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Everything posted by Hordaki

  1. Granted, you get a tack that's blue, and nothing else. I wish I could afford anything I want.
  2. Granted, but it only affects the things I've already wished for. So my future wishes can't blow up. I wish people would stop blogging/tweeting/whatevering about the apocolypse.
  3. Granted. You're less cruel by 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%. I wish I had the Ocarina of Time.
  4. Granted, so you get hit by a moon. I wish I was Tahu.
  5. Granted, but it starts piling up and blocks all the exits of your house. I wish I had an Olmak.
  6. Granted, but they reappear in your house. I wish I could talk to animals.
  7. Granted, it has no flavor. I wish I wasn't stressed right now.
  8. Granted, but you have no way of sharing them. I wish I had a replica Majora's Mask.
  9. Granted, you don't have handsome wolves anymore. I wish I had a TARDIS.
  10. Granted, but it's against BZP rules so you can't post it. I wish I had better focus.
  11. Granted. It's a One Direction/Twilight crossover fanfic and it's 501 words. I wish I could see The Hobbit.
  12. Granted, but since everyone knows it, that hologram system is cliche and nobody uses it. I wish people would realize the world isn't going to end next week on the 21st.
  13. Granted, but you lose all your sentience and memory of your former life. I wish I had a pancake.
  14. Granted, but you fall on a wooden stake and die. I wish someone would grant this wish.
  15. Granted, but only one set is released, and it's only available in Madagascar. I wish Haters wouldn't hate.
  16. Granted. Your name is God. You're not a god though. I wish I could train monkeys to juggle bicycles.
  17. Granted. Time is frozen, and can never start back up. EVER. But at least you have free time. I wish Ponyville (FiM version) was a real place that you could visit.
  18. Granted, you fall asleep for a thousand years and when you wake up you aren't tired. I wish I had a pet Dalek (That couldn't kill me or anyone else.)
  19. Granted, but you have no idea how to use it. I wish you a merry Christmas.
  20. Granted. But now the human race is extinct because we couldn't stop them. I wish I could concentrate better.
  21. Granted, but the wings are so huge they weigh you down and you can't move. And no one will help you because your wings and horns freak them out. I wish homework was illegal.
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