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Peach 00

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Blog Comments posted by Peach 00

  1. Technically, the fad going on before the downtime was way more inappropriate than what's going on now. Even though it's people kissing, it's stuff that, if a kid was on a computer scrolling down the page and his parents saw those images, they'd probably ban him from going on there. That's not the type of stuff that should be on a kids' website.


    Plus, girls in bikinis can be a little inappropriate for again, a kids' website. Those are the type of images that can have a much, much more wider span of inappropriate comments, but people started to act a little less mature about MLP apparently.


    Still, the two subjects aforementioned are more inappropriate than wet manes MLP could be at the moment, but that's only if people were to act maturely about this.

  2. Now, of course those are good reasons. But seriously, why did you first watch it? Because everybody else was talking about it and because everybody else thought it was cool you had to watch it? Kind of answer all the questions, if you please.

  3. I think people are going over the edge on this, some people are thinking MLP to be the wrong thing sometimes.


    I don't have a comment on the wet mane pony thing except that the people that even think that this is somewhat seductive or appealing in some mannerism should keep it to themselves and keep it off a kids' website. Stupid that they should even think it, yes, but it shouldn't be on here.


    Plus, I'd say stop posting these blog entries, guys. You're going to get closer and closer to getting in trouble - DV has already locked several entries for this topic of discussion. We can't do much about it but just deal with it.

  4. I seriously think you're taking this too seriously. Fads come and go, and people have difference in opinion. You can't force people to like Bionicle, they might favor something else.


    And I doubt Bionicle will ever be revived, it's been dead for almost two years - and a mere twenty-seven members from this site isn't going to bring it back. Neither is the few thousand out there - If LEGO hasn't brought it back instantly, it probably isn't going to come back.


    Besides, people grow up and get too busy to play with a children's toyline. Most of the people that were 8 ten years ago are paying closer attention to the future, careers, college - when are they going to have time to think about this?

  5. Be happy you don't live in canada.


    Granted, we've had a late winter, as it's melting in December, which is unheard of, especially in Alberta.


    Usually our winters start with about five feet of snow in october, persisting till March, and all the while we sit at around negative twenty to fourty degrees celcius.


    Ugh...that sounds pretty bad. That makes the weather I'm having sound like summer time compared to that. Of course, snow is always awesome, it's just the temperatures that hurt. >_<

  6. I am right there with you. I want snow soooooooo badly.


    I know - for me, living down south really stinks during the winter. You don't get snow until the very end of December. =[


    I got some but it didn't stick.Still too early IMO.


    True, too early. I did get sleet at one point, which was kind of cool, but that was in November. Now it's December and it's warmer than it was in November. ;_;

  7. Believe it or not, I actually made a really beautiful necklace for my grandmother. I made it, like, a month ago, but I have it wrapped and everything. Just waiting for Christmas to come around. ^^


    Still, good list. Specially made gifts are always the best - they can be treasured and last forever, whether in memory, spirit, or in a physical manner. :)



    ...No? :P


    Whoa you're only twelve? [/stereotypical reaction]But yeah I thought you were a teenager. :PAlso human Bionicle stories are awesome... (I wrote one B) )


    Heh, actually there are a few people I know that have mistaken me for thirteen or fifteen. That was when I was about nine or ten. :P


    Then that totally makes you cool. B)

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