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Everything posted by Hordaki

  1. Granted, nothing happens. I wish I had my drivers license.
  2. Artakha cooks a fabulous french dinner for everyone there. The Toa Metru fight Teridax.
  3. I use a Kanohi Crast to force the mask out of your hands, and then I shoot you into the next galaxy. My mask.
  4. Out comes Doctor minifigures. In goes the Toa Hordika and the Mane 6 (from My Little Pony).
  5. Granted. Now you're a pushover and can't say no. I wish to suffer all of the fates that have been suffered in the history of this game.
  6. I fly by in my Axalara T9, destroy your ship, take the mask, and fly to the nearest planet. Mine.
  7. Out comes Toa Hordika Nokama. In goes Tahu Nuva and Lewa Mata in a minivan.
  8. Granted. It gets hacked. I wish for something to wish for.
  9. Granted, but you can't write or type. I wish to see the world burn.
  10. Granted. They give you food poisoning. I wish to see the world burn.
  11. Granted. You're half-creeper instead. I wish I was half dragon.
  12. Granted, but now everyone's addicted to corrupting wishes. I wish people would realize Call of Duty isn't really that good.
  13. Well, we got a new forum, Off Topic Culture, and the tracker, in case you have problems with the site.
  14. Granted, it blows up everything on earth but you. I wish I had a sonic screwdriver.
  15. Granted, but you break all your Pokemon games. I wish I wasn't so tired.
  16. Granted, but it rips a hole in the fabric of time/space the size of Belgium. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
  17. Granted, but when you pick it up you get hit by a bus. I wish people would realize that pie-flavored pie is just pie.
  18. Granted, but you have so many wishes you spend the rest of your life sorting through them. I wish for an alternative for pie-flavored pie.
  19. Granted. It crashes into your house. I wish I had a pie-flavored pie.
  20. Granted. It takes over the world and enslaves humanity. I wish humanity could overthrow our new Pie overlords.
  21. Granted, but I get it. I wish for pie (that has a more creative corruption than "Pie-flavored").
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