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Aw, My Bees



GIR jokes aside, a small swarm of bees decided to move into our garage a few days ago.

They. Have. Multiplied.
(Special bonus: Kitty is swarmed by giant bees)


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Oh, and bees be scary, brosef. Please don't let them into the blogs! I am terrified.

Aw, Deev, you shoulda commented. This entry was stuck in the netherworld of "draft" for months (or weeks). ;_;

Poor entry... *consoles*

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My fear of bees is telling me to run away.


Must be terrible. How're you going to do it, smoke them and then call an exterminator?

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Wait are they on the inside or the outside? I didn't get a good look.


And woohoo flamethrowers aren't illegal in the US.

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My fear of bees is telling me to run away.


Must be terrible. How're you going to do it, smoke them and then call an exterminator?

We've tried smoking them out a few times... hasn't worked so far. We called a few beekeepers but they either didn't want to/couldn't come today...



Inside the garage, not the house. They're on the outside of the house too.

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Actually, if you're not for the whole crispy bugpieces raining from the sky, throwing a honeyjar into the street rigged with explosives would be epic but probably only take out a few of them.

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Suit up with winter gear and other stuff like goggles so you have NO skin exposed, then take a wide stick, make a few pockets in it with a knife, then slather the stick in honey, making sure you fill the honey pockets. Wave the stick around while someone smokes the place. Run outside to a designated place where a ton of people have bee killer sprays and hope you get all of them.


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Suit up with winter gear and other stuff like goggles so you have NO skin exposed, then take a wide stick, make a few pockets in it with a knife, then slather the stick in honey, making sure you fill the honey pockets. Wave the stick around while someone smokes the place. Run outside to a designated place where a ton of people have bee killer sprays and hope you get all of them.




ok the winter gear i agree on, but after that point i would say get a large bucket coat the inside with honey and sit it there. the next morning get the gear on and put a lid on it, do until you are bee-less.


or take soem circrackers to celebrate the 4th and blowem up. i suggest using the gear again, tie some black cats to a long stick, lite it, hold in bee's and, boom, or take some smoke bombs if you want to be original >_>

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Oh no, not the bees! Not the bees! Aaaagh, my eyes, my eyes!


Ok, WIckerman references aside: Holy cow, have you contacted the national guard yet?



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Catch them, put them in a sauce, sprinkle some Garlic powder and eat them with and penne pasta.


It's delicous.


EDIT: or just use leftover fireworks and blow there brains out with bottle rockets. Or slather a few mats of firecrackers with honey and run in quickly and light them and hope you blow them up.

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Now theres an idea! Shoot roman candles at the bee's while their on your house!

Warning: in the garage, do not have any explosives around.


Or as i've stated before, the safest way is to just throw alot of black cats at them.

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You guys are just full of bad advice. :P



Here's a good idea:


Place a sweet substance (like honey) on your driveway where the bees can easily find it.


Hide somewhere nearby with lots of clothing (no skin exposed) and a can of aerosol and a match/lighter.


Once they take the bait (or maybe just a large amount of them) hold the lighter/match up in front of the aerosol can and SPRAY FIRE ON THOSE DANGED CREATURES!


...I really hate bees...



Peace, but not literally,


-Dr. Horrible-

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Just adding my input to the increasingly random flood of over-the-top solutions.

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You guys are just full of bad advice. :P



Here's a good idea:


Place a sweet substance (like honey) on your driveway where the bees can easily find it.


Hide somewhere nearby with lots of clothing (no skin exposed) and a can of aerosol and a match/lighter.


Once they take the bait (or maybe just a large amount of them) hold the lighter/match up in front of the aerosol can and SPRAY FIRE ON THOSE DANGED CREATURES!


...I really hate bees...



Peace, but not literally,


-Dr. Horrible-

I love bees. ;_;


If it were up to me, I wouldn't mind leaving them in the garage.



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That last picture is straight out of a movie. Excellent photography.


The honeybee is an ancient symbol of death... and resurrection. AND they make honey. Could a thing be any more up my alley than that? ^_^



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