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Better Know An Admin

Black Six


It's time.


So, here's how it goes: You ask questions, I answer them. Anything BZPower-friendly is fine, though I reserve the right to not answer any given question. Questions of inappropriate nature will be deleted.


So tell your friends and let's get this started!


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Admin District


Don't think I can't read your mind. :P




Wow, I'm surprised that no one's done this yet.


So, how many hours a day do you spend on BZP, on average?

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Yaaaay a ton of stalkery questions! I like asking weird stalkery questions!


1. What kind of movies do you like? Your favorite Monty Python movie?

2. What kind of books do you read. In particular, Asimov. What's your favorite of his?

3. How long did it take for being an admin to become normal? Has it ever seemed normal? Will it ever seem normal?

4. You're in college. Where are you going to college and what are you majoring in? What kind of things are you involved in in that? What is the eventual goal that you're working towards?

5. What was your favorite year in Bionicle?

7. Completely fabricate an entertaining explination about why you chose the moniker "Black Six".

8. Tell us about some of the more sordid and juicy "behind the scenes" secrets of BZPower that only you freaky admins know about.

9. What was your family like? Tell me about your mother so that I may think of something weird and Freudian.

10. Consider why I left out a number six in this list. Discuss.

11. If you were to start a rock band, what would you name it, and what would your debut album be called?

12. Postulate what the question to Life, The Universe and Everything would be, and why the Answer would be 42.

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*Runs to Black Six's blog but misses and hits a wall instead* :P


Okay my questions:


1) What are the nifty powers you and the other admins have?

2) Why did you choose your user name when you joined BZP?

3) Have meat balls ever invaded your school? You don't have to answer that. :P

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Admin District


Don't think I can't read your mind. :P




Wow, I'm surprised that no one's done this yet.


So, how many hours a day do you spend on BZP, on average?

On average I'd say I spend 2-4 hours per day, depending on how active you guys have been, and whether or not the server is acting up.


Yaaaay a ton of stalkery questions! I like asking weird stalkery questions!


1. What kind of movies do you like? Your favorite Monty Python movie?

I like all sorts of movies, mainly sci-fi and fantasy. Some of my top movies are as follows:

Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, The Shawshank Redemption, Red vs Blue, Catch Me If You Can, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Matrix, The Butterfly Effect, Ocean's Eleven, Bourne Identity, Office Space, Indiana Jones, Kill Bill, Braveheart, The Princess Bride, Jurassic Park

Unfortunately, the only Monty Python movie I've seen is Holy Grail, of which I have large parts memorized. I've seen a bunch of Flying Circus episodes too, which were all great.

2. What kind of books do you read. In particular, Asimov. What's your favorite of his?

Again, mainly Sci-Fi and fantasy. At this moment (just put it down, in fact) I'm reading The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett. It's been a while since I've read any Asimov, but the one story that sticks out the most is Bicentennial Man, an amazing story.

3. How long did it take for being an admin to become normal? Has it ever seemed normal? Will it ever seem normal?
I'd say it took about three months to get settled in.

4. You're in college. Where are you going to college and what are you majoring in? What kind of things are you involved in in that? What is the eventual goal that you're working towards?

I go to Stevens Institute of Technology and major in Computer Engineering with a concentration in multimedia. This involves programming, hardware design and integration, networking, all sorts of things. I'm working towards my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Engineering.

5. What was your favorite year in Bionicle?

I'm and old-folky in that regard, so I'd have to say 2001.

Where's question six?

7. Completely fabricate an entertaining explination about why you chose the moniker "Black Six".

That's not a question.

8. Tell us about some of the more sordid and juicy "behind the scenes" secrets of BZPower that only you freaky admins know about.

That's not a question either; but I'll humor you this time. Every Saturday we gather in a secret cave in Nebraska to perform ancient rituals to increase BZP's longevity.

9. What was your family like? Tell me about your mother so that I may think of something weird and Freudian.

My family is small and typical. Both my parents raised me to be the good boy I am now. My mom is a teacher.

10. Consider why I left out a number six in this list. Discuss.

I'm guessing you can't count. Kids these days...

11. If you were to start a rock band, what would you name it, and what would your debut album be called?

That's a tough one. I can't think of a good name, but our first album would be called, 'Do I Know You?'

12. Postulate what the question to Life, The Universe and Everything would be, and why the Answer would be 42.

That's an easy one: What do you get when you multiply six by nine (in base thirteen)?


*Runs to Black Six's blog but misses and hits a wall instead* :P


Okay my questions:


1) What are the nifty powers you and the other admins have?

We can do anything on BZPower. We can add, remove, and change forums, modify every member's account, change how the board looks and functions. You name it, it's just a matter of if we want to do it.

2) Why did you choose your user name when you joined BZP?

It's the screen name I've used since about sixth grade, I'm very unoriginal.

3) Have meat balls ever invaded your school? You don't have to answer that. :P

In my former high school they did. That was a messy week. But not here in college, no.


Why the name 'Black Six'?

OK I'm done. :P


IPB Image

Why not? It's actually a pseudo-obscure sci-fi type reference. I'll leave it at that and see if anyone can figure it out.


Keep them coming!

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OK, I've been kncking to ask a few questions, so here goes...


1. What do you play as in your HALO 2 profile, an Elite or a Spartan?


2. What is your favorite HALO 2 weapon?


3. What is your favorite vehicle?


4. Who do you think would win in an all out battle: Axxon or Brutaka?


5. Do you know the first 50 digits/decimals of pi?


6. If a tree falls down in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it catch on fire? *snicker*


7. Would you rather jump in a pit of burning charcoal or jump in a pit of hungry lions?


That's all I got, have fun!



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OK, I've been kncking to ask a few questions, so here goes...


1. What do you play as in your HALO 2 profile, an Elite or a Spartan?


2. What is your favorite HALO 2 weapon?

Battle Rifle

3. What is your favorite vehicle?

M12-LRV Warthog

4. Who do you think would win in an all out battle: Axxon or Brutaka?

Axxon, good always triumphs.

5. Do you know the first 50 digits/decimals of pi?

3.14... No.

6. If a tree falls down in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it catch on fire? *snicker*

Until someone observes it, the tree is simultaneously both on fire and not on fire.

7. Would you rather jump in a pit of burning charcoal or jump in a pit of hungry lions?

Lions; quicker that way.

That's all I got, have fun!




I'm on a roll!

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Apple: What hope is there of me becoming a staffie?

Vroom Vroom Car: If you were to break a law of physics, what do you feel your punishment would be?

Cheesecake: What's perhaps the best thing about being a staffie?

Lemonade: Do you regret ever choosing 'I Accept' when being given the privilege to become a staffie?

Microphone: Is it true that Bonesii collects clocks in hopes to overthrow Evil Lord Survurlode without the use of creating an army of -Kex-'s?

Seventy-Eleven: Do I look good in this dress?

Glass Cup: What do you consider the best thing that ever happened on BZPower?

8: Did you have fun answering these questions?


Oh, and peace out Cheese-buddy.

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Why don't you ever call? You never write, you never call, you never write that you're going to call about writing...


What can I ask you that I haven't already?


How 'bout those bears?


Have you ever seen "Little Giants"? Does it make you snort milk out of your nose everytime because the gag humor is just timeless?

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Why don't you ever call? You never write, you never call, you never write that you're going to call about writing...

What she said. :P


Why don't you ever call me anymore? :(


At least a prank call would be nice.... :(



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Apple: What hope is there of me becoming a staffie?

Anyone can become a staff member if you work hard enough, don't spam, and don't break the rules.

Vroom Vroom Car: If you were to break a law of physics, what do you feel your punishment would be?

I feel that I would be made ruler of the universe.

Cheesecake: What's perhaps the best thing about being a staffie?

The sense of camaraderie between us.

Lemonade: Do you regret ever choosing 'I Accept' when being given the privilege to become a staffie?

Every day. ;)

Microphone: Is it true that Bonesii collects clocks in hopes to overthrow Evil Lord Survurlode without the use of creating an army of -Kex-'s?

I can neither confirm nor deny those rumors.

Seventy-Eleven: Do I look good in this dress?

*Closes eyes.*

Glass Cup: What do you consider the best thing that ever happened on BZPower?


8: Did you have fun answering these questions?


Oh, and peace out Cheese-buddy.



Why don't you ever call? You never write, you never call, you never write that you're going to call about writing...

You're on my list to call later today.

What can I ask you that I haven't already?

What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

How 'bout those bears?

They beat the Giants, they're bad.

Have you ever seen "Little Giants"? Does it make you snort milk out of your nose everytime because the gag humor is just timeless?

Of course I've seen it, it's hilarious. But no, no milk snorting.


Where's my paycheck?

Blame the Canadian postal service.

... Oh, wait, these questions are supposed to be about you. In that case...


When are you sending me my paycheck?

See above.


Why don't you ever call? You never write, you never call, you never write that you're going to call about writing...

What she said. :P

You're not on my list to call. In fact, you're on my list of people to get restraining orders for. ;)

Why don't you ever call me anymore? :(

I don't call stalkers.

At least a prank call would be nice.... :(



No one loves you Omi, but it's ok, I know how you feel. :P


What is your favorite mythical creature? My favorite mythical creatures are Dragons and Griffens. :D

Dragons all the way. Specifically, Tolkienesque dragons, where the dragon is smart, clever, and wicked.

Smaug FTW!

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Okay, here my questions:

1) Have you ever done Computer-Aid Drafting or Hand-Drafting in High school?

2) What's your favorite set, this year?

3) What were your classes in High School?

4) Is it fun being an Admin?

5) Do you still buy Bionicle sets and books?

6) Was High School hard?

7) Do you like where the storyline going right now?

Just wondering. Well, those are my questions for now. ~J.M.J.~

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Okay, here my questions:

1) Have you ever done Computer-Aid Drafting or Hand-Drafting in High school?

Yes, I took three years worth of drafting courses in high school doing both hand-drafting and CAD using AutoCAD and Pro Desktop.

2) What's your favorite set, this year?

I'd go with either Jaller or Matoro, although Vezon and Fenrakk is pretty sweet too.

3) What were your classes in High School?

Too many to list here, so I'll just give you my senior year:

AP Physics C, AP Calculus BC, AP English Literature, AP Computer Science, Honors Biochemistry, Architectural Drawing, Computer Graphics, Gym/Health

4) Is it fun being an Admin?

Only when the members are well-behaved. ;)

5) Do you still buy Bionicle sets and books?

I still buy a few sets each year, I've never been into the books though, since they didn't exist when I first got into Bionicle.

6) Was High School hard?

Compared to college, it was a cakewalk.

7) Do you like where the storyline going right now?

I enjoyed this year's story, but it's hard to tell where we're going next year, so I can't say.

Just wondering. Well, those are my questions for now. ~J.M.J.~

Keep 'em coming!

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Might as well ask you something, something that's been bugging me for awhile now, but you're a bit busy for me to ask you ;)


Do you ever regret leaving Quest?


Oh wait, one more...


If you had a choice between graduating college or staying as a Forum Admin, which do you think you would choose?


I know my choice (GRADUATE! I WOULDA PAID FOR IT!), but I'd like to hear yours :D -Swert

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My turn to ask questions which will be impossible to answer!


What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

What is your favorite Bionicle set?

What is your favorite Bionicle set for next year? (From what we've seen.)

Do you know my favorite Bionicle set?

On a scale of 1-10 how awesome is BZPower?

On a scale of 1-10 how awesome am I?

On a scale of 1-10 how awesome is Omi?

How many planets do you currently own?

What is the most important subject in school?



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Might as well ask you something, something that's been bugging me for awhile now, but you're a bit busy for me to ask you ;)


Do you ever regret leaving Quest?

It was a fun game, but it had its issues.

Oh wait, one more...


If you had a choice between graduating college or staying as a Forum Admin, which do you think you would choose?

Sorry everyone, but college comes before BZP.

I know my choice (GRADUATE! I WOULDA PAID FOR IT!), but I'd like to hear yours :D -Swert



My turn to ask questions which will be impossible to answer!


What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

These are supposed to be impossible? 42

What is your favorite Bionicle set?

Tahu Nuva

What is your favorite Bionicle set for next year? (From what we've seen.)

I think I'd go with Ehlek right now.

Do you know my favorite Bionicle set?


On a scale of 1-10 how awesome is BZPower?

These go to 11!

On a scale of 1-10 how awesome am I?

8.5 ;)

On a scale of 1-10 how awesome is Omi?

-6 :P

How many planets do you currently own?

None. I do own three moons and several lesser heavenly bodies, however.

What is the most important subject in school?




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1. What would you say the dumbest thing you've done here was?

2. Do noobs count as people? (not to be confused with newbs, who improve and adjust over time, noobs are a constant annoyance.)

3. Boxers or briefs?

4. Who framed Roger Rabbit?

5. Did you ever watch Batman: The Animated Series, or Batman Beyond?

6. What are your thoughts on Pridak?

7. If a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

8. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

9. What sort of music are you into?

10. Do you like this year's playsets?

11. Have you bought any other Lego product besides Bionicle recently?

12. What got you hooked on Bionicle?

13. Did you like or dislike the 04-05 flashback storyline and its sets?

14. Do you ever just sit back and ask the universe the age-old question of 'Why?'?


So I hope you have more time to be around and do stuff soon, and thanks for being so friendly and answering everybody's questions.

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1. What would you say the dumbest thing you've done here was?

Every so often I confuse certain members with other members. Sometimes, when the other member wasn't what you would call a good roll-model, mistakes have been made. Oops! (They're all fixed now though.)

2. Do noobs count as people? (not to be confused with newbs, who improve and adjust over time, noobs are a constant annoyance.)

They count as people, just people who need to have some sense knocked into them.

3. Boxers or briefs?


4. Who framed Roger Rabbit?

Kex, it's always his fault.

5. Did you ever watch Batman: The Animated Series, or Batman Beyond?

I have seen episodes of both, I tapered off watching most cartoons in the first season of Beyond, so I don't remember too much.

6. What are your thoughts on Pridak?

I think it was a silly decision on Lego's part, but at this point we'll just have to wait and see what people in general think.

7. If a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

About eleven slugs worth.

8. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

According to quantum physics, there is a chance that it makes a sound and a chance that it does not. Until the event is observed, bot possibilities exist coinstantaneously.

9. What sort of music are you into?

Mainly classic rock, but I enjoy a wide variety, including some metal, modern rock, classical, instrumental, folk, jazz, etc.

10. Do you like this year's playsets?

They're an improvement over last year's for sure.

11. Have you bought any other Lego product besides Bionicle recently?

I bought some X-pods over the summer.

12. What got you hooked on Bionicle?

The story, the collectibles, and the 'cool' factor. The website and MNOLG didn't hurt either.

13. Did you like or dislike the 04-05 flashback storyline and its sets?

I had no problems with them, I thought it was an interesting way to tell the story, but it worked.

14. Do you ever just sit back and ask the universe the age-old question of 'Why?'?

All the time.

So I hope you have more time to be around and do stuff soon, and thanks for being so friendly and answering everybody's questions.

You're most welcome.

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Thanks for answering, my questions from before. Well, I got some more, but before I show them, I just like to say first that number 1 is a question, I have been wondering ever since I join Bzpower. Here my questions:

1) Why when I was trying to join Bzpower, it wouldn’t yet me resister with my MSN or Yahoo accounts, but it let me become a member in my Father’s Outlook account?

2) Am I well-behaved member in your opinion? (I hope so.)

3) Have you ever been mistake for someone else?

4) Was it hard to get 5515 posts here?

5) Have you ever been to North Wildwood in New Jersey?

6) What your favorite thing about Bionicle?

7) How many Bzp-members have you met in real life?

8) Have you ever written a Bionicle Fan-Fiction?

9) If you were battling Makuta, what would you do?

10) What’s your favorite Kanohi mask?

11) If you could write any scene in the Bionicle storyline, what would it be?

12) If you could change something in the storyline, what would you change?

Just wondering. You don't need to answer number 1, if you don't want. Well, those are my questions at less for now. I may have more questions, later. ~J.M.J.~

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1. This has been bothering me for a while now. If, while you post, there is a board message, is there any chance that refreshing will make you double post?


2. On a scale of 1-10, how awesome am I?


3. Is Omi being the most awesome person in the universe a rumor?




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3. Is Omi being the most awesome person in the universe a rumor?

Don't let him answer that, cuz his brain can't handle the awesomeness that I myself contain.


So yes I am the most awesome person in the universe. :D



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3. Is Omi being the most awesome person in the universe a rumor?

Don't let him answer that, cuz his brain can't handle the awesomeness that I myself contain.


So yes I am the most awesome person in the universe. :D




Yet he claims you aren't as cool as you claim. :P


On a scale of 1-10 how awesome is Omi?

-6 :P



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My turn!


1. If a man sneezes in a forest, does a tree fall on him?


2. What is your opinion of Wednesday?


3. Are you more desirous of Defilak or Dekar?


4. Of Cicero and Quintillian, who do you think is the better orator?


5. Parlez-vous Français?


6. Have you ever conquered anything/one?


7. Is Lady Macbeth more or less awesome than the Three Witches?


... That was fun. :P

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