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What's So Great About Avatar?



I hope that got your attention.


I saw the movie about a month ago and I have a fairly neutral opinion of it. Sure there was a lot of impressive CGI and stuff, but for some reason I'm not seeing how it became the number one selling movie of all time or why I keep hearing about people desperately wishing to go to Pandora.


I can pretty much trace this back to the sense of nausea the 3D effects of the movie induced in me, so as impartially as you can, I'd appreciate hearing what exactly it is about the movie that has everyone hooked.


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It was an above average film, but wasn't AMAZING. It's messages were too obvious, its storyline too unoriginal, and it was blatently just focussed on trying to get good visuals. Which it did, but still.


I enjoyed it, but it's definitely over-rated.


- Tilius

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It certainly did.


I do haven't seen it in 3D, but I thought it was very good. The creativity and technology was all awesome. I don't want to go to Pandora, though.


I thought it was a brilliant film, but I've seen very few films. I'm not allowed see loads and loads of them.

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It's another symptom of the obsession with escapism that is seen with things like Twilight, comic books, and the Internet. I'm sure the graphics had something to do with it, but I don't think those alone can explain how it's doing so well at the box office.
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*gives SPIRIT a cookie*


Right on. As I've said before--as a artist, the graphics were just amazing. Plot-wise, I wanted to fall asleep. Maybe it's just cause I've seen Dancing With the Wolves, or a million other movies with the same plot--but it was so black and white. Didn't think the movie deserves this much recognition (unless of course the story depth was fixed).


I honestly don't know why people are so hooked on it. Popular, yes, but didn't expect for it to be this big of a deal...sorta feels like a BZP incident(s) with art or writings. May not be that great, but for some reason (maybe because someone who created it?), it got to be a big deal.

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SPIRIT has finally discovered something about Human life. Took you a while :P


It is popular for the same reason that High School Musical attracted all those Pre-teens and teens (mostly girls of course)


It is the same reason Twilight was so popular.


It the same reason a lot of musical groups have like eight platinums on their records yet a 6 year old could play all the songs....(which shows either the group has little talent or that 6 year old is the new musical genius.)


....In other words, People are obsessed, and enjoy being so. All it takes is somebody popular among a particular group to be obsessed, and suddenly everyone is obsessed. And what's more is nobody realizes what they are watching is really inane....


And seriously, I think the world has pity on the pour (and I mean it literally) producers who sunk something like 3 billion into the film.


I have no idea what I just said, but hopefully I sounded good saying it. :lol:

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1) The main character's avatar looked identical to Omi. (Seriously, it's freaky.)


2) Neat scifi ideas.


3) Awesome graphics.


4) Pretty good plot, never minding the predictible real-world "messages" and the like.


I didn't get to see it in 3D, so I can't judge it that way. Ojhilom did and said it was awesome. I probably never will unless 3D TVs ever become as common and cheap as black and white TVs once were. :P

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I personally feel that the effects and 3Ds make up for the lame characters and story. Even if it's predictable, the pretty makes it fresh. And I don't want to visit Pandora, but I'd really like to pilot one of the mechs. :P

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I saw it in 3D.


Of the twenty years of my life, this was the first movie I've ever seen that I fell asleep in the theater.

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It was pretty.


Stuff blew up.


The plot carried the action, which is what a plot is supposed to do in an action movie.


What's not to like?

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The thing that did it for me were mainly all the references about nature's harmony and equilibrium, and the inhabitants' oneness with their surrounding.


I think the movie holds some valuable morals, as well as some impressive CGI work.

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I don't think it's possible for me to be impartial on this, because Pandora is utterly, breathtakingly beautiful. Those sorts of spectacular, lush, vibrant forests are to me absolutely my favorite things in the world, so it was basically set in my own personal paradise (and spent an awful lot of time showcasing said setting), which is why I loved it, myself.


And I found the plot enjoyable (I almost cried when various things were destroyed), the morals perfect, and I'm big on the whole "harmony with nature" idea. And I just liked the Na'vi on the whole. Not making any sort of argument about them in any direction, just saying they pleased me.


So that's why -I- liked it. It just has loads of stuff I adore in it, and was very good with such things.

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It was pretty.


Stuff blew up.


The plot carried the action, which is what a plot is supposed to do in an action movie.


What's not to like?


I don't think it was supposed to be an action movie. Or any known kind of movie, for that matter.

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Spirit, the reason this movie is so great is pretty simple. It's maxed-out the visuals, maxed-out the liveliness, and took a very simple, classic, important story, and made it new. It's a simple message, but it comes from the heart, dude.

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About the morals: Yeah, they were nice and all, but I felt like they were trying to force it down my throat.


Also, I personally wasn't being "pulled in to the world of Pandora." Once the floating mountians happened, which for some reason didn't have gravity to pull them down but still had gravity for waterfalls to work, I kinda disconnected from their world.

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I did think it was very interesting that they didn't explain the hovering rocks, Takatu. I can imagine ways though, and it's not like it's a new concept in movies, so they probably assumed most people would be bored with the technobabble.


(For example, lightweight rocks with high amounts of bouyant gas trapped inside would do it, or some kind of magnetic levitation.)

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They didn't explain all those things in the movie but official explanations do exist I read


it's some form of magnetic levitation IIRC


if they'd taken the time to explain things in depth, the flow of the movie would have been lost and people would have been bored etc.

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The CGI was awesome, you can't deny it. But everything felt like it'd been done already.. outsider, becoming part of the group and then fighting against his own etc. etc. Not to mention the oh-so-frequent references to global warming and stuff.


And 'unobtanium'. I mean, really. They can come up with a whole new language, but they name this super-important mineral on which the entire movie is based 'UNOBTANIUM'? :P

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It wasn't that they didn't explain the floating mountains themselves, bonesiii, it was the fact that the mountains could float, but the waterfalls still fell due to gravity.
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1) It had a good plot (though not great).

2) Good moral in the plot.

3) It wasn't all action like the comercials had shown it to be.

4) Probably the best CGI I've ever seen. (Sorry Transformers but Avatar was just better).

5) 3D always makes a movie better.

6) The way they made the faces of the Avatars & Na'vi match up to the actor's faces was pure genius.

7) They made an entire language for it. Though that may be considered a little far.

8) Pandora was not only freakin' realistic but just plain awsome looking.

9) {Note that this is a completely biased reason} It had one of my favriote actors in it (just see my profile pic {which I refuse to call a personal pic}).

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It's an old (or classic) story, but it's told in a way that makes it seem new, you get distracted by the logistics of this new world and don't really see it coming (or I didn't really)


It's 3D and really long, so you get fully immersed in the location and the story, the plants and creatures and stuff are really well thought out


They spent loads and loads of money on it




It was a combination of those things that made me leave the cinema thinking it was the best thing ever, by the time I got home I'd recovered. It's definitely a good film though, and I pity the fool who get's permanently captivated by it's spell, Pandora's a dangerous place, and apparently quite difficult the get to, so they could waste a fair chunk of their life or lose it altogether, all because of one documentary.

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