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No One Cares About My Life, Of Course, But...

Nathan Evo


Figured I'd let you all know I'm sick. I don't know entirely what I have, though I know it's not swine flu (or that weird lettering they call it now). All I know is that I cough too much, and every couple minutes I get really dizzy. :wacko:


And I'm risking another dizzy spell just by informing you all this. I'll be on the spottily, folks.




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Might just be allergies, or a cold. I've had those feelings before with both. Mainly with the latter.


Of course, if you suddenly type something in noob, you've lost me there, because I know of no disease that has that symptom.

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I had something like that earlier this year.

If you want to know how long I had it: (It wasn't ridiculously long)

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It took about a week to get over it.


'Pineapple (The Tropical Fruit)

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Hey, no being hard on yourself, 'Licky. Self-humiliation is MY job. :P

And seriously, I'm not sure what we'd do without you. I mean, life just wouldn't be the same without super-egg-beaters and DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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zomg gess waht gurky I ARE REED UR BLOHG and i cair abowt ur lief BUT IM NOT A STOKKER trsut me abot taht!!111!11


And, coincedentally, I'm sick too.

To be honest, I'm not really all that sick anymore, but I still have a deathly cough. Hopefully I might be able to stay home from school tomorrow. As for why, that information is actually classified.

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I thought I was sick yesterday, but then I ate four pieces of pizza and felt better. See, if I threw up, I'd know I was sick.


Also, do you have the Skrall flu? It was created by the Rock Tribe to increase their numbers. Tell us if you start looking like Atakus.

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On an unrelated note: I have fallen to a curse Blade knows of: Game obsessions. This time around it's the new M&L. Suffice to say I'm verrry good at it. And I've gotten pretty far ahead. Which is why I was inactive. Sorry, folks. Anyways...


They serving that horrid lunch food again-What was it?

Buttermilk pie, I believe.

I returned to school and to be honest I haven't seen much buttermilk pie lately. Might be the order of a food critic or a health inspector.


Today's lunch was so horrible I went to the school store and bought a muffin and some candy, and that was my lunch. Beats Frito Casserole and Toasted Cheese Product.


Man, they use artificial cheese product on everything. Even the refried beans. Sorry for the nightmares, people.


I thought I was sick yesterday, but then I ate four pieces of pizza and felt better. See, if I threw up, I'd know I was sick.


Also, do you have the Skrall flu? It was created by the Rock Tribe to increase their numbers. Tell us if you start looking like Atakus.

I was hoping to throw up so I would be out of school.


Right now, the disease I had has been replaced by mucus, and lots of it. Particularly in my stomach and lungs. Now, I'll spare the disgusting part, and just say it causes deathly coughs.


Also, no, not the Skrall disease. I am, however, beginning to look like Telluris...

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I hate when mucus builds up in your lungs. For some reason, I go through it usually every other week.


You know, I realized that the school food here is actually great compared to schools like Gerlicky's. Sure, some of them suck, but it's not all that gross, I suppose.


HAHA, LOSERS. :evilgrin:

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