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Voyage Of The Dawn Treader




Well, the Sea Serpent was at least. My favorite villain in the entire Narnia series... DONE SO PERFECTLY. He's like, so evil and amazing. He's much more then a toying around animal as was seen the the book. OH OH OH I love it soo much :happy:


I DEMAND EVERY ONE OF YOU TO WATCH THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW. Or else Reepicheep might just gut you.



Night Fury


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I believe his name is Reepicheep; Repicheep is the name of a BZP member. :P


And I'm honestly just going to see the guy; I'm not thrilled about the White Witch showing up again. Last I remember, she only got a passing mention in the book, but: :shrugs:



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I'll pass. The books were terrible shonky garbage.


Nice movie effects though.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! You have NO taste. The Chronicles of Narnia are THE best classic book series followed closely by Lord of the Rings.

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Eh, I don't really like the books either, but the movies are okay. I'll probably see it eventually, if only because the rest of my family really wants to.
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The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe was a pretty fun and exciting book and movie, as well as Prince Caspian. Every other book I didn't really care for as much. Voyage of the Dawn Treader was okay, I suppose.


I admit I'm pretty anxious to see it's movie form, though. If it's as good as you say, then the commercials really do it no justice, because they make it look like junk.


How's the kid who plays Eustace, though? Is he relatively believable and a decent actor, or just one of those that you just want to strange?

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I'll pass. The books were terrible shonky garbage.


Nice movie effects though.



Not to mention all the pushy religious stuff. Ugh.



I too dislike the Narnia series, and the movies for that matter, so I probably won't be seeing this one.


There you have it. I don't think that they're terrible shonky garbage, though (whatever that means), just not as good as a lot of other things I read. And I only ever read book 2 - the others, I couldn't even get past chapter 1.


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The guy who played Eustice did a fantastic job. He really did. At the beginning you really saw no reason to like him, and at the end you liked him quite a bit.


NONE OF YOU HAVE ANY TASTE. While Narnia IS more of a kid's book, and uses some writing techniques that are a bit out of touch today, they are well written with excellent storylines, characters, morals and values. Something which most books/movies today don't have. I'd debate about the religion thing but the rules here prevent me to do so.


Regardless how you feel about the book, you have to see the movie AT LEAST FOR THE SEA SERPENT. It was incredible. So. Evil. So. Awesome. B)


Night Fury

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If you like authors who treat kids like they barely have a grasp of the English language then maybe.


Not to mention all the pushy religious stuff. Ugh.

I'm not a huge Narnia fan either, but you don't have to be so outright rude and obnoxious about it.

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I tried reading the books, and they bored me to death,but I do like the movies. The White Witch does not belong in Prince Caspian or Voyage of the Dawn Treader, though. I'm going mostly to see Edmund, cuz me and my gal pals are fangirls. :P

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What the heck is the White Witch doing back in the movie, anyway? I don't remember her even being in that book, except for that small mention of her blade at the table or whatever.
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And I'm honestly just going to see the guy; I'm not thrilled about the White Witch showing up again. Last I remember, she only got a passing mention in the book, but: :shrugs:

Yeah, this. I'm gonna see the movie, as I'm a big fan of the books and all, but the plot for the movie has been screwed up so much. Man, why can't they just stick to the original plot?


I'm not thrilled at seeing Peter and Susan either...they shouldn't show up until the Last Battle, and then only Peter.



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And I'm honestly just going to see the guy; I'm not thrilled about the White Witch showing up again. Last I remember, she only got a passing mention in the book, but: :shrugs:

Yeah, this. I'm gonna see the movie, as I'm a big fan of the books and all, but the plot for the movie has been screwed up so much. Man, why can't they just stick to the original plot?


I'm not thrilled at seeing Peter and Susan either...they shouldn't show up until the Last Battle, and then only Peter.


:k: :h:


The reason movie makers edit the plot line is because they are trying to reach more than just the fans of the book series, but I see your annoyance with it.

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White witch played a very minuscule part. She isn't in it for more then... a full 2 minutes?


And Kahi, they stayed actually true enough to the book that it was good. They added more plots and twists incorporating the elements already included in the book.


Night Fury

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I don't see why people hate when they add stuff to the movies that's not in the books. They kinda need to, to make it more interesting. If you have a problem with it then you shouldn't watch it.

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I really want to see it. This my favorite of all the books, and I can't wait to see how they did with it switching compainies and stuff.


I really don't see why you all are so upset with the white witch being in it. They played with the nightmare island idea (at least that is what I got from the trailer). She is at least metioned in most of the books and plays a major part in two of them. Expect to see her again.

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I don't see why people hate when they add stuff to the movies that's not in the books. They kinda need to, to make it more interesting. If you have a problem with it then you shouldn't watch it.

I'm just tad prejudiced towards Hollywood adaptations; have been since one of my favorite books, Eragon, got butchered. >.<



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*Caution: Contains spoilers*


Finally watched it.


My favorite part were Aslan's last words to Lucy and Edmund. "There I have a different name. You will learn to know me by that name." Im surprised they kept the only religous line from the book. The sea serpent was also amazing. Unfortanatly everything esle got mixed up and mashed up.


So what did you think abou the Dragon?

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I tried reading the books, and they bored me to death,but I do like the movies. The White Witch does not belong in Prince Caspian or Voyage of the Dawn Treader, though. I'm going mostly to see Edmund, cuz me and my gal pals are fangirls. :P

:tohu: You confuse me, in so many ways.


I can't wait to see it, though. Although, I think the name your looking for is "Useless" not "Eustace". :P


Repicheep's gonna gut me?!?! I thought that was Inferna's job!!! :tohu:

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Well, I'm a little nervous about watching this, especially given how Prince Caspian disappointed me.


To be honest, I prefer the books over the movies. The movies I've seen thus far have nice effects, but poor acting, an okay plot for Wardrobe and a really mediochre and rather unfaithful one from Caspian. I got bored in the middle of the latter and the only reason I knew what was going on was the fact that I'd read the books.


Still, I'm hoping that Dawn Treader would be better than the last. :)


As a side note, as good as I think the Narnia books are, they are not the best written. I'm not going to compare it with an young adult series like Lord of the Rings (apples and oranges, guys, apples and oranges), but I've seen a few other children's fantasy books with better style and plot. :lookaround:

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VotDT has better acting (very nice from Eustice) and it stays close to the book. Highly recommend. :)


Night Fury


Oh, that's good. Eustace is one of my favorite characters (if not my favorite). I loved his character development in the books.


I'm feeling a little more optimistic about seeing it now. Of course, that's going to have to wait until after the finals...

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The commercials make Eustace look like nothing but a brat. It's kinda deterring. But if he's as believable and likable as you say, I'm pretty anxious to see him! :) Sounds like a promising actor.


So Ben Barns was a little more believable this time around, anyway? He felt a little... wooden, I suppose, in Prince Caspian.

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