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Status Updates posted by Cambion

  1. ^_^

    Merry Christmas man. Or happy Christmas, I guess, as you're European. :P

  2. ~Cyborg~ already made Poseidon. Check the list to see what's been taken.

  3. ███████████

    1. Sinclair


      are you kidding me

    2. Cambion



  4. 1. Update blog more. 2. ??? 3. PROFIT

  5. 3 days left to enter...

  6. 8-bit rock. Need I say more?

  7. A little late for the Wat The Cee fad. :P

  8. About the mask? I did.

  9. Actually no, it's not. I just checked. ;)

  10. Actually, ALL of them are named after R&C locations, from all 9 games(I think). I'm terrible at thinking up my own names, so I just try to pick a R&C one that fits.

  11. Ah.

    ...I NEED ONE!

  12. Ah. And obviously he doesn't know squat about MSPA. :P


    In addition to being an editor, I'm going to try to get a guest host position on a couple episodes, and maybe a MOCist interview or two.

  13. AHA! I have exposed the lurker!...Wait, what? Never mind. Actually, I tend to lurk too. For a while I was obsessed with getting to Turaga rank and posted the heck outta my computer, but now I just lurk and watch the goings-on. It's fun. :P BTW, I like your Tuyet audition.

  14. Aho-Chan is a guy. His profile gender is not correct. Just so ya know.

  15. aim

    1. Xaeraz
    2. Xaeraz
    3. Xaeraz



  16. all these people are ranking gali as their least favourite toa..smh

  17. Alright, what's your av/p-pic theme now? When I first saw you, it was Mario, then Professor Layton. But what's "Here's your mail" from?

  18. also i need to go and get up to date wih homestuck :/

  19. also




    am i typing fast enough

  20. and after two years i have finally reached the next post rank

  21. And also, where do you get all those funny statements that are in your sig?

  22. Anything that happens, happens. Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again. It doesn't necessarily do it in chronological order, though.

  23. are you on skype

  24. Are you the only Bleach fan on the staff?

  25. Argh, I wanted to change to twinArmageddons next. Any chance you'll be changing again soon?

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