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Signature Reports

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


1. You guys need to send more of them.


2. To me. =3


3. And use interesting titles.


4. Not that "Signature Report" isn't descriptive, but the personal messages say they wouldn't mind more individuality.


5. Let me take this moment to add that EmperorWhenua has one of the most unique signature-reporting methods I have ever seen in my life. oO





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You didn't respond to the last one. =P

Actually, I haven't been on enough to look the last few days.

Possibly today....




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But shouldn't we give the member a friendly warning about their sig first, unless it's something really bad?

I've reported signatures for just being a pixel over the limit. I will give PM or IM notifications if I know the person or if I'm feeling like a good person at the moment, though, but otherwise, I'll report you and anyone for anything.



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I never get sig reports anymore. I guess it's cause I'm an old fogey or something. :P




But the age-old question "what program do you use to make your pictures" will remain your loyal friend forever Nikki ^^

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But shouldn't we give the member a friendly warning about their sig first, unless it's something really bad?

I've reported signatures for just being a pixel over the limit. I will give PM or IM notifications if I know the person or if I'm feeling like a good person at the moment, though, but otherwise, I'll report you and anyone for anything.



Amen to this one. One of my banners was once deleted because it was 469 x 60. >.>
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Lucky. ;.;





If it makes you feel better I can make my sig too big and then report myself to you! :o




-Jordboy1 :miru:

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*drowns in a sea of sig reports*


You have no idea. ;.; Try chatting with her daily. Eventually you wonder why your brain isn't spilling out of your ears.

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