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Bring Back Bionicle Post 2



Hey guys,

We currently have 12 members who have joined BBCC! :D And I realized something.

Unless you're popular here, you will be bashed for any ideas you have. Look here. They are trying to get people to link to images instead of posting them. But Aho's not being bashed. We want Bionicle back, and are being bashed by other "fans." 'Tis a dark day on BZP. We must stick together, and not loose hope. “Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.”




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What should the banner say?


I thought we agreed on "Bring back the sets! Join the rebellion!"


Where is the first one? I must have missed it....



This code is just the banner:



This code's banner also has a link to the first entry for this club:



Remember, the banner was too big to go in my sig. That's why I removed it.

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And as a final thought, I personally believe that BIONICLE should stay as it is: Ended. It had a great run, yeah, but all good things must come to an end and I think 2010 was a good time for BIONICLE's.


Who said that?

This shows how loyal you are to Bionicle. And I am sick of this. Anybody who isn't a member of BBBC and comments on one of the BBBC entries will have their post deleted. It's for us to discuss Bionicle, not to hear about how this club won't work.

So in other words, you're excluding them?


# Blog clubs are allowed. The only condition is that you cannot exclude anyone and it falls within the general BZP rules.
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And as a final thought, I personally believe that BIONICLE should stay as it is: Ended. It had a great run, yeah, but all good things must come to an end and I think 2010 was a good time for BIONICLE's.


Who said that?

This shows how loyal you are to Bionicle. And I am sick of this. Anybody who isn't a member of BBBC and comments on one of the BBBC entries will have their post deleted. It's for us to discuss Bionicle, not to hear about how this club won't work.

So in other words, you're excluding them?


# Blog clubs are allowed. The only condition is that you cannot exclude anyone and it falls within the general BZP rules.

We aren't excluding anyone. Anyone can join, but people who haven't joined can't post (except I guess to join) so that we don't have a lot of off-topic discussion.

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Right. Everybody keeps telling me it's not going to work, and I don't care. If I can't delete their posts, I will edit them.

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Edit my post if you wish, but I gotta say this:


If you want everyone who reads this entry to blindly follow your ideals, then maybe this should be... a private matter? Kept between you and the group members?


Really, it's a very small group of you that shares this idea of thinking, that a club like this will have some effect. It's the same group that goes around the forums, posting in every Hero Factory related topic in GD and bashing it, beating the Farshtey quote to death (which, btw, was taken majorly out of contest; We honor his quote every day by posting on BZP itself. :D )


Naturally, because of this, people that disagree with you want to comment and say so. You can't expect everyone on the forums to conform to a LET'S BRING BACK BIONICLE THROUGH PETITION manner of thinking.


Please don't take this as being rude, cause believe me I'd love for BIONICLE to come back as well. I have quite a sinking feeling in my stomach though that if Lego did bring back BIONICLE, it would be with a story much like Hero Factory. And I'm sure nobody wants that.


Again don't take this post as me bashing this, cause I wish you guys the best. :)



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We aren't excluding anyone. Anyone can join, but people who haven't joined can't post (except I guess to join) so that we don't have a lot of off-topic discussion.

Saying people who haven't joined can't post is still considered excluding them. ;)

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So I got in a car crash yesterday. I saw the car fly off the road, and then everything went black.


In my dream, I was the star. It was me.


And then the big man came for a little one-on-one.


But it turned out to be crazy what kind of dunks he had. Air like that is unreal. It doesn't even happen.


After a brief incident involving a ruler, I woke up.


I was in a hospital bed. The doctors told me that they had to perform an emergency heart transplant, but that I was going to be fine now. They said I could go home if I wanted to, so I did.


Once I got home, I began thinking about my dream. Eventually, I reached the only logical conclusion. I had been Bionicle, and the big man was Hero Factory. Now I knew what it felt like to be stabbed in the back by the company that created me, and it was horrible.


Bionicle didn't deserve this, but what's done is done. All we can do now is try our hardest to convince Lego to bring it back. If that's what you're going to do, I want to help. If we can get enough people to tell Lego they want Bionicle back, they'll have to bring it back. It's just common sense.


To put it simply, I'm sorry if I've ever tried to force my ridiculous views on your infallible logic. All I want now is for you to forgive me and let me join your club. Is that too much to ask?

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So I got in a car crash yesterday. I saw the car fly off the road, and then everything went black.


In my dream, I was the star. It was me.


And then the big man came for a little one-on-one.


But it turned out to be crazy what kind of dunks he had. Air like that is unreal. It doesn't even happen.


After a brief incident involving a ruler, I woke up.


I was in a hospital bed. The doctors told me that they had to perform an emergency heart transplant, but that I was going to be fine now. They said I could go home if I wanted to, so I did.


Once I got home, I began thinking about my dream. Eventually, I reached the only logical conclusion. I had been Bionicle, and the big man was Hero Factory. Now I knew what it felt like to be stabbed in the back by the company that created me, and it was horrible.


Bionicle didn't deserve this, but what's done is done. All we can do now is try our hardest to convince Lego to bring it back. If that's what you're going to do, I want to help. If we can get enough people to tell Lego they want Bionicle back, they'll have to bring it back. It's just common sense.


To put it simply, I'm sorry if I've ever tried to force my ridiculous views on your infallible logic. All I want now is for you to forgive me and let me join your club. Is that too much to ask?


Sarcasm, good sir (madam?) gets you nowhere.


Not of this scale.


Believe me, while i'd love Bionicle to come back, in some ways i prefer it this way. Ever since bionicle ended there's been a billion and one more chances for something the average joe member makes to become part of the official storyline, and really, when we think about it, Bionicle as a whole is not dead, only the sets are. The Heart of Bionicle's Fanbase, the story, is still around, albiet at a much lower profile than before.


So while i won't completely take -your- side in this whole "Bring Bionicle Back/Getting bashed for wanting it" thing, i won't entirely take the side of the people who say it could never work.


The Logic of many a group that does this is slightly skewed, in that a single email listing the names of a dozen out of six billion people who want Bionicle back might GET it back, but it doesn't hurt to try. The only thing is that every person who's emailed Lego about this, has gotten the same official letter about how Bionicle was ended and the toy line is being "continued" in Hero Factory.


I don't agree with the people bashing you for trying, but i also don't -entirely- agree with you guys for going and doing the same thing hundreds of others on this site has done, tried, and failed.


Just my thoughts, edit them if you will i suppose, doesn't make any difference.


EDIT: and on a note pertaining to your argument about popularity, depends on the idea. Screen Stretching Pictures are a widespread problem, so someone bringing up an idea to make sure there's the least amount as possible on BZPower isn't going to get bashed. If someone starts saying we should bring Bionicle Back, they're going to get bashed because the argument's been done and redone for over a year now, with no more success each time. Mostly people just get tired of seing the same thing over and over again.

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If we can get enough people to tell Lego they want Bionicle back, they'll have to bring it back. It's just common sense.

Funny thing is, business doesn't work that way. In fact what LEGO did was:


"The Bionicle set line isn't working anymore. We're not getting enough sales so it's costing us too much to keep up. We'll have to discontinue the sets for now. It's just common sense."


«Takuma Nuva»
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If we can get enough people to tell Lego they want Bionicle back, they'll have to bring it back. It's just common sense.

Funny thing is, business doesn't work that way. In fact what LEGO did was:


"The Bionicle set line isn't working anymore. We're not getting enough sales so it's costing us too much to keep up. We'll have to discontinue the sets for now. It's just common sense."


«Takuma Nuva»

Nice job raining on our parade, hater. :angry:

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If we can get enough people to tell Lego they want Bionicle back, they'll have to bring it back. It's just common sense.

Funny thing is, business doesn't work that way. In fact what LEGO did was:


"The Bionicle set line isn't working anymore. We're not getting enough sales so it's costing us too much to keep up. We'll have to discontinue the sets for now. It's just common sense."


«Takuma Nuva»

They may have said "For now", but they never said until when. As far as we're aware, "for now" might last forever! That's something we're trying to prevent.


EDIT: Cleopatra Anderson, you weren't really being sarcastic with that story of yours were you? You really do want in the club?

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I'm not hating on anyone or anything, Cleopatra Anderson. I'm just stating a point and trying to help you guys understand why what happened actually happened.


Now, I highly suggest you cool it a little, CA, before you get reported for your flaming.


«Takuma Nuva»
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This shows how loyal you are to Bionicle. And I am sick of this. Anybody who isn't a member of BBBC and comments on one of the BBBC entries will have their post deleted. It's for us to discuss Bionicle, not to hear about how this club won't work.

Okay. Here's how this goes.


You are not allowed to exclude people from your clubs. Period. So I'm telling this to you right now- if you start deleting comments by members who aren't in your 'club' and I find out about it, you will have your blog privileges revoked. That is not what the 'delete' and 'edit' functions are for. That is abusing your abilities, and I don't stand for that. Dissent might suck, but you're going to suck it up and survive, because that's what the rest of us do, and that's what a discussion forum is for, and the blogs are still a discussion forum.


Now, that doesn't mean other members get to come in here and be all "HAHA, your club is STUPID and you're DUMB". We're still all about respect here, and I will get those members who come in here like that as well.


Fair is fair.


On top of that- if I see one more post in any blog on the site where someone is saying that acknowledging Bionicle's end is being disloyal and buying Hero Factory sets is disloyal (because TLG hasn't said that bringing Bionicle back would be contingent on their constraction figures selling well or anything, no sir!), I will also bring some hammers down. Because guess what? We don't allow that kind of immature taunting either. It's not disloyal to continue buying Bionicle's successor, because Bionicle is gone. If it comes back, it won't be because Hero Factory bombed, get it? If Hero Factory bombs, constraction figures like Bionicle are most likely gone.


So, to summarize:

  • No excluding members from clubs
  • No abusing your powers as blog runner
  • Respect other members
  • Respect other opinions
  • Don't rain on other people's well-intentioned parades
  • Hero Factory is not being disloyal
  • Discussion on that in the blogs ends NOW
  • Period
  • I will get you
  • Do not think I won't
  • Because I will
  • Love you guys!


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Now things are getting scary. I fear the club might face closure if this keeps up for not too much longer. :(

It won't if you follow the rules Deevs just laid out and all.

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I think BZPower should face the facts about now: BIONICLE is not going to come back, at least not for several years at the least. Why? Simple.


In 2001, LEGO made a big risk by marketing BIONICLE. Not a lot of buildable action figures were on the market, and there was a risk that it could flop. But it didn't, and that's what kept it going for about 10 years.


However, 10 years later, sales weren't as big as they used to be. From this, LEGO did their research and came up with two options.


1. People had lost interest in buildable action figures, and they just weren't selling anymore.


2. After 10 years, the storyline had gotten so complex that newcomers felt daunted at the massive amount of backlog. They tried rebooting it in 2009, but that still didn't help much.


So, that's why they created Hero Factory, which had a much more simpler story, in order to test which theory was right. Now, at this point, it can go two ways:


1. Hero Factory sells well. LEGO realizes that it was in fact the complex story that hindered sales, and continues to produce them.


2. Hero Factory flops. LEGO realizes that buildable action figures have lost their market and stop production of them.


Neither of them involves bringing BIONICLE back.


Now, that's not to say that LEGO will never bring them back, but the way things are looking, we'd better not be holding our breath. Really, it doesn't matter how much fans join the club, or how many petitions they send. LEGO is a business, which means that money comes first. It doesn't mean that they're money-hungry maniacs, or that they have no respect for their customers as long as they buy stuff. It simply means that, even though there may be a fan club with several thousand members, as long as they don't make more money, they don't produce the sets. They have families to feed and homes to take care of. BIONICLE was not selling as well for them, and no matter how big the fanbase was, there was not as many sales being made. They needed to cut losses while they could.


So yes. While I certainly wouldn't mind BIONICLE coming back, I can see LEGO's side of it as well. As a business, they do what they think is good for the company, and since we, the fanbase, weren't buying sets, they had to move on and try something new.



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Did they try asking the fanbase what they wantyed to see first? That might've helped Bionicle last a little longer.


Anyway, I'd just be glad if Bionicle came back at all, regardless of when. The main reason for all this stress is not knowing. Lego has yet to say when they'll bring it back, and that lack of info is what's stressing us out.

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If I might interject with a well-intentioned opinion..


If a toyline for children is stressing you out, I recommend finding some new hobbies. Y'all are taking BIONICLE way too seriously.


And they did, in fact, communicate directly with the fanbase for quite a while before BIONICLE's end - through the ambassadors, LEGO's own presence here through GregF and some others, and through a presence at some major conventions.


As Kahinuva said in his very well-written post (props to you, sir), LEGO ending BIONICLE was a business move. Simple as that. LEGO isn't going to sacrifice sales for the sake of the fans, because LEGO is a business. They do what they will for the sake of getting money to continue with whatever ventures they choose to pursue.

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