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Peach 00

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Blog Comments posted by Peach 00

  1. Mmkay, I should review 'What Lurks Below' tonight. I might split my review for Wings in half, so it'll be easier I guess, lol. Thanks though. ^_^
    =D I'd hold off on Wings for a couple days: I'm updating either tonight or tomorrow.-Inferna


    OK. I'll see if I can review it about on Thursday/Wednesday night. =]

  2. That was very good. =) It was very well written, and a pretty good change of pace to read something from a first-person perspective. And the ending was very good as well, a nice resolution to the story. And well, it's good to see a story that has a peaceful setting and mood.Overall, that was a very good read. =D


    Thanks. ^^ I love writing in the first person, because it's a more in-depth view of a story. Besides, I like sometimes living through some characters, expressing what I would do in the situation and what I'd say. It's a fun experiment. ^_^


    I'm so impressed with this. Really your descriptions always blow me away. I could literally see the snowy woods and that's a feat considering we don't get much snow where we live. I would have never thought to add those details.


    As for characters, they really work and are touching. I felt at first when Sarah explained her backstory it was a little blunt. But then after rethinking it, kids can be that expressive and overall it worked out well.


    Best line: My brothers, with their usual curiosity and caring nature (which they only adopted after I joined them at the house), asked me how the day went.


    I loved that one. Nice work as always Peach.


    Thanks, and it is for me, too. Where I live, I never get snow either, maybe only an inch or two, lol. But then I thought of when I got an irregularly large amount of snow last year and just thought of that landscape. :P And, you could have. Never underrestimate yourself. ; )


    Well, I wanted to get Sarah to look smarter and more of an intellectual compared to others her age, so the two friends could get along, despite the age difference. So, at least I'm glad it worked out. ^^


    That was my favorite, too. And thanks, Grant, it's always nice to know I'll have you reading my works. :)

  3. I will eventually, too. =]


    That's true. In the library, that doesn't really harm anyone, unless the stories go off the pages and you have to wait for somebody to dig them up in your library or something, lol. In the comics and BBC forums, that does hurt people. In BBC I'd say there shouldn't be any limit, though, althoguh comics can usually fend for themselves with a revival limit. :P


    Indeed. =)

  4. That's the thing, I suppose. People also need to look at the things that aren't always very good, so that way they can help the person improve. Even if it's good or not good, others need to realize they tried their best, and will try their even better next time.


    You should, as well as others and myself. Technically, the reviews and critiscizing for most creative people is enough for them to become a writer or artist or even builder as a secondary talent for the future.

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