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Yeah, So...



I know this is lame, but really, there's this really cool dragon MOC in the BBC that you should comment on. I even provided a link in both my sidebar and in the last entry. I don't understand how in the world it could only be deserving of seven comments, and it's kind of disheartening. :(


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As a member once said, the quality of the MOC is inversely proportionate to the quantity of its posts.


Also, do you really want a bunch of "OMG 10/10!!!" comments? Because really, how much CC can we give for it?




(Granted, it does deserve some recognition. *looks at your trophy*)




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I could be wrong about this, but just from looking at older topics, I gotten the feeling that not quite as many people comment in the bbc as they used to.
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with the BBC, the more effort you put in it, the less posts you get and more helpful posts(with some exeptions.), and the least effort put on a moc becomes a hot topic, with 1/3 being flaming.


i know from personal expirence. and sorry, but i am not good a reviewing mocs, so i will spend an hour trying to find a problem, then forget to put it in, so all you get out of me is praise, which is often unhelpful.

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See guys, you say things like 'good MOCs don't actually get comments'. But I've been a member in the BBC for eight-and-a-half years, and not to toot my own horn or anything, but almost every one of my MOC topics has been at the very least a hot topic, including the original Vayland Dragon topic. So this one, which only received four comments in the first day of being open, makes no sense to me at all. That just has not been my experience with how the BBC works. I dare say this is the greatest thing I've ever built, and MOCs of that caliber usually get swarmed.


And yes, I'm kind of okay with just "wow that's awesome!! 10/10" posts, because I'm not necessarily interested too much in crit these days, so much as I just want to hear what people think in general. (I am also okay with crit, and take it seriously, so don't think I'm saying not to post that in my topics!)

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I already said that I thought this was cool (I mean, it has to be pretty slick. It beat me, after all :) ). Though, I think all of your MOCs are pretty slick (and also tough to put together).


I dunno, I guess I'm less inclined to comment on a MOC that I like in a BBC topic, as basically anything that I'd want to say would be spam.


Also, by my own admission, I build some pretty slick stuff, and the last hot topic I had (before my Midnight Dragon one) was in November 2009. I had 15 topics in between those two, including some of (what I consider) my best MOCs. You've posted 4 topics in that time frame, and (IMO) the three leading up to this one (Hali, Smeag, Horizon Dragon) weren't your best, yet they all received a large amount of attention (though I personally love your Smeag and Horizon Dragon MOCs, I do think you've made cooler ones). I'd say that the better MOCs go with less attention on BZP.


Though, I've never been as popular on BZP as you have/are, so maybe that's not a very accurate portrayal. Because popularity definitely has a lot to do with it, IMO anyways.

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See guys, you say things like 'good MOCs don't actually get comments'. But I've been a member in the BBC for eight-and-a-half years, and not to toot my own horn or anything, but almost every one of my MOC topics has been at the very least a hot topic, including the original Vayland Dragon topic. So this one, which only received four comments in the first day of being open, makes no sense to me at all. That just has not been my experience with how the BBC works. I dare say this is the greatest thing I've ever built, and MOCs of that caliber usually get swarmed.


Maybe it's because you changed your name. I know that even if you happen to be the most popular member ever and everyone knows your name, if you change your name people will not recognize you like they normally would. Everyone knows who Darth Vader is, but not everyone knows who DeeVee is, although I suppose it isn't that hard to figure out considering how similar the names are.


Or maybe you just picked the wrong time to post it. I don't know.



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Hmm. I'm not sure if this is helpful at all, but I fell like mentioning that this moc of Cajun's only got 15 replies, when it clearly deserved a much bigger response. My point is, great mocs do get ignored fairly often.
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See guys, you say things like 'good MOCs don't actually get comments'. But I've been a member in the BBC for eight-and-a-half years, and not to toot my own horn or anything, but almost every one of my MOC topics has been at the very least a hot topic, including the original Vayland Dragon topic. So this one, which only received four comments in the first day of being open, makes no sense to me at all. That just has not been my experience with how the BBC works. I dare say this is the greatest thing I've ever built, and MOCs of that caliber usually get swarmed.


Maybe it's because you changed your name. I know that even if you happen to be the most popular member ever and everyone knows your name, if you change your name people will not recognize you like they normally would. Everyone knows who Darth Vader is, but not everyone knows who DeeVee is, although I suppose it isn't that hard to figure out considering how similar the names are.


Or maybe you just picked the wrong time to post it. I don't know.




Ooh this is a big factor too. if you post at the wrong time or change your name too much you will not be known, or timing. because you don't want to be caught in a moccing spree by one member.

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Actually timing when you post a MOC really does determine the amount of comments, strangely it never works out as you might predict it too. Sometimes the realy awesome MOC takes a day or two till it snowballs into a hot topic ;). Of course it would be easier for it to happen to you then say a normal member, cause you have experience and your pretty darn popular ^_^.


Lord Oblivion

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