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Based Goomy

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Everything posted by Based Goomy

  1. This MOC has great flow, and I love the way you used the pieces in this one. You always seem to have a unique way of using your parts. The only thing I could recommend is giving him coloured eyes, as opposed to those black Bohrok teeth. Great job buddy!
  2. Bought it at BrickCon this year, and it is one of my favourite sets. Loved the review guys!
  3. Wow. I've been playing a lot of bass lately...

  4. Looks like a super set! I'll look into purchasing it.
  5. I have acquired some lovely pieces on here. I have also met some lovely people.
  6. I loved Lhikan so much, but I guess his death was essential.
  7. 5 Dollars (including shipping) for the two? PS I'm in Canada
  8. Would you be willing to sell me the 2 kraata by themselves?Also, is the head yellow and the tail black, as opposed to vise versa. I'm looking for one that has the yellow head.
  9. So I ordered a Voya Gold Kraahkan from someone on BZP last week. I've always wanted one, but I never knew where they came from. So where do they come from?
  10. What is that silver Kirop mask?
  11. Well, not really leaving. I will still be active in the B/S/T forums. More or less, I am not going to be active in the rest of the forums or the blogs. My life has taken turns and I am not really interested in BZP anymore. If you made my stay on here nice, thank you.
  12. I supposed they suited the show. Nothing overly special though.
  13. I'll take the Pearl Gold Kraakhan. I'm in Canada, so I'll throw in a dollar for shipping (should be a tiny package). If you don't get back to me today I wont be able to pay you until the 29th; I'm going away for a week. Also would it be through paypal?
  14. I'm With You is a great CD

  15. I watched a few episodes of My Little Pony. I dont get it. Why is this show so popular?
  16. The first set I ever got was Turaga Onewa. I've been hooked ever since.
  17. Once bought a Toa Mata from a garage sale for a dollar.
  18. It's not that I dislike any forums, I just don't visit certain ones. Comedies and Comics are two that I don't often view.
  19. Yeah, they should have made the legs similar. The part supply is quite nice though.
  20. Why do people actually want BIONICLE back? They seem to go on and on about wanting it back, continuously bashing Hero Factory in the process, but there is never a reason for the desire of its return.
  21. They look alright. Might pick up a few of 'em, particularly Thornraxx and Toxic Reapa. Black Phantom looks familiar, have I seem him before?
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