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Everything posted by Hordaki

  1. Congratulations, ShadowVeson. I guess this means you win. You get to keep the mask in your own secret reality, far away from anyone who would want to take it. But in the newly-rebooted prime reality, I have the mask. If you ever want to come back for another, you know where to find us. But until then... My mask.
  2. Very well executed plan, Neo ShadowVezon. However, you forgot one thing; the prime reality is being torn apart by time paradoxes as we speak. The destruction of an entire reality would destroy anything originating from it. You watch helplessly as both you and the mask fade away and disappear, along with everyone else from this reality. Once our reality has been decimated completely, a new reality takes its place, one almost exactly like the original. The new Hordaki (henceforth referred to as 'myself') grabs the new mask from the new Toa Onaku. My mask.
  3. Kualus. Was planned to become a Toa of Shadow.
  4. Granted, but you lose two points because the staff think you hacked it. I wish M. Night Shyamalan never directed The Last Airbender.
  5. Hewkii. Went by the fake title of Toa of Anarchy.
  6. Granted, but since the Iron Spider wish was ninja'd, your wish is null and void. Now let's try this again... I wish I had a fully-funcional Iron Spider suit.
  7. Was sent to Mars to find the home of the aliens SETI, the UN, and HASBRO accidentally declared war on. SETI, the UN, and HASBRO.
  8. Luckily the flower field I was left in was in an alternate dimension, allowing me to continue existing after you changed history. I teleport back, grab the mask while you weren't looking, steal the time machine, and travel ten-thousand years into the future. My mask.
  9. Is a sleeper agent that SETI, the UN, and HASBRO hid within the army of the aliens that they declared war on. His purpose is to demotivate the other aliens and keep them from attacking Earth. LEGO Ideas
  10. Granted, but you never get to hear it. I wish I had a fully-funcional Iron Spider suit.
  11. Morbuzahk? Has 1000 ways to kill you, and 941 of them hurt.
  12. Good thing I have a Kanohi Olmak so I can travel out of the NoEnd House and into the Highest Realm, grabbing the mask with my mad fighting skills and using the Olmak to send you to the bottom of the Marianas Trench. My mask.
  13. Oops, I spilled the oil and you fell and broke your back. Mine.
  14. Too bad you drop your invisible revolver and can't find it. Luckily, my revolvers are completely visible, so you get to see them before I shoot you in the foot, grab the mask, and run as far as I can away from the cave. My mask.
  15. (9 = Nine, last letter = E) Earthshock Drills
  16. Granted, but they're all spam and you get banned from BZP. I wish LEGO would make a Legend of Zelda set.
  17. Granted. It's so fast it runs away from you. I wish I could duplicate things.
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