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Everything posted by Hordaki

  1. Out comes Kohlii. In goes all four BIONICLE movies.
  2. Granted, but by being a wolf, you lose your ability to use anything man-made or communicate with your loved ones. And the other wolves don't like you. I wish Smash Bros 4 will have Dr. Mario as a playable character.
  3. Granted, but it's rusted, smells like sweaty socks, has no engine or wheels, and has a family of rabid squirrels living in the glovebox. I wish money grew on trees.
  4. I'd like to see a Kingdom Hearts-style game where you travel to different worlds based on (non-licensed) LEGO themes both new, like Ninjago, Chima, and City, and old, like Space, Alpha Team, and Western, to stop the villain from destroying everything. You could customize a character and play with friends, and level up that character. Another game I'd like to see is a new LEGO Racers game, preferably with online racing and an online store to share karts. While an open-world Bionicle action game would be cool, it's unlikely that one would be made unless Bionicle comes back. But maybe a Hero Factory game like that could work instead, with you building your own Hero and going on missions. Throw in online multiplayer and you could have a hit.
  5. Granted. He calls it an abomination and you are ashamed for life. I wish that wishes wished within a wish would wish wished wishes.
  6. Granted, but it can only hold 0.01 gallons at a time, meaning you have to refuel it every 3 miles. I wish I was out of school.
  7. Granted, but it never gets finished. Ever. I wish I had my own personal Dalek (that wouldn't kill me).
  8. Is a real monster and the movies were documentaries, but the Japanese government destroyed all the evidence that it really existed. Super Smash Bros
  9. Granted, but she breaks up with you a day later and takes all your stuff. I wish Michael Bay would stop making Transformers movies.
  10. Granted. Too bad that includes the spider's ability to get squished by a shoe. SPLAT. I wish I had $10.
  11. Granted, but you're so good at them they aren't fun anymore. I wish I had superhuman strength and agility (and wouldn't be taken away by the government for dissection).
  12. Granted, now it's too small. I wish I could stop procrastinating.
  13. Granted, you did instead. I wish I could sleep.
  14. Granted. This was it. I wish for more time to study.
  15. Yo Yo Yo Yo Home Skillet and This is the best name I could think of.
  16. Squishyfroakie Squishyveltal
  17. Hordaki

    ask squishy

    What's your favorite Starter Pokemon of Gen VI?
  18. Hordaki

    It's Official

    So they're taking an existing and popular character, giving her new powers and a few cosmetic updates, and re-releasing her to sell more toys? Seems familiar...
  19. Granted, but a bird eats it. I wish for no homework while still getting the equivilent amout of knoledge.
  20. Granted, It's 1cm larger than the second largest pillow. I wish to stop procrastinating.
  21. Granted, water kills you now. I wish I had a Wii U.
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