -western- Pennsylvaina, I would totally take you up on that offer....*sigh* I hate not being 18...

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