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Bring Back Bionicle Club



This is for all us stubborn members who want Bionicle back. :) Please PM me to join.

A little info about us:

After we get enough members (I'll ask Makuta_Of_Oz) I'll email Lego once again and tell them how many members we have.


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Ok, for some reason, the talkback topic for the Toyfair reveal is gone, and I don't think it's worth it to look any farther. It's irrelevant anyways. The point is, a few faceless fans on a forum will not change Lego's mind. I'm sorry to be so negative, but it's time to get over it. You can still support Bionicle in better ways.

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Well, the problem with us is that we're stubborn. We have our sights set on a goal, and we're not going to stop until that goal is reached (at least, I'm not going to).


Also, this club is actually not limited to BZPower. We've also created branches on an art site and a social networking site, and we even have a chatroom!

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YOUR sig? I had to look for a little while to find the link. Maybe if you made it bigger, like mine, you could attract more members.



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L'M: Thank you very much.

Oz: This club has way less support than your petition did, and this one is being argued. I'm all for wanting Bionicle back, but what Greg meant is to keep discussion and interest alive, not act like spoiled children.

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Oh I'm a silly boy and posted this on the 2nd BBBC entry. So I guess I'll re-post it here since it's more relevant:


My opinion on things like this are short and simple. Will this work? No, I wouldn't think so. Will it be because of incompetence on the part of the club or that you don't hold any water? No. It's because LEGO is a company. Companies' main goal is to make money, not please minorities. Think of it this way. LEGO took a big risk releasing BIONICLE in 2001. Was it good that they took this risk? I'd like to think so. As we all know, it was successful, and LEGO, seeing as there was market for constructable action figures, kept doing it over the years. To keep making money (Again, this being their main goal), the way they did it had to be capricious. The style of the BIONICLE sets varied year after year. At the beginning we had the Toa (Later to be known as Toa Mata), who were simple. No head articulation, knees, elbows, but using gears and introducing us to the contraction figures. Come 2003, and we have the Rahkshi, who at the time were incredibly innovative due to the inclusion of knee and head articulation. Flash-forward to 2005, when we start losing the gear functions in favor of more playability. We reach 2006, when we are introduced to a fairly newer style of making the canister sets, which continues to be used over the several next years. Come 2008 we see the introduction of both the Avtoran style of sets and the more complex, larger vehicles. Over the course of 2009 we see the style of the sets played around with, adapting them to the new setting, trying to make them more appealing.


Why did I bother with the history lesson? Make a point. LEGO tries to draw in buyers through the novelty of their products. It wasn't remotely the same toyline when comparing the Toa with the Glatorian Legends. It had to change and adapt. Could the toyline have survived as long as it did using the same toys they used come 2001? No. It needed to change like it did to maintain itself. Now, I've been looking at the set aspect, but keeping up with sets, the story grew too. In some cases it was the story that encouraged the purchase of the sets. And come 2009, LEGO starts to see that even when changing to the new setting of Bara Magna, the storyline is getting too complex to fans to step in any time they want. BZP members are all fine, and really, most of us have been fans since before 2004, and thus we have not too hard a time keeping up. Even then, you have to consider that there are less than 50,000 members in BZP. I think Greg mentioned that was less than 0.001% of the fanbase. LEGO still depended on the income of new buyers. But that wasn't happening. Think of it like this: if you were seven years old, would you bother to find out what had been going on with BIONICLE for the past 8 years? (Say you started having some interest in 2009) I don't know about you, but I don't think I would. I'd be a very confused and rather discouraged kid. And this was becoming a problem for LEGO. Whatever the case might be, no matter how much they changed the setting or how much they changed their toys, they had to admit, BIONICLE is old. And not exaggerating, considering most LEGO lines last 2, 3 years at the most. It had gotten to the point where there was no novelty anymore.


So what happens? LEGO decides to take a risk again. At its heart, ending the BIONICLE toyline was a financial decision. It was not meant to sadden you or stress you out, because it is just a toy, after all. So, LEGO takes out a new line: Hero Factory. And they generate hype for it: magazine covers, TV series, the works. Why? Because they can. If there was doubt about constructable action figures being profitable at the beginning of this decade, there wasn't anymore. So, they use whatever resources they have to make this new line more profitable. You see the "Made by the creators of BIONICLE" on the HF canisters and boxes? Those are true. They are the same type of toy BIONICLE would have developed into sooner or later. The difference is: Hero Factory is new, thus you can generate excitement. BIONICLE is old, there is not much to do anymore. And thing is, it works, LEGO is making money. And even now, LEGO is being more innovative with HF. The 2011 sets are a breaking point. They have been the first sets with 13 points of articulation that costs less than 10$ since 2006. The new style of building has created so much positive feedback that only the incredibly die-hard BIONICLE fanatics/HF haters are criticizing them seriously. And with this I'm tying up to my original point. Any company's main goal is to make money, not please minorities. Are they making money with their HF line? Oh yeah, and they'll keep making more in the direction they're heading. Will they do the same by bringing back BIONICLE at any point in the few following years? I doubt so. Bringing it back would undoubtedly mean it would use elements meant for HF, which would defeat the point. At this point, people that want BIONICLE back are few. And I mean, would I be happy if BIONICLE came back? Yes. No way in heck would I not be. BIONICLE was a very good part of my childhood, as I suspect it was for many people in this site, who probably think the same as me (To some extent). Does that mean I will rally clubs and keep asking for it back? No. I can appreciate what BIONICLE was and how long it lasted, look back and relish the fun I had. I can accept it is, for the time being, over. Does it have a chance to be back? It definitely has, but if it does I doubt it will be anytime soon. It's been 13 months since we knew it was going to end (7 since it actually did). It is not any sort of time for it to make a reappearance.



There are some things I can disagree with that you use as arguments. Example: Farshtey quote. Now, I don't know where the whole "people side with popular people" thing came from or why it relates to the club, but doesn't what you do with the quote qualify a bit for that? Greg is a smart man that I have to thank for having given us an enjoyable storyline from the very beginning. However, he is not god. His word is not particularly ever-true. He makes a good point in the quote, however an overstating of it has made it come to the point that not many people actually care anymore.


And I just realized I spent way too much time writing all that.

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YOUR sig? I had to look for a little while to find the link. Maybe if you made it bigger, like mine, you could attract more members.



LOL. I admit your sig looks better than mine, but hey, who knows wich one attracted Blue Sky or Krom or Twilite???

Okay, we don't have to make a war for that. I'll try making something more attractive.

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Could I please ask that all members post a link to the first page of this blog entry in their sigs to advertise the club? It's the best we can do until Matoro Inika: Toa of Ice finishes that new banner.

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Nothing to say to me, Oz?

There's nothing else to say, except perhaps a reminder that the club has multiple branches and even its own chatroom now.

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Dear gods, it has its own -chatroom-!? This club truly is a force to be reckoned with!

Well the chatroom is less than a week old and not very well-known even to the rest of the club, so it's nothing to get worked up about just yet.


It's a shame I can't put any links on BZPower because of the rules (except maybe the Facebook branch). :(

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Dear gods, it has its own -chatroom-!? This club truly is a force to be reckoned with!

Well the chatroom is less than a week old and not very well-known even to the rest of the club, so it's nothing to get worked up about just yet.


It's a shame I can't put any links on BZPower because of the rules (except maybe the Facebook branch). :(

Nope. Any social networking sites, aside from Twitter, are against the rules to be mentioned.

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Nothing to say to me, Oz?

There's nothing else to say, except perhaps a reminder that the club has multiple branches and even its own chatroom now.

There certainly is something to say. We were in a debate, but I guess you're not going to reply. How many branches is this anyways? I really don't think that'll affect much.

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Nothing to say to me, Oz?

There's nothing else to say, except perhaps a reminder that the club has multiple branches and even its own chatroom now.

There certainly is something to say. We were in a debate, but I guess you're not going to reply. How many branches is this anyways? I really don't think that'll affect much.

Three so far, plus the chatroom.


And I stopped debating because I had run out of things to say. :P

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:tohu: You know, I can tell you right now this isn't going to work. A chatroom, a few branches off BZP (Oh gee, you have a completely unnoticed chatroom!!!) and 20 members (Mentioned the same guy twice.) isn't going to change Lego's mind. People have tried, all have failed, as you will. You people are ridiculous. Takuma's counter-club has got almost 80 members. :tohu:
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