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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Year 13

About Space: Ocean of Awe

  • Birthday 08/18/1996

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    Where the underworld am I??
  • Interests
    Books: I won't bother trying to list my favourite books. Usually they're science fiction, but I love all genres, including nonfiction.

    Some TV shows I like:
    The Twilight Zone
    Twin Peaks
    Get Smart
    The Monkees
    Doctor Who
    My Little Pony
    My Favourite Martian
    The Dick Van Dyke Show
    The Outer Limits
    Surely there are others.

    Some movies that I very much loved that come to mind:
    2001: A Space Odyssey
    Napoleon Dynamite
    Star Wars movies
    The Harry Potter movies
    Ferris Bueller's Day Off
    Groundhog Day
    Mr Nobody
    October Sky
    The Party
    Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis movies
    A lot of old movies (including silent films)
    More, I'm sure, that escape my mind…

    Music. I like music. I also like nonsense that somehow manages to be more beautiful than excellently crafter music, for example the default Cisco call manager hold tone.

    Other things are awesome too, like Cabin Pressure (and really anything written by John Finnemore). Oh, and dreams. And science, philosophy, metaphysics, writing, reading, mountains, weird internet stuff, getting sucker punched by nostalgia.....

    I'm also currently studying physics as an undergrad. Ridiculously cool, and very good at robbing me of sleep (or is that procrastination?).

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Toa (14/293)

  1. I honestly lost it at "open mic night," and laughed solidly through the rest...I haven't laughed this hard in ages. Thank you for this! A+ work! xD
  2. There's so much magnificence here...I was drawn most to 2, 4, and 7, and making that final decision was tough, but I had to settle for Nitrui. Awesomely simple colour scheme, great structure.
  3. My hair turned grey just from reading this topic. Please someone get me a walker and a hearing aid At least I still have four months until I'm 20...
  4. Brakalatabasasta feed me

  5. A: "That's just the tip of the iceberg." B: "oh, so can the iceberg give me some more advice? I'd really appreciate it."

  6. Awesome, has a very G1 feel while still going beautifully with what we've seen of Okoto! I'm really digging the Region Of Earth theme (hahaha sorry bad pun). =)
  7. Hot dang, that was terrific! I love your prose, the way you describe everything...it's very tangible, but also streamlined. Oftentimes when I'm reading a story I have to kind of nudge myself onward, but with this, it would have taken quite an effort to tear myself away.
  8. I just found the perfect username, but this one's too nostalgic to be changed. I did change up my twitter and tumblr though. Too great a username to pass up.

  9. Wow. "Impressed" does no justice to my current state of being. I'm awed, in love...I just want to keep looking at him. And he's even got the Island of Mata Nui on his face! Your use of different shades of brown and grey also gives a good effect of layering and detail. And the face...*shakes head in awe* =)
  10. Ah, hey fellow WriMos! How's it going for you guys now that we're almost two thirds of the way through? Lately I've been falling behind a bit due to school (why must it be in November of all months...the busiest part of the semester DX). I wasn't sure whether I wanted to participate NaNoWriMo, but about a week before, during my fall break, I suddenly got a fresh batch of inspiration for an old story that I wanted to write but didn't have a strong enough plot for. It features a terraforming colony, first contact with alien life (in the form of unicellular organisms), and spaceships. Although right now it's an unholy mess that nobody should ever be burdened with reading; my writing style is all over the place, same with the plot and characters, and the list of things I'm going to have to go back and change after I get this first draft finished is probably as long as the novel itself XD...but I guess they do always say that the first draft is pretty much supposed to be a pile of nonsense. I like all three of your ideas, but this one is my favourite! Unfortunately I don't really have any ideas for fleshing them out right now...how are they coming along? Anyhow. Back to writing that lab report, and hopefully being able to meet the minimum word count for today (before I fall even farther behind)... =)
  11. Worse than the Good Guys?? I think not. Is chocolate the greatest substance in existence? (Hint: there's only one answer).
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