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The Challege (nombre Deux)



Yes, I know my blog contest names are waaaaay creative. At least I used some rudimentary French this time.




The challenge is this:


You must build a MOC (duh). But not just any boring, ordinary MOC. You must build one of MY MOCs in YOUR style. And then you have to make it better.


Let that sit in a little. Good? Ok.


I'll clarify:


The challenge is that you have to rebuild one of my MOCs (it doesn't matter which one [well, it kinda does but I'll get to that later]) in your own style, but you have to improve upon my MOC. You can be the judge of how you improve it, but you have to justify it to me (don't worry, I'm pretty accepting on the whole justification thing).


Now, onto the (gritty) details:


-You can enter as many different MOCs as you want, but only one will go onto Judging. I'll decide which one goes on

-There is going to be a point system. I am not going to tell you how it works (except for the bonus points)

-I should be able to tell that it's supposed to be one of my MOCs, but better and in a different style (again, I'm pretty lenient)

-There is a prize for both first and second place. First gets a Technic Fig, second gets a purple Pakari

-NO MASS PMING PEOPLE (which really shouldn't be a problem but you never know)


Speaking of which, there is no direct voting for this contest. After the entry period ends there is only Judging. But multiple rounds of it of course. Here's how it's going to work:


-Your MOC is going to be assigned points by me. You won't know the point values.

-After the entry period, I will post an entry with all of the entrants and open it for the "suggestions" round of Judging

-In the suggestions round, you're free to suggest which MOCs you think should go onto the next round. I'll pick the ones that I want and two of the most popular other ones.

-The next round doesn't involve you. I pick which one I like the most and it wins. End of story.


Of course, I'm going be judging on multiple factors, so don't worry about bias.


OH, and the bonus points of course:


-Bonus Points will be awarded for originality/obscurity

-Bonus Points will be awarded for extra difficulty

-Bonus points will be awarded for unique parts usage

-Bonus points will be awarded for shaping and technique

-Bonus points will be TAKEN AWAY for Toa. Yes, I may have some Toa MOCs, but if you build one it'll lose you some bonus points

-Bonus points will be TAKEN AWAY for Matoran. See above.

-Bonus points will be TAKEN AWAY for excessive amounts of System.


Also during the Suggestion period, you can feel free to suggest MOCs that you think should get more Bonus Points. Yes, you can suggest your own.


In the end, the entry with the most bonus points will also win a prize (it's a secret!), unless that entry is in first or second, and then it will go to the next highest.


Here's my brickshelf gallery for anyone who needs it


The Building period starts NOW and ends on the 24th of September at 11:59 EST.


Judging will last from the 25th to the 26th, and I will need the addresses of the winners by September 28th. If you do not get me your address by that time, you forfeit your prize.


Whew, that was a long post. Feel free to ask questions, and have fun building.


Good luck!


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^Sure! And it just has to look like a version of one of my MOCs in your style. And better, of course. :)


If I can tell that your MOC is a version of one of mine, it goes onto the first judging round. After that, I make no guarantees.


Ok thank you that really helps me with me ideas :evilgrin:


Lord Oblivion

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Cool idea, Primus. I might enter if I can decide on a MOC and see if I'm up for the challenge of making it better than it already is.



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Alright, I like this one, I totally gonna enter. I can totally make a moc of yours in my style but improving it should be harder to do.


edit: also can we change the colors? ex. XT1-Searcher but then in red or so

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Yep, I answered that question in an earlier post.


I do want to point out that any exact replicas of something will not be accepted as valid entries.


Just thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone was gonna try to do that.

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Can I change a color scheme totally? And could you give some guidelines on what should be different and what should stay the same?

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Can I change a color scheme totally? And could you give some guidelines on what should be different and what should stay the same?

Yes and no. You really have to be your own judge here and say, "Gee, is this an entirely different MOC that I'm going to say is an improvement of this? Or have I managed to retain the core aspect of the MOC?"


You see, most of my stuff ends up getting built because of an idea or a part combination. If you retain that idea or part combination, I'll be able to pick up on that.


So, sure you could radically change the color scheme if you view it as an improvement. And you can radically change how it looks if you view it as an improvement (that's kinda the point). You have to be your own judge. And there's some challenge to that, that's for sure.


@Waffles: You know, I think you'd be able to improve this little guy pretty darn well, if you cant decide on something.



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Out of curiosity, are we allowed to take advantage of this contest and take some of the MOCs that are obviously from your earlier days, and of lower quality?
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Out of curiosity, are we allowed to take advantage of this contest and take some of the MOCs that are obviously from your earlier days, and of lower quality?

Most definitely.

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Interesting idea, but I've got some other MOCs I need to finish up first... I'll keep this in mind. Also, Reach is about to come out and I think that will totally devour my time. We'll see. :P
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I'm entering.


E: I'm doing Elephant Power Suit. This should be good.


E2: Meh. EPS didn't work. Switching to Morbuzahk.


E3: Meh. I can't make anything.

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@Waffles: You know, I think you'd be able to improve this little guy pretty darn well, if you cant decide on something.

Ooh, tiny and pretty bad IMO.


I'll try.


EDIT: Actually, I just saw the second page on your BShelf, so I'm doing something else.

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Ahhh. This is hard. But that Technic fig looks yummy.

Right now I'm trying to decide between The Tin Man and Prometheus.

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Ahhh. This is hard. But that Technic fig looks yummy.

Right now I'm trying to decide between The Tin Man and Prometheus.

Why not do both? :)


I mean, you can enter multiple MOCs after all...

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Name : Veq

Entry Name : Prometheus

Entry Pic : This.

Links : Gallery. Topic.

Your Version: This.


I made it bigger, skinnier while retaining the blockiness. I felt the MOC needed to be more spindly. Sorry I didn't have any Silver Ehlek spines. And It looks better in real life. I hate my camera.

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I'll definitely try to enter but school is starting and because I'm a freshman I have no idea how difficult high school is. We'll see.

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I'd say no on the four legs part, as the whole point was that it was based on a creature from Avatar that had six legs.


I could really care less if you change the color scheme though.

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