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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Ha! It's generally not that bad, but some teachers think it's their job to overload you with work. As long as you manage your time well and don't let stuff sneak up on you, you should do better than me.
    2 points
  2. I was gonna say you should email your teacher 'bout it, but hurrah! It's awesome that you got it to go through. Computerized schoolwork is the bane of my existence, I hate hate hate it. Something always goes wrong.
    2 points
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS24cRe4dOs Lights out Boys sleepwalking on the weekend Black out Two nights killing off a best friend Fall out like soldiers walking off the deep end Hands out Don't stop marching 'til the hearts rend The time goes by And sets the stage They play their parts And act their age They never forget the lines that they say Speaking slowly I promise you one day I promise you always We'll make it out one day I promise you always Nights out Girls keep walking on the east end White out Two lights shining on a dead end Drawn out Like circles trailing off the pavement Stand out Don't stop marching 'til the hearts mend As time goes by Reset the stage We play the parts And act our age We'll never forget the words that they'd say Talking slowly I promise you one day I promise you always We'll make it out one day I promise you always
    2 points
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEKVXFhTQEo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFPRoL-QSVg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9dGJlh1QKw Both of these pieces will be included in an upcoming album/set of albums. -Rez
    1 point
  5. So far this semester, a combination of snow days, gas leaks, taxi accidents, and miscellaneous teacher excuses have led to all of my classes having been cancelled at least twice, some more. Today's animation class was cancelled for whatever reason, putting us a solid month behind in that class. Not only did we lose 4-5 weeks of the most crucial class to our future careers, but we were supposed to have the best computer animation teacher in the school (this guy won multiple Emmy's!) until he got in an accident/went on temporary leave right at the beginning of the semester, leaving us with a replacement teacher who, while he's good at what he does and has made a ton of commercials and stuff for Framestore, has never been a teacher before, ever, and does not know anything but animation and isn't thaaat great of a teacher and was, as far as I can tell, totally unprepared to be thrown into this. This guy is in his twenties, late twenties tops. He sends us funny emails with animated gifs at the end, and his gmail icon is an awesomeface-pikachu. He's taught us the heck out of animating balls, pendulums, walk cycles, and pose-to-pose animation, but this is all stuff we should have gotten out of the way in like a month and a half or two months at the most, and he cannot teach us basic modeling, rigging, lighting, or rendering. Basically, we are pretttyyyy screwed. I'm gonna have to spend my summer self-teaching through tutorials I'll have to steal from the computer labs' servers just to catch up to every other computer animation class :/ I'm just really, really frustrated. My grades prolly won't fare too well this semester either, 'cause I was dealing with the insane amount of work we had to do in our new digital video class and personal and work things, and started falling behind on my essays in literature class and started coming late to class and being absent once or twice in prolly every class besides art history. I know there's no way I'll match my 3.8 GPA from last semester, and I'm gonna do my best to make up for all the lost time and work in these last couple weeks and prolly do some hardcore pleading just to stay on the Deans List. I know everyone told me freshman year doesn't really matter as long as I don't fail pretty much, but I really really wanted to hit a nice 4.0 this time around and get as many merit scholarships as possible, and I just reeaally dropped the ball this semester and it doesn't help that all my teachers got lazier and I've been learning a lot less in those classes and my new classes are a bunch more time consuming and harsh than the ones they replaced. And the fact that all my classes got cancelled like a whole bunch of times. *siiiggghhh* Sorry for the rant. It's all really frustrating and I'm really worried about everything, and for around $40K a year I would like to get my money's worth. I know it's mostly just bad luck this time around, I'm sure everything will go a lot more smoothly next year. I live an hour away from the school so I'm far away from all my school friends and anyone who I could hang out with just for company and mutual angst, 'cause almost everyone else dorms, and being out of the loop of dorm life and fun stuff that happens in the area bums me out too. Being on BZP again has been great fun and it's been helping me out a lot with all the stress, so hurray, y'all are the best
    1 point
  6. I'm with you in general. I will say that Rotor made 2010 very worth it, and I did love the 2010 hero's aesthetic more than any subsequent line, if not their parts.
    1 point
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