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Peach 00

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Blog Comments posted by Peach 00

  1. I'd show them to you, but they were waaay too fast to catch a photo of. Besides, they were in oncoming traffic, so they'd be impossible to take a picture of. =/ And agreed.


    He was probably the best actor out of all of them, but yeah, the script was pretty bad. Natalie Portman wasn't too bad, I liked her better in Episode I and II. Also, yeah, I've seen the guy who did Obi Wan in another movie, which he was pretty good in, which proves it was probably the script.


    Also, yesss, so true. If you like the older characters, though, you ought to check out Timothy Zahn's books, specifically the Thrawn trilogy (Heir to the Empire, etc.). Awesome writer. ^^

  2. Need to go read it. Good luck in the contest, I sadly won't be entering due to school, and I never asked my parents for complete confirmation that I could join. Besides, writer's block has a tendency to really put a damper on things. <_<


    But, enough about me, good luck. It'd be awesome if you were to win. :D

  3. Me, too. That is the definition of an awesome supercar. ;_; I can't recall if it was in that burnt orange color or not, though, although I'm pretty sure one of them was. But, still, the Panoz car I saw is a pretty nice car - I'm pretty sure it was an LMP version, which is specifically a rare sight where I live.


    I sat in a Ferrari Scaglietti once on my birthday a couple of years ago. Giving the guy at the dealership the puppy-dog look allowed me that pleasure. :P

  4. Red and black = Cool. ^^ And, hopefully everything will turn out okay with your friend...also, hate to pry into personal business, but what's he flying to Abu Dhabi for? You don't have to answer it, but it's kind of my natural curiosity. =P

  5. LEGO should have grounds for a lawsuit on this, it being copyright infringement in all. Even if they consented to this, it's still wrong. Plus, the fact that nobody was informed or made aware of this? This is pretty big stuff, one way or another.


    Not sure how many have downloaded some of these stories, but if there were more than ten downloads, that's at least two hundred dollars in all that this 'Wikia' has been making.


    And, I agree with Chols. Contact Amazon ASAP - the sooner, the better.

  6. Heh, good luck on that. You can publish books on Amazon for $5-$7, although I think they still get ten percent of it. Either way, you get your book published, along with money with it - not sure how they have it like an actual book and not in eBook/Kindle. =/ Still, it's one way of publishing instead of going to publishers or whatever.


    Still, if you succeed, I'd be interested in the book. ^^ And, it isn't mine either, but thirty bucks is a little steep for me. I only have twenty as it is. :P

  7. Me, too. Lots of people complain about lack of discussion in the voting booth, but that's only because most of them think their limited to voting and saying what they voted. =/


    Also, yeah, I think there was a chance of rain at some point. But I think there was a snow front moving in where I am, so I might get lucky. ^^

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