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Everything posted by BenLuke

  1. So, has anyone started editing the new wiki yet?
  2. IC: (Kethrye)" Yes, after he escaped arrest I followed him to Le-Wahi and ran into the Island Liberation Front while searchingfor him," Kethrye said, drawing his axe in case Voriki tried to escape. " By some coincidence the suspect had alsojoined group. Took my while to recognize him."
  3. IC: (Kethrye "Yes, that does sound far fetched," Kethrye said. " Wait, your name is Divan? I remember you from Onu-Koro!"He narrowing his eye again. " Voriki is the murderer!"
  4. IC: " So, er, are we going to start constructing the koro now?" Kethrye said, trying to get the rest of the groupto post.OOC: There goes the Fourth Wall...
  5. Bionicle Legends was the best series overall.I don't understand why people love Time Trap so much; it was great, sure, but not as great as everybody makes itout to be.
  6. Bionice.HF looks like it contains more tech at first glance due to the more blatant Sci Fi elements, But on closer inspection it pales in comparison to Bionicle, which has technology so advanced it's basicly magic.
  7. Star Trek: First Contact.Something about that movie makes me think " 90's", which is odd considering I was not around formost of the 90's.
  8. I voted 'new'.Nostalgic I am not. Apart from Rock Raiders, I have plenty of nostalgia from Rock Raiders.
  9. Yes, yes I would like Bionicle to return.I don't really care if it never does, though. As long as Lego produce some sort of Bionicle-ish line (such as HeroFactory.) I'm happy.
  10. This make me laugh. I agree with you."The Makuta" always sounded like a title, Teridax sounds like a "real" name.
  11. IC: Kethrye swun around and narrowed his eyes at Voriki. " Even though I doubt you'rethe serial killer I battled before," he said. " Doesn't mean I like you, or even trust you,in fact."
  12. I've already read I, Jedi and most of Zahn's work. Today I purchased the first Curuscant Nights book. Looks interesting.Probably get to reading NJO sometime in the future; I need a brake from really long series after finishing X-wing.
  13. IC: Kethrye was starting to have his doubt his earlier theory. " Well, the murderer was moving pretty fast during the fight I had with him in Onu-Koro, so it's possible Voriki is not the criminal and just has the misfortune of looking a bit like him." Kethrye said. " So, I guess he probably is not the being that went on a killing spree... Voriki and the criminal just looks similar," he said,glancing apologetically at Voriki. OOC: 34 user(s) are reading this topic1 members, 33 guests, 0 anonymous users [*]BenLuke-116What? Why are so many guests reading this topic?
  14. I like it when Lego themes have a story of some sort, although it usually doesn't affect what sets I purchase. I buy a set because it looks cool or because it comes with useful pieces.
  15. IC: "See! I told you all before; Voriki's a murderer and needs to face punishment for hisdeeds." Kethrye said, glaring at the criminal.
  16. Galactic civilization II? I'm not spending time I should spend posting in the BZPRPG playing it, really. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/fear.gif
  17. Titan E.A:The movie is great, although the mix of 2d and 3d animation looks really dated in some places.
  18. IC: " Is there anything of value within that area?" Kethyre asked. " Because if there is not, wouldn't your efforts bebetter used elsewhere."
  19. IC: " Probably, but I doubt they will have any reason to try and kill us," Kethrye said. " By the time they're done fightingover the remains of Ferrin's organisation thoughts of taking revenge against will have hopefully left their collectiveminds." He grinned. " Besides, even if they did come after us; defeating them would not be difficult."
  20. Finished X-Wing: Solo command recently. After I finish the X-Wing books I'm considering starting New Jedi Order.Besides Stockpole's and Allston's novels what other books from that series are worth purchasing?
  21. IC:" An extra weapon could come in handy," Kethrye said. Handing the mace to Onyx. " And unless Ledzel returnswith a Ta-Matoran weapons-maker, I think it best to reuse whatever armament we can find."
  22. I wasn't talking about them, but good point.
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