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25K Now!

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Status Updates posted by 25K Now!

  1. Hey V-3. Need you to respond to Arkrak attempting to punch Chronn in the head.

  2. If I make ten posts a day, I guess I could hit 25k in half a year.

    1. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      haha so this is the power of regret

  3. "Thankfully, a quick WebMD later, you've concluded that you do not, in fact, have rabies."

  4. Hey there Chibi. How have you been recently?

    1. Chibinuva


      I've been fairly good, minus the cold I came down with yesterday. I've just sort of migrated to another forum, leaving my account here to collect cobwebs. :P

  5. Welcome to BZPower. Have a nice time here.

    1. Batman2288


      thanks for the welcome, I am familiar with bzpower. It has been a long time

  6. you may have the skill, but i'm better looking!

  7. Now imagining Nokama as a tsundere. Because sharing voice actor with Shana. Nyuuuuu.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      ...But who was she hostile to before warming up? She actually didn't seem -that- annoyed with Matau, more dismissive.

  8. what is wi-fi. how do i wireless.

    1. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      such wires

      much Internet



  9. Make it so.

    1. sunflower


      Cap'n, I recommend we fire photon torpedoes.

  10. toatc ... ? Wow, didn't recognise you with the name change.

    1. Tabby: Toa of Cats

      Tabby: Toa of Cats

      Yes. That's originally what toatc stood for. I should really check my profile feed more often.

  11. 7.8/10 Too much water.

    1. Razgriz


      nothing about the trumpets?



      go sit on a tentacool

  12. As of 8:25 PM AEST, I have exactly 602 to go.

    1. NorikSigma


      Eyes on the prize, mah boi.

  13. Hey Pirok, you need to get Inc to reply to Arkrak in the Onu-Wahi topic. They need to plan for Nex's imminent attack.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      I know. He's already planning. He's good at planning. =P

  14. Can moths suffocate?

    1. Voltex


      Can a Platypus sing?

  15. That moment when you realise you're pretty much wasting away from constant use of BZP and decide to ditch it.

    1. ~Xemnas~


      Wait, are you leaving? Nuuuuu! I won't let you!

  16. supaaaaah inaaaaazumaaaaa kiiiiiiiick

    1. Franco



  17. "When in doubt, ignore American English."

  18. Roses are red, violets are blue; I'm a caustic berk who's probably a jerk.

    1. Razgriz


      but ur my jerk


      <3 sempai

  19. Spending close to an hour trying and failing to cook instant noodles was not what I imagined my day to be like.

    1. Razgriz


      i warned you

  20. Things to do: Try to find a timeline for the Megami Tensei universe.

    1. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      Actually, screw it. There are too many games, and supposedly every ending is canonical. I'll just stick to the Shin Megami Tensei: If ... timeline, which consists of If ... -> Persona -> Persona 2: Innocent Sin, which leads to a sorta world reboot, creating the timeline of If ... -> Persona -> Persona 2: Eternal Punishment -> Persona 3 -> Persona 4.

  21. Naona: 33.3 ...% Katina Tarask, 33.3 ...% Kai Kitamura, 33.3 ...% Nanoha Takamichi and 100% Distilled Essence of Hubert's Younger Sister

    1. a goose

      a goose



  22. master SPAAAHHKKKKU~!

    1. Katuko


      ☆ Gomenesai, Marisa... ;_;

  23. Oh hey you're alive again!

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yep. Probably. I think I am. Probably not though.


      Hi Hubert.

  24. Annona was a Roman goddess of grain supply. Annona is a hungry abomination. GENIUS.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I think you may have made a cool discovery here...

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