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True Fans Of Bionicle Club



I think everyone in my club should read this. There are many truths in it.


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I'm just trying to help. You say a lot of things that just don't make sense.

Your life doesn't make sense. I don't want your help.

@Takuma That entry has opened my eyes.

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Well, for one thing, that comeback. "Your life doesn't make sense?" Come on.

Your Bring Back Bionicle Club. It's over, and you guys are just berating Lego for more. 9-10 years was a great run, and in the end, it was getting stale. Just give it a rest.

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We have not sent one message to Lego. We are a club of members that would like to see Bionicle come back.

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You were obviously planning on it. And the whole idea is bad enough. You're acting like spoiled children. You've been getting this for so long, and the minute they stop, you come whining for more. It's their choice, and they made the smart one.

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I'm just trying to help. You say a lot of things that just don't make sense.

Your life doesn't make sense. I don't want your help.


I can't tell if this comeback is a joke.

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Please keep childish insults out of this.

And no, you have been. You guys keep trying to say what Lego needs to do. The reality is, it isn't coming back soon, and there's nothing you can do about it. It's time to move on.

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Really? It's not that hard. You say you're not whining, when you make a club complaining about Lego's choice to end Bionicle. Give it a rest.

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You know what? I am going to give it a rest. I'm done arguing for tonight. Come back tomorrow, and we can continue. Night. :)

Aaand were not whining. We just would like to see it come back.

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I have to agree with caliga. You are overreacting about a kids toy line. Lego didn't stop Bionicle because they were thinking "Oh let's upset all the older fans". They were thinking business. Marketing strategies, appeal of products. You guys are taking this way too hard, and just be lucky that the action figure line is being continued at all.
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